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2015年8月至今: www.优德88.cpm 心血管病研究所副教授、硕士研究生导师 2020年5月至2023年6月: www.优德88.cpm 苏州医学院心血管研究所支部委员会 党支部书记 2012年1月至2014年2月: 美国 North Carolina State University 博士后助理研究员 2008年9月至2011年6月: 武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院 工学博士 2009年9月至2011年6月: 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所 访问学生 2005年9月至2008年6月: 武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院 工学硕士 2006年10月至2007年9月: 加拿大McMaster University 访问学者 2001年9月至2005年6月: 武汉理工大学化学工程学院 工学学士
职称:副教授 院部/部门:www.优德88.cpm 心血管病研究所 学历:博士 学位:博士 毕业学校:武汉理工大学 毕业专业:生物材料学
通讯地址:干将东路178号www.优德88.cpm 北校区机物楼407 邮政编码: 电子邮箱:zhangyanxia@suda.edu.cn 联系电话:0512-67781961 传真号码: 办公地点:www.优德88.cpm 心血管病研究所
1. 小口径人工血管兔子颈动脉置换 2.控释功能因子的可注射水凝胶治疗心梗 3.功能性补片治疗心梗
一、入职苏大后发表SCI论文 (2015.08——至今40余篇)1.2025年发表文章
1) D. Jia, Y. Zou, J. Cheng, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, K. Lu, H. Chen, Y. Zhang*, Q. Yu*, Multifunctional nanoplatform with disruption and killing function to improve the efficiency of conventional antibiotics for biofilm eradication. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2025, 205, 98-108.
2.2024年发表文章1) Zhang L, Shao L, Li J,Zhang Y*, Shen Z*, Annexin A1-Loaded Alginate Hydrogel Promotes Cardiac Repair via Modulation of Macrophage Phenotypes after Myocardial Infarction. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2024. 10, 3232−3241. 2) Y. Qu, Y. Zou, G. Wang*,Y. Zhang*, Q. Yu*, Disruption of Communication: Recent Advances in Antibiofilm Materials with Anti-Quorum Sensing Properties, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16, 13353-13383. 3) X. Wang, J. Wang,Y. Zhang*, Y. Yu*, Z. Shen*, A fibrin patch loaded with mesenchymal stem cells-derived exosomes improves cardiac functions after myocardial infarction. Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 2024, 59, 100775. 4) Y. Wu#, J. Yang#, H. Shen#, J. Zhu, F. Zhang, X. Ren, Y. Xu, X. Zhao, J. Li, H. Huang,Y. Zhang*, Z. Jiang*, M. Tang*, Z. Shen*, A New and Practical Model of Human-Like Ascending Aorta Aneurysm in Rats, Cells Tissues Organs, 202, 1-10. 5)H. Zhang, Y. Zou, K. Lu, Y. Wu, Y. Lin, J. Cheng, C. Liu, H. Chen,Y. Zhang*and Q. Yu*, A nanoplatform with oxygen self-supplying and heat-sensitizing capabilities enhances the efficacy of photodynamic therapy in eradicating multidrug-resistant biofilms, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 169, 209-219. 6) J. Cheng, H. Zhang, K. Lu, Y. Zou, D. Jia, H. Yang, H. Chen,Y. Zhang*, Q. Yu*, Bi-functional quercetin/copper nanoparticles integrating bactericidal and anti-quorum sensing properties for preventing the formation of biofilms, Biomaterials science, 2024, 12, 1788-1800 3.2023年发表文章
1) Y Zou, C Liu, H Zhang, Y Wu, Y Lin, Ji Cheng, K Lu, L Li,Y Zhang*, H Chen, Q Yu*, A Multifunctional Coating with Anti-Adhesion, Bacteria-Killing and Anti-Quorum Sensing Properties for Preventing Biofilm Formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Acta Biomaterialia, 2022, 151: 254-263. 2) K Lu#, Y Qu#, Y Lin, L Li, Y Wu, Y Zou, T Chang,Y Zhang*, Q Yu* and H Chen*, Photothermal Nanoplatform with Sugar-Triggered Cleaning Ability for High-Efficiency Intracellular Delivery. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14(2): 2618-2628. 3) L. Li, G. Li, Y. Wu, Y. Lin, Y. Qu, Y. Wu, K. Lu, Y. Zou, H. Chen, Q. Yu* andY. Zhang*, Dual-functional bacterial cellulose modified with phase-transitioned proteins and gold nanorods combining antifouling and photothermal bactericidal properties,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022. 110: 14-23. 4) Y. Qu#, K. Lu#, Y. Zheng, C. Huang, G. Wang*,Y. Zhang* and Q. Yu*, Photothermal scaffolds/surfaces for regulation of cell behaviors,Bioactive materials, 2022, 8: 449-477. 4.2021年发表文章2) Y. Zou, K. Lu, Y. Lin, Y. Wu, Y. Wang, L. Li, C. Huang,Y. Zhang*, J. L. Brash, H. Chen and Q. Yu*, Dual-Functional Surfaces Based on an Antifouling Polymer and a Natural Antibiofilm Molecule: Prevention of Biofilm Formation without Using Biocides,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(38): 45191-45200. 3)T. Wei#, Y. Qu#, Y. Zou,Y. Zhang*and Q. Yu*, Exploration of smart antibacterial coatings for practical applications,Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2021, 34: 100727. 5)Y. Zou,Y. Zhang*, Q. Yu*, H. Chen, Dual-function antibacterial surfaces to resist and kill bacteria: painting a picture with two brushes simultaneously,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 70:24-38. 6)Y. Wu, T. Chang, W. Chen, X. Wang, J. Li, Y. Chen, Y. Yu, Z. Shen∗, Q. Yu∗,Y. Zhang∗, Release of VEGF and BMP9 from injectable alginate based composite hydrogel for treatment of myocardial infarction.Bioactive materials2021, 6(2), 520-528. 7)Y. Zou,Y. Zhang*, Q. Yu*, H. Chen, Photothermal bactericidal surfaces: killing bacteria using light instead of biocides.Biomaterials science2021, 9, 10-22. 5.2020年发表文章1)Y. Zhou, Y. Zheng, T. Wei, Y. Qu, Y. Wang, W. Zhan,Y. Zhang, G. Pan, D. Li*, Q. Yu* and H. Chen, Multistimulus Responsive Biointerfaces with Switchable Bioadhesion and Surface Functions,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(5): 5447-5455. 2)Y. Wang, T. Wei, Y. Qu, Y. Zhou, Y. Zheng, C. Huang,Y. Zhang, Q. Yu* and H. Chen, Smart, Photothermally Activated, Antibacterial Surfaces with Thermally Triggered Bacteria-Releasing Properties,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020, 12(19): 21283-21291. 3)Y. Qu#,Y. Zhang#, Q. Yu*, H. Chen, Surface-Mediated Intracellular Delivery by Physical Membrane Disruption.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2020, 12(28) 31054–31078. 4)Y. Zheng, Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, J. Wu, X. Wang, Y. Qu, Y. Wang,Y. Zhang*, Q. Yu*. Photothermally Activated Electrospun Nanofiber Mats for High-Efficiency Surface-Mediated Gene Transfection.ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2020, 12(7):7905-7914. 5)P. Zhao#, W. J. Zhou#,Y. Zhang#, J. J. Li, Y. Zhao, L. H. Pan, Z. Y. Shen, W. Q. Chen, J. Hui. Aminooxyacetic acid attenuates post-infarct cardiac dysfunction by balancing macrophage polarization through modulating macrophage metabolism in mice. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.J Cell Mol Med.24(4): 2593-2609. 6) J. Feng, Y. Wu, W. Chen, J. Li, X. Wang, Y. Chen, Y. Yu*, Z. Shen* andY. Zhang*. Sustained Release of Bioactive IGF-1 from a Silk Fibroin Microsphere-Based Injectable Alginate Hydrogel for the Treatment of Myocardial Infarction.Journal of Materials Chemistry B,2020, 8: 308-315. 7)Y. Wang, T. Wei, Y. Qu, Y. Zhou, Y. Zheng, C. Huang,Y. Zhang, Q. Yu* and H. Chen. Smart, Photothermally Activated, Antibacterial Surfaces with Thermally Triggered Bacteria-Releasing Properties.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2020, 12(19): 21283–21291. 8)Y. C. Qu, Y. J. Zheng, L. Y. Yu, Y. Zhou, Y. R. Wang,Y. Zhang,Q. Yu and H. Chen. A Universal Platform for High-Efficiency Engineering Living Cells: Integration of Cell Capture, Intracellular Delivery of Biomolecules, and Cell Harvesting Functions.Advanced Functional Materials.2020, 30(3): 1906362. 6.2019年前发表文章1)H. Shen, G. Cui, Y. Li, W. Ye, Y. Sun, Z. Zhang, J. Li, G. Xu, X. Zeng,Y. Zhang, W. Zhang, Z. Huang, W. Chen and Z. Shen, Follistatin-like 1 protects mesenchymal stem cells from hypoxic damage and enhances their therapeutic efficacy in a mouse myocardial infarction model,Stem Cell Res Ther, 2019, 10(1): 17. 2)Y. Q. Chen, J. F. Zuo, W. Q. Chen, Z. Y. Yang,Y. Zhang, F. Hua, L. B. Shao, J. J. Li, Y. H. Chen, Y. S. Yu, Z. Y. Shen. The enhanced effect and underlying mechanisms of mesenchymal stem cells with IL-33 overexpression on myocardial infarction.Stem Cell Research & Therapy2019, 10(1). 10:295 3)Y. Liu, C. Xu, Y. Gu, X. Shen,Y. Zhang, B. Li and L. Chen, Polydopamine-modified poly(l-lactic acid) nanofiber scaffolds immobilized with an osteogenic growth peptide for bone tissue regeneration,RSC Advances, 2019, 9(21): 11722-11736. 5)C. Tao#,Y. Zhang#, B. Li and L. Chen*, Hierarchical micro/submicrometer-scale structured scaffolds prepared via coaxial electrospinning for bone regeneration,Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5(46): 9219-9228. 6) J. Sun#,Y. Zhang#, B. Li, Y. Gu* and L. Chen*, Controlled release of BMP-2 from a collagen-mimetic peptide-modified silk fibroin-nanohydroxyapatite scaffold for bone regeneration,Journal of Materials Chemistry B,2017, 5(44): 8770-8779. 7)Q. Wang*,Y. Zhang*, B. Li and L. Chen*, Controlled dual delivery of low doses of BMP-2 and VEGF in a silk fibroin-nanohydroxyapatite scaffold for vascularized bone regeneration,Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5(33): 6963-6972. 8)A. H. Tayeb, M. A. Hubbe,Y. Zhangand O. J. Rojas*, Effect of Lipoxygenase Oxidation on Surface Deposition of Unsaturated Fatty Acids,Langmuir, 2017, 33(18): 4559-4566. 9)Y. Xu#, W. Cui#,Y. Zhang#,P. Zhou, Y. Gu, X. Shen, B. Li and L. Chen*, Hierarchical Micro/Nanofibrous Bioscaffolds for Structural Tissue Regeneration,Adv Healthc Mater, 2017, 6(13). 1601457. 10) Y. Zhang*and O. J. Rojas*, Immunosensors for C-Reactive Protein Based on Ultrathin Films of Carboxylated Cellulose Nanofibrils,Biomacromolecules,2017, 18(2): 526-534. 11) X. F. Shen#,Y. Zhang#, Y. Gu, Y. Xu, Y. Liu, B. Li and L. Chen*, Sequential and sustained release of SDF-1 and BMP-2 from silk fibroin-nanohydroxyapatite scaffold for the enhancement of bone regeneration,Biomaterials,2016, 106: 205-216. 二、美国NSCU博士后期间(2012.1-2014.2,合作导师Orlando Rojas 教授)1)B.B. Langdon, R.B. Mirhossaini, J.N. Mabry, I. Sriram, A. Lajmi,Y. Zhang, et al., Single-molecule resolution of protein dynamics on polymeric membrane surfaces: the roles of spatial and population heterogeneity,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2015,7, 3607-3617. 2)H. Bai, J. Xu,Y. Zhang, X. Liu, O.J. Rojas, Dynamics of cyclodimerization and viscoelasticity of photo-crosslinkable PVA,J. Polym. Sci., B: Polym. Phys.2015, 53, 345-355. 3)Y. Zhang*, R. G. Carbonell; O. J. Rojas*Bioactive cellulose nanofibrils for specific human IgG binding.Biomacromolecules2013,14(12), 4161-4168. 4)Y. Zhang*, N. Islam; R. G. Carbonell; O. J. Rojas*, Specificity and renderability of short Peptide ligands supported on polymer layers for immunoglobulin g binding and detection.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2013,5(16), 8030-8037. 5)Y. Zhang; T. Nypelö*; C. Salas, J. Arboleda; I. C. Hoeger*, O. J. Rojas*,Cellulose nanofibrils: from strong materials to bioactive surfaces.J. Renew. Mater.2013,1, 195-211. 6)Y. Zhang*; N. Islam, R. G. Carbonell.; O. J. Rojas*, Specific binding of immunoglobulin G with bioactive short peptides supported on antifouling copolymer layers for detection in quartz crystal microgravimetry and surface plasmon resonance.Anal. Chem.2013,85(2), 1106-1113. 三、 硕士、博士期间(2005.9-2011.6,指导教师:陈红 教授)1)Zhang, Y.; Lv, B. E.; Lu, Z.; He, J. A.; Zhang, S.; Chen, H.*; Ma, H.*Predicting Au-S bond breakage from the swelling behavior of surface tethered polyelectrolytes.Soft Matter2011,7, 11496-11500. 2)Yu, Q.; Li, X.;Zhang, Y.; Yuan, L.; Zhao, T.; Chen, H.*The synergistic effects of stimuli-responsive polymers with nano-structured surfaces: wettability and protein adsorption.RSC Adv.2011, 1, 262-269. 3)Zhang, Y.; He, J. A.; Zhu, Y.; Chen, H.; Ma, H.*Directly observed Au-S bond breakage due to swelling of the anchored polyelectrolyte.Chem. Commun.2011,47, 1190-1192. 4)Yu, Q.;Zhang, Y.; Wang, H.; Brash, J. L.; Chen, H.*Anti-fouling bioactive surfaces. Acta Biomater.2011, 7, 1550-1557. 5)Yu, Q.; Chen, H.*;Zhang, Y.; Yuan, L.; Zhao, T.; Li, X.; Wang, H. pH-reversible, high-capacity binding of proteins on a substrate with nanostructure.Langmuir,2010, 26, 17812-17815. 6)Zhang, Y.; Yu, Q.; Huang, H.*; Zhou, F.; Wu, Z.; Yuan, L.; Li, D.; Chen, H.*A surface decorated with diblock copolymer for biomolecular conjugation.Soft Matter.2010, 6, 2616–2618. 8)Yu, Q.;Zhang, Y.; Chen, H.*; Zhou, F.; Wu, Z.; Huang, H.; Brash, J. L. Protein adsorption and cell adhesion/detachment behavior on dual-responsive silicon surfaces modified with Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-block-polystyrene copolymer.Langmuir2010, 26, 8582-8588. 9)Chen, H.*;Zhang, Y.; Li, D.; Hu, X.; Wang, L.; McClung, W. G.; Brash, J. L. Surfaces having dual fibrinolytic and protein resistant properties by immobilization of lysine on polyurethane through a PEG spacer.J. Biomed. Mater. Res., Part A2009,90, 940-946. 10) Wu, Z.; Chen, H.*; Liu, X.;Zhang, Y.; Li, D.; Huang, H. Protein adsorption on poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-modified silicon surfaces prepared by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization.Langmuir2009,5, 2900-2906. 11) Chen, H.*; Wang, L.;Zhang, Y.; Li, D.; McClung, W. G.; Brook, M. A.; Sheardown, H.; Brash, J. L. Fibrinolytic poly(dimethyl siloxane) surfaces.Macromol. Biosci.2008,8, 863-870. 12) Chen, H.*; Hu, X.;Zhang, Y.; Li, D.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, T. Effect of chain density and conformation on protein adsorption at PEG-grafted polyurethane surfaces.Colloids Surf., B2008,61, 237-243. 13) 张燕霞;于谦;武照强;周峰;李鑫;陈红*能够促进细胞黏附的生物活性表面的制备.高分子学报,2011, (6), 622-627. 14) 张燕霞;于谦;周峰;徐亚骏;陈红*嵌段共聚物改性表面对蛋白质吸附和细胞黏附的调控.科学通报,2010, 55, 2808-2814. 15) 于谦;张燕霞;徐亚骏;陈红接枝层厚度对聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)改性表面与蛋白质相互作用的影响.材料导报,2010, 24, 25-28. 16) 于谦;张燕霞;李鑫;徐亚骏;陈红*,聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)改性表面与血浆蛋白质的相互作用.高分子学报,2011, (5), 537-542. 17) 李鑫;于谦;张燕霞;武照强;陈红*,pH响应性表面对蛋白质吸附的调控.高分子学报,2011, (8), 812-816.(英文摘要) 18) 于谦;张燕霞;周峰;李鑫;陈红*,聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)-b-聚苯乙烯改性玻璃表面对细胞黏附/脱附的调控.材料导报,2011, 25, 23-26. 19) 胡小洋;张燕霞;张弢;于谦;陈红*,以PEG为间隔基固定赖氨酸制备血液相容的聚氨酯材料.高等学校化学学报,2009, 30, 613-617. 20) 胡小洋;陈红*;张燕霞;王艺峰;吴仲岿聚乙二醇及其衍生物改性生物医用材料表面的血液相容性.高分子材料科学与工程,2007,23, 127-131. 四、专利1) 陈红;张燕霞;于谦一种高密度固定生物功能分子的材料的制备方法CN 101810888 A 2)张燕霞,于谦,吴永,沈振亚,周霄楠;一种细菌纤维素膜的脱水方法及人造血管及其制备方法;201910265404.6
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