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徐信,www.优德88.cpm 特聘教授,博士生导师。先后于2003年和2006年获得华东理工大学学士、硕士学位,2010年于中科院上海有机化学研究所/华东理工大学联合培养获得博士学位。之后获得德国洪堡奖学金(Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship),于2011年初赴德国明斯特大学有机化学研究所从事博士后研究工作。2015年3月回国加入www.优德88.cpm 材料与化学化工学部。同年入选第六批“江苏特聘教授”计划、苏州市高等院校、科研院所紧缺高层次人才引进计划以及苏州独墅湖科教区“科教杰出人才”,2016年入选中组部第七批“青年千人”计划,苏州工业园区第七届高层次领军人才,2018年入选江苏省“双创人才”计划,2019年江苏省“双创团队”核心成员。2021年起任《中国稀土学报》、《Journal of Rare Earths》杂志青年编委。 Biography
Xin XureceivedB.S. and M.S. degrees from East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) in 2003 and 2006. He obtained his PhD in Organic ChemistryjointlyfromShanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) and ECUSTin 2010under the supervision of Prof. Yaofeng Chen. Afterwards, hemoved to Germany andjoinedthe group of Prof. Gerhard Erker at University of Münsteras apostdoctoralfellow.In March 2015, he startedhisindependent research at Soochow Universityas a professor.He has received several awards including Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (2010), Jiangsu Specially-Appointed Professor Plan (2015), 1000-Youth Talents Plan (2016), etc. Contact College of of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University 199 Ren-Ai Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, P.R. China Tel: +86-512-65882921 E-mail: xinxu@suda.edu.cn
职称:教授 院部/部门:材料与化学化工学部 学历: 学位: 毕业学校: 毕业专业:
通讯地址:苏州市工业园区仁爱路199号 邮政编码:215123 电子邮箱:xinxu@suda.edu.cn 联系电话:0512-65882921 传真号码: 办公地点:独墅湖校区701号楼A405
Research 金属有机化学,稀土及主族金属配合物的设计合成及其在小分子活化、有机合成与高分子合成中的应用。 Organometallic chemistry of rare-earth and main-group. Laboratory
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Publication 61.Y. Guan, X. Xu,X. Xu*, Double Bond Cleavage in Small Molecules Using a Geminal Sc/P Lewis Pair,Inorg. Chem.,2023,62, 14782.
60.S. Jiang, Y. Cai, T. Rajeshkumar, I. del Rosal, L. Maron*,X. Xu*, Synthesis and Reactivity of a Zinc Diazoalkyl Complex: [3+2] Cycloaddition Reaction with Carbon Monoxide,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2023,62, e202307244.
59.S. Xu, S. Jiang,Xin Xu*, Reductive reactivity of a Zn(I)−Zn(I)-bonded compound toward white phosphorus and beyond,Polyhedron,2023,242, 116525.
58.许显,管怡雯,徐信*,稀土金属催化极性乙烯基单体聚合的研究进展[J],中国稀土学报,2023,41, 416-428.
57.S. Jiang, Y. Wang,X. Xu*, Rare-Earth Metal Complexes-Catalyzed Dehydropolymerization of Methylamine-Boranes,Chin. J. Org. Chem.,2023,43, 1786-1791.
56.S. Li, X. Xu, Q. Sun,X. Xu*, Organocalcium Hydride-Catalyzed Intramolecular C(sp3)−H Annulation of Functionalized 2,6-Lutidines,J. Org. Chem.,2023,88, 1742-1748.
55.Q. Sun, X. Xu,X. Xu*, Recent Advances in Rare-Earth Metal-Catalyzed C-H Functionalization Reactions,ChemCatChem,2022,14, e202201083.
54.Y. Cai, S. Jiang, T. Rajeshkumar, L. Maron*,X. Xu*, A Planar Nickelaspiropentane Complex with Magnesium-Based Metalloligands: Synthesis, Structure, and Synergistic Dihydrogen Activation,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2022,144, 16647-16655.
53.Q. Sun, Y. Luo,X. Xu*, Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Regioselective C–H Borylation of Pyridines,Synlett,2022, 33, 1961-1967.
52.X. Xu, Q. Sun,X. Xu*, Scandium-Catalyzed Benzylic C(sp3)−H Alkenylation of Tertiary Anilines with Alkynes,Org. Lett.,2022,24, 3970-3975.
51.S. Jiang, Y. Cai, A. Carpentier, I. del Rosal, L. Maron*,X. Xu*, Synthesis and Reactivity of Triangular Heterometallic Complexes Containing Zn–Zn Bond,Inorg. Chem.,2022,61, 8083-8089.
50.Y. Luo, S. Jiang,X. Xu*, Yttrium-Catalyzed ortho-Selective C–H Borylation of Pyridines with Pinacolborane,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2022,61, e202117750.
49.X. Zheng, S. Jiang, C. Dong, Q. Yao, Y. Yao*,X. Xu*, Calcium-Catalyzed C(sp)-H Silylation of Terminal Alkynes with Hydrosilanes,Polyhedron,2022,218, 115771-115776. (Invited contribution for special issue: Catalytic Applications of Main Group Compounds)
48.Y. Cai, S. Jiang, L. Dong,X. Xu*, Synthesis and Reactivity of Heterometallic Complexes Containing Mg- or Zn-Metalloligands,Dalton Trans.,2022,51, 3817-3827. (Invited contribution)
47.Y. Guan, K. Chang, Q. Sun,X. Xu*, Progress in Rare-Earth Metal-based Lewis Pair Chemistry,Chin. J. Org. Chem.2022,42, 1326-1335. (Invited contribution)
46.X. Xu, X. Zheng,X. Xu*, Synthesis of Tetrahydroquinolines by Scandium-Catalyzed [3 + 3] Annulation of Anilines with Allenes and Dienes,ACS Catal.,2021,11, 14995-15003.
45.S. Jiang, Y. Cai, A. Carpentier, I. del Rosal, L. Maron*,X. Xu*, Nickel-catalyzed synthesis of Zn(I)–Zn(I) bonded compounds,Chem.Commun.,2021,57, 13696-13699. (HOT article)
44.Y. Su, Y. Zhao, H. Zhang, Y. Luo*,X. Xu*, Rare-Earth Aryloxide/Ylide-Functionalized Phosphine Frustrated Lewis Pairs for the Polymerization of 4‑Vinylpyridine and Its Derivatives,Macromolecules,2021,54, 7724-7731.
43.Y. Wang, P. Xu,X. Xu*, Dehydrocoupling of boranes with amines using a scandium catalyst,Chin. Chem. Lett.,2021, 32, 4002-4005.
42.K. Chang, I. del Rosal, X. Zheng, L. Maron*,X. Xu*, Hydrosilylative reduction of carbon dioxide by a homoleptic lanthanum aryloxide catalyst with high activity and selectivity,Dalton Trans.,2021,50, 7804-7809.
41. J. Su, Y. Luo,X. Xu*, Benzylic C–H addition of aromatic amines to alkenes using a scandium catalyst,Chem. Commun.,2021,57, 3688-3691.
40.X. Zheng, I. Rosal, X. Xu, Y. Yao*, L. Maron*,X. Xu*, Calcium-Mediated C(sp3)-H Activation and Alkylation of Alkyl Pyridines,Inorg. Chem.,2021,60,5114-5121.
39. Y. Guan, E. Lu*,X. Xu*, Rare-Earth mediated dihydrogen activation and catalytic hydrogenation,J. Rare Earths,2021, 39, 1017-1023.
38. X. Wang,X. Xu*, Hydroboration of nitriles and imines by highly active zinc dihydride catalysts,RSC Adv.,2021,11, 1128-1133. 37.苏健洪,徐信*,稀土金属催化的碳氢官能团化反应[J],中国稀土学报,2021, 39(1), 171-180.(徐光宪院士诞辰100周年纪念专辑)
36. Y. Zhou, S. Jiang,X. Xu*, Isospecific polymerization of methyl methacrylate by intramolecular rare‐earth metal based Lewis pairs,Chin. J. Chem.,2021,39,149-156. (Invite contribution to the 70th Anniversary of SIOC) 35.Y. Zhao, G. Luo,X. Xu, Z. Hou, Y. Luo*, Computational Study of the Reactivity of Rare-Earth/Phosphorus Lewis Pairs toward Polymerization of Conjugated Polar Alkenes,Inorg. Chem. Front.,2020, 7, 4600-4610. 34. J. Huang, X. Zheng, I. del Rosal, B. Zhao,* L. Maron,*X. Xu*,Nickel(0)-Induced β‑H Elimination of Magnesium Alkyls: Formation and Reactivity of Heterometallic Hydrides,Inorg. Chem.,2020,59, 13473-13480.
33. X. Wang, K. Chang,Xin Xu*, Hydroboration of carbon dioxide enabled by molecular zinc dihydrides,Dalton Trans.,2020,49, 7324-7327.
32. Y. Dong, K. Chang,X. Xu*, Reactions of Rare-Earth Metal Based Lewis Pairs with Azides,Chin. J. Chem.,2020,38, 559-564.(Invite contribution to the 30th Anniversary of State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry)
31.J. Su, Y. Cai,X. Xu*, Scandium-catalyzedpara-selective alkylation of aromatic amines with alkenes,Org. Lett.,2019,21, 9055-9059. 30.K. Chang, Y. Dong,X. Xu*, Dihydrogen activation by intermolecular rare-earth aryloxide/N-heterocyclic carbene Lewis pairs,Chem. Commun.,2019,55, 12777-12780.
29.S. Jiang, M. Chen,X. Xu*, Formation of Zn-Zn and Zn-Pd bonded complexes by reactions of terminal zinc hydrides with Pd(II) species,Inorg. Chem.,2019,58, 13213-13220.
28.P. Xu,X. Xu*, Dehydrogenation of (di)amine-boranes by highly active scandocene alkyl catalysts,Organometallics,2019,38, 3212-3217.
27.X. Zheng, J. Huang, Y. Yao*,X. Xu*, Stoichiometric reactions and catalytic dehydrogenations of amine-boranes with calcium aryloxide,Chem. Commun.,2019,55, 9152-9155. 26.T. Yao, P. Xu,X. Xu*, Scandium complexes containingβ-diketiminato ligands with pendant phosphanyl groups: competition between Sc/γ-C [4 + 2] cycloaddition and Sc/P frustrated Lewis pair reactions,Dalton Trans.,2019,48, 7743-7754.
25.K. Sun, P. Ji, J. Zhang, J. Wang, X. Li,X. Xu, H. Zhang*, L. Chi*, On-surface synthesis of 8- and 10-armchair graphene nanoribbons,Small,2019,15, 1804526.
24. J. Su, Y. Zhou,X. Xu*, Hydroaminoalkylation of sterically hindered alkenes withN,N-dimethyl anilines using a scandium catalyst,Org. Biomol. Chem.,2019,17, 2013-2019. (Invited contribution for New Talent issue)
23. M.Chen, S. jiang, L. Maron*,X. Xu*,Transition metal-induced dehydrogenative coupling of zinc hydrides,Dalton Trans.,2019,48, 1931-1935. (Front-Cover)
22.K. Chang, X. Wang, Z. Fan,X. Xu*, Reactions of neutral scandium/phosphorus Lewis pairs with small molecules,Inorg. Chem.,2018,57, 8568-8580.
21.P. Xu, L. Wu, L. Dong,X. Xu*, Chemoselective polymerization of polar divinyl monomers with rare-earth/phosphine Lewis pairs,Molecules,2018,23, 360-368. (Invited contribution for special issue: Lewis pair polymerization for new reactivity and structure in polymer synthesis)
20. P.Xu,X. Xu*, Homoleptic rare-earth aryloxide based Lewis pairs for polymerization of conjugated polar alkenes,ACS Catal.,2018,8, 198-202.
19. H.Gao, J. Su, P. Xu,X. Xu*, Scandium-catalyzed C(sp3)–H alkylation ofN,N-dimethyl anilines with alkenes,Org. Chem. Front.,2018,5, 59-63. (HOT article)
18.K. Chang,X. Xu*, Frustrated Lewis pair behavior of a neutral scandium complex,Dalton Trans.,2017,46, 4514-4517.
17. P.Xu, Y. Yao*,X. Xu*,Frustrated Lewis pairs like reactivity of rare-earth metal complexes: 1,4-addition reactions and polymerizations of conjugated polar alkenes,Chem. Eur. J.,2017,23, 1263-1267.
Prior to Soochow University: 16.X.Xu, G. Kehr, C. G. Daniliuc, G. Erker*,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2015,137, 4550-4557. 15.X. Xu, G. Kehr, C. G. Daniliuc, G. Erker*,Organometallics,2015,34, 2655-2661. 14.X. Xu, G. Kehr, C. G. Daniliuc, G. Erker*,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2014,136, 12431-12443. 13.X.Xu, G. Kehr, C. G. Daniliuc, G. Erker*,Organometallics,2013,32, 7306-7311. 12.X.Xu, G. Kehr, C. G. Daniliuc, G. Erker*,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2013,52, 13629-13632. 11.X.Xu, G. Kehr, C. G. Daniliuc, G. Erker*,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2013,135, 6465-6476. 10.X.Xu, R. Fröhlich, C. G. Daniliuc, G. Kehr, G. Erker*,Chem. Commun.,2012,48, 6109-6111. 9.Y. Lv,X. Xu, Y. Chen*, X. Leng, M. V. Borzov,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2011,50, 11227-11229. 8.Y. Yuan, X. Wang, Y. Li, L. Fan,X. Xu, Y. Chen*, G. Li, W. Xia,Organometallics,2011,30, 4330-4341. 7.Y. Hu,X. Xu, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen*, E. Y. X. Chen*,Macromolecules,2010,43, 9328-9336.
6.X.Xu, Y. Chen*, G. Zou*, J. Sun,Dalton Trans,2010,39,3952-3958. 5.X. Xu, Y. Chen*, G. Zou*, Z. Ma, G. Li,J. Organomet. Chem.,2010,695, 1155-1162. 4.X. Xu, Y. Chen*, J. Feng, G. Zou, J. Sun,Organometallics,2010,29, 549-553. 3.X. Xu, Y. Chen*, J. Sun,Chem. -Eur. J.,2009,15, 846-850. 2.P. Cui, Y. Chen*,X. Xu, J. Sun,Chem. Commun.,2008, 5547-5549. 1.X. Xu, X. -Y. Xu, Y. Chen*, J. Sun,Organometallics,2008,27, 758-763.
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