



办公地址:www.优德88.cpm 商学院凌云楼






王魏莎,现为www.优德88.cpm 商学院教授,江苏省特聘教授,博士生导师,MBA 中心副主任。本科毕业于英国曼彻斯特大学商学院,获得管理学学士学位,硕、博士毕业于英国曼彻斯特大学商学院,获得商业与管理 (市场营销方向)博士学位。在Journal of Business Ethics (FT50),International Marketing Review, Psychology & Marketing, Information Systems Frontier, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Information Technology & People等国外权威期刊发表学术论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目。


Wang, W.,Wang, Y., Chen, L., Ma, R., & Zhang, M. (2024). Justice at the Forefront: Cultivating felt accountability towards Artificial Intelligence among healthcare professionals.Social Science & Medicine(ABS 4*),116717.

Chen, Z., Hang, H.. &Wang, W.(2024). Covid-19 policy actions, trust in government and tax compliance intentions: a study of British self-employment income support scheme,Journal of Business EthicsFT50,录用待刊.

Liu, P.Wang, W.,Wang, Z. &Yang, Y. (2024). Will artificial intelligence undermine the effects of guanxi on relationship performance? Evidence from China. Industrial Marketing Management (ABS3*), 116.

Wang, W.,Cao, D., & Ameen, N. (2023). Understanding customer satisfaction of augmented reality in retail: a human value orientation and consumption value perspective.Information Technology & People (ABS 3*),36(6), 2211-2233.

Shukla, P., Singh, J. &Wang, W.(2022)Creativity in Packaging Design: How Customer Curiosity and Motivation to Process Information Influence Purchase Decisions,Journal of Business Research(ABS 3*),147, 338-347.

Wang, W., Mo, T., Wang, Y. (2022).Better self and better us: Exploring the individual and collective motivations for China's Generation Z consumers to reduce plastic pollution.Resources, Conservation and Recycling (SSCI 1,Impact factor 10.204),179, 106111.

Zhao, S., Ye B.,Wang W.*, & Zeng Y.(2022).The Intolerance of Uncertainty and “Untact” Buying Behavior: The Mediating Role of the Perceived Risk of COVID-19 Variants and Protection Motivation.Frontiers in Psychology(ABS 1*, SSCI 2)13, 807331.

Wang, W.,Chen, C., Xiong, M. & Wang, Y. (2021). Accelerating AI adoption with responsible ai signals and employee engagement mechanisms in health care,Information Systems Frontiers(ABS 3*)(SSCI 1),1-18.

Ma, R. &Wang, W.*(2021).Smile or Pity? Examine the impact of emoticon valence on customer satisfaction and purchase intention.Journal of Business Research(ABS 3*)(SSCI 1),134,443-456.

Wang, W*.& Hang, H. (2021). Exploring the eudaimonic game experience through purchasing functional and nonfunctional items in MMORPGs.Psychology and Marketing(ABS 3*),38, 1847-1862.

Wang, W.*,Shukla, P. & Shi, G., (2021). Digitalized social support in the healthcare environment: Effects of the types and sources of social support on psychological well-being.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,(ABS 3*)(SSCI 1),164, 120503.

Wang, W.*,Chen, C., Nguyen, B. & Shukla, P., (2020). Collaboration between East and West: influence of consumer dialectical self on attitude towards co-brand personality traits.International Marketing Review,(ABS 3*), 37(6), 1155-1180.

Dong, Y., Tang, Y., Chow, B. W.Y.,Wang, W.& Dong, W (2020). Contribution of vocabulary knowledge to reading comprehension among Chinese students: A meta-analysis.Frontiers in Psychology,(SSCI 2),11, 525369.

Dong, Y., Peng, S., Sun, Y., Wu, S. X. &Wang, W.,(2020). Reading comprehension and metalinguistic knowledge in Chinese readers: a meta-analysis.Frontiers in Psychology,(SSCI 2),10, 30-37.

Wang, W.*& Abosag, I., (2019). Do immigration and social media facilitate or inhibit cognitive acculturation? The role of individual dialecticism in dual-focused cultural stimuli evaluation.Technological Forecasting and Social Change(ABS 3*)(SSCI 1),145, 523-531.

Peng, S., Dong, Y.,Wang, W., *Hu, J. & Dong, W., (2019). The affective facial recognition task: The influence of cognitive styles and exposure times.Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation(SSCI 1),65, 102674.(共同一作)

Dong, Y., Wu, S. X.,Wang, W*. & Peng, S., (2019). Is the student-centered learning style more effective than the teacher-student double-centered learning style in improving reading performance?Frontiers in Psychology(SSCI 2), 10, 2630.


营销科技应用(Consumer-technology interaction)


品牌战略(Branding strategy)

消费行为学(Consumer behaviour)


  • 1、消费行为学,本科
  • 2、消费者行为研究专题,硕士、博士


  • 1、广东省教育科学 “十三五” 规划课题 “构建 “园、校融合,海 外 、 国内培养学前本科创新性人才 “ 模式研究 ” ,2018-2021,2018,广东省教育厅,2018GXJK277
  • 2、医疗人工智能服务中感知当责的前因与影响分析,2021.1-,王魏莎,国家自然科学基金面上项目,72372111


  • 1、Justice at the Forefront: Cultivating felt accountability towards Artificial Intelligence among healthcare professionals,Social Science & Medicine,ABS 4*,2024,Weisha Wang,Yichuan Wang,Long Chen,Rui Ma,Minhao Zhang,Weisha Wang
  • 2、Covid-19 policy actions, trust in government and tax compliance intentions: a study of British self-employment income support scheme,Journal of Business Ethics,FT50,2024,Z.Chen,Haiming Hang,Weisha Wang,Weisha Wang
  • 3、Will artificial intelligence undermine the effects of guanxi on relationship performance? Evidence from China,Industrial Marketing Management,ABS 3*,2024,Paul C.Y. Liu,Weisha Wang,Zi Wang,Weisha Wang
  • 4、Understanding customer satisfaction of augmented reality in retail: a human value orientation and consumption value perspective,Information Technology & People ,ABS 3*,2022,Weisha Wang,Dongmei Cao,Nisreen Ameen
  • 5、Creativity in Packaging Design: How Customer Curiosity and Motivation to Process Information Influence Purchase Decisions,Journal of Business Research,ABS 3*,2022,Paurav Shukla,Jaywant Singh,Weisha Wang
  • 6、Better self and better us: Exploring the individual and collective motivations for China,Resources, Conservation and Recycling,SSCI 1区,2022,Weisha Wang,Tingting Mo,Yichuan Wang
  • 7、The Intolerance of Uncertainty and “Untact” Buying Behavior: The Mediating Role of the Perceived Risk of COVID-19 Variants and Protection Motivation,Frontiers in Psychology,ABS 1*,2022,Shunying Zhao,Baojuan Ye,Weisha Wang, Yadi Zeng
  • 8、Accelerating AI adoption with responsible ai signals and employee engagement mechanisms in health care,Information Systems Frontiers,ABS 3*,2021,Weisha Wang,Long Chen,Mengran Xiong, Yichuan Wang
  • 9、Smile or Pity? Examine the impact of emoticon valence on customer satisfaction and purchase intention,Journal of Business Research,ABS 3*,2021,Ruijing Ma,Weisha Wang
  • 10、Exploring the eudaimonic game experience through purchasing functional and nonfunctional items in MMORPGs,Psychology and Marketing,ABS 3*,2021,Weisha Wang,Haiming Hang
  • 11、Digitalized social support in the healthcare environment: Effects of the types and sources of social support on psychological well-being,Technological Forecasting and Social Change,ABS 3*,2020,Weisha Wang,Paurav Shukla,Guicheng Shi
  • 12、Collaboration between East and West: influence of consumer dialectical self on attitude towards co-brand personality traits,International Marketing Review,ABS 3*,2020,Weisha Wang,Cheng-Hao Steve Chen,Bang Nguyen, Paurav Shukla
  • 13、Contribution of vocabulary knowledge to reading comprehension among Chinese students: A meta-analysis,Frontiers in Psychology,ABS 1*,2020,Yang Dong,Yi Tang,Bonnie Wing-Yin Chow, Weisha Wang, Wei-Yang Dong
  • 14、Reading comprehension and metalinguistic knowledge in Chinese readers: a meta-analysis,Frontiers in Psychology,ABS 1*,2020,Yang Dong,Shu-Na Peng,Yuan-ke Sun, Sammy Xiao-Ying Wu and Weisha Wang
  • 15、Do immigration and social media facilitate or inhibit cognitive acculturation? The role of individual dialecticism in dual-focused cultural stimuli evaluation,Technological Forecasting and Social Change,ABS 3*,2019,Weisha Wang,Ibrahim Abosag


软件著作 专利


  • 1、江苏省特聘教授
  • 2、中国研究生企业管理创新大赛,指导老师,2023,全国二等奖
  • 3、中国研究生企业管理创新大赛,指导老师,2023,全国三等奖
  • 4、第九届全国管理案例精英赛,指导老师,2023,全国三等奖,国家

