

www.优德88.cpm 特聘教授,博士生导师,国家海外高层次青年人才

2014年硕士毕业于南开大学,师从郑健禺教授;2019年博士毕业于德国马克斯普朗克高分子研究所,师从Klaus Müllen教授(德国科学院院士);随后在牛津大学化学系从事博士后研究,合作导师为Harry Anderson教授(英国皇家学会院士);于20234月加入www.优德88.cpm 功能纳米与软物质研究院(FUNSOM)。长期从事于石墨烯纳米片、单分子导线和金属有机配合物的精准可控制备、光电性能调控及应用研究。目前,已在国际著名权威期刊发表研究论文36篇,其中第一作者论文17篇,包括Nat.Chem.2篇)J. Am. Chem. Soc.5篇)Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.4篇)等。获欧洲发明专利授权2项。曾获国家优秀自费留学生奖学金、德国科学基金会Walter Benjamin奖学金等奖励和荣誉。













通讯地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路199号www.优德88.cpm 功能纳米与软物质研究院909-3215





办公地点:苏州工业园区仁爱路199号www.优德88.cpm 功能纳米与软物质研究院909-3215

Copyright © 2011-2014 www.优德88.cpm版权所有 www.优德88.cpm 信息化建设与管理中心技术支持







Copyright © 2011-2014 www.优德88.cpm版权所有 www.优德88.cpm 信息化建设与管理中心技术支持


    After Joining Suda:

    8.Chen Q., Guizzardi M., Méndez F., Cerullo G., Ju C., Scotognella F., M. Paternò G., Müllen K., Narita A.,“Synthesis of Circumpyrene Tetracarboxdiimides via Diels-Alder Reaction at Bay Regions of Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene and Emergence of a Bright Charge-Transfer State”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2024, under review.

    7.Edmondson M., Clarke M., N.O’Shea J;Chen, Q., Anderson H., Saywell A.,“On-surface synthesis of Ni-porphyrin doped graphene nanoribbons”,ACS Nano, 2024, under review.

    6.Wang L., Han Y., Xie M., Li X.,Chen Q., Tang Y., Liu Y., Ge H., Li H., Cai-Liang S., Meerholz K., Zhang H.,* Müllen K.,* Lifeng Chi,Synthesis of Hexabenzocoronene-cored Graphdiyne Nanosheets through Dehydrogenative Coupling on Au(111) Surface”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, in press, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202411722

    5.Zhao H., Wang Y.,Chen Q., Liu Y., Gao Y., Müllen K., Li S., Narita A.,A Nanographene-Porphyrin Hybrid for Near-Infrared-Ii Phototheranostics”,Adv. Sci., 2024, 11, 2309131

    4.Wu M., Mühlinghaus M., Li X., Xu C.,Chen Q., Zhang H., Müllen K., Chi L., “On-Surface Synthesis of Chevron-Shaped Conjugated Ladder Polymers Consisting of Benzo[a]azulene Units”,Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2024, 40 (8), 2307024

    3. Chen Q.,#,*Lodi A.,#Zhang H.,#Gee A., Wang H., Kong F., Clarke M., Edmondson M., Hart J., OShea J., Stawski W., Narita A., Saywell A., Bonn M., Müllen K., Bogani L.,*Anderson L. H.,*Porphyrin-Fused Graphene Nanoribbons”,Nat. Chem., 2024, 16, 1133-1140|ChemRxiv, 2023, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-ghvdb.

    2.Zhu X.,#Chen Q.,#Zhao H.,#Yang Q., Goudappagouda, Gelléri M., Ritz S., Ng D., Koynov K., Parekh H. S., Chetty Kumar V., Thakur Kumar B., Cremer C., Landfester K., Müllen K., Terenzio M., Bonn M., Narita A., and Liu Xiaomin, “Intrinsic Burst-Blinking Nanographenes for Super-Resolution Bioimaging”,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146, 5195–5203

    1. Chen Q., Giovannantonio Di M., Eimre K., Urgel I. J., Ruffieux P., Pignedoli A. C., Müllen K., Fasel R., Narita A., “On-Surface Interchain Coupling and Skeletal Rearrangement of Indenofluorene Polymers”,Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2023, 224, 2300345 (invited contribution for Special Issue: 80 Years of MCP: The Next Generation of Polymer Researchers)


    Before Joining Suda:

    31. Garcia-Orrit S., Vega-Mayoral V.,Chen Q., Serra G., Paternò G. M., Cánovas E., Narita A., Müllen K., Tommasini M., Cabanillas-González J., “Nanographene-Based Decoration as a Panchromatic Antenna for Metalloporphyrin Conjugates”,Small, 2023, 19, 2301596. (selected as back cover)

    30. Zhu H.,Chen Q., Rončević I., Christensen K. E., Anderson H. L., “Anthracene-Porphyrin Nanoribbons”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e20230703.|ChemRxiv, 2023, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-zl7ck.

    29. Chen Q., Thompson A. L., Christensen K. E., Horton P. N., Coles S. J., Anderson H. L., “β,β-Directly Linked Porphyrin Rings: Synthesis, Photophysical Properties, and Fullerene Binding”,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023, 145, 11859−11865.

    28. Biswas K.,#Soler D.,#Mishra S.,#Chen Q.,#Yao X.,#Sánchez-Grande A., Eimre K., Mutombo P., Martín C., Lauwaet K., Gallego M. J., Ruffieux P., Pignedoli A. C., Müllen K., Miranda R., Urgel I. José, Narita A., Fasel R., Jelínek P., Écija D., “Steering Large Magnetic Exchange Coupling in Nanographenes near the Closed-Shell to Open-Shell Transition”,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2023, 145, 2968–2974. (#equal contribution.)

    27. Björk J.,#Sánchez‐Sánchez C.,#Chen Q.,#Pignedoli A C., Rosen J., Ruffieux P., Feng X., Narita A., Müllen K., Fasel R., “The Role of Metal Adatoms in a Surface‐Assisted Cyclodehydrogenation Reaction on a Gold Surface”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e2022123. (#equal contribution.)

    26. Jin E., Fu S., Hanayama H., Addicoat A. M., Wei W.,Chen Q., Graf R., Landfester K., Bonn M., Zhang I. K., Wang I. H., Müllen K., Narita A., “A Nanographene-Based Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework as a Stable and Efficient Photocatalyst”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e20211405.

    25. Paternò G. M.,#Chen Q.,#Mármol R. M.,#Guizzardi M., Bonal V., Kabe R., Barker A. J., Boj P. G., Chatterjee S., Ie Y., Villalvilla J. M., Quintana J. A., Scotognella F., Müllen K., Díaz-García M. A., Narita A., Lanzani G., “Excited States Engineering Enables Efficient Near-Infrared Lasing in Nanographenes”,Mater. Horiz., 2022, 9, 393-402. (#equal contribution. Collected in special issue in honour of Seth Marder)

    24. Paternò G. M.,Goudappagouda,Chen Q., Lanzani G., Scotognella F., Narita A., “Large Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Graphene Quantum Dots: from Synthesis to Spectroscopy and Photonics”,Adv. Optical Mater., 2021, 2100508. (selected as Inside Front Cover. collected in Special Issue: Optical Properties and Applications of Crystalline Materials)

    23. Jin E., Yang Q., Ju C.,Chen Q., Landfester K., Bonn M., Müllen K., Liu X., Narita A., “A Highly Luminescent Nitrogen-Doped Nanographene as an Acid- and Metal-Sensitive Fluorophore for Optical Imaging”,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021,143, 10403–10412. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2021, 17, 1093)

    22. Mishra S.,#Yao X.,#Chen Q.,#Eimre Kristjan, Gröning O., Ortiz R., Di Giovannantonio M., Sancho-García J. C., Fernández-Rossier J., Pignedoli C. A., Müllen K., Ruffieux P., Narita A., Fasel R., “Large magnetic exchange coupling in rhombus-shaped nanographenes with zigzag periphery”,Nat. Chem., 2021,13, 581–586. (# equal contribution.)|ChemRxiv, 2020, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2003.03577.

    21. Chen Q., Baumgarten M., Wagner M., Hu Y., Hou I, Narita A., Müllen K., “Dicyclopentaannelated Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes with a Singlet Biradical Ground State”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021,60, 11300–11304.

    20. Chang H., Liu H, Dmitrieva E.,Chen Q., Ma J., He P., Liu P., Popov A. A., Cao X-Y, Wang X-Y, Zou Y., Narita A., Müllen K., Peng H., Hu Y., “Furan-Containing Double Tetraoxa[7]helicene and Its Radical Cation”,Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 15181-15184.

    19. Xu X.,Chen Q., Narita A., “Synthesis and Characterization of Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene as a Highly Fluorescent Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon and Its π-Extension to Circumpyrene”,J. Syn. Org. Chem. Jpn., 2020,78, 1094–1104.

    18. Di Giovannantonio M.,Chen Q., Urgel I. J., Ruffieux P., Pignedoli C. A., Müllen K., Narita A., Fasel R., “On-Surface Synthesis of Oligo(indenoindene)”,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020,142, 12925–12929.

    17. Liu X., Chen S.,Chen Q., Gelleri S., Ritz S., Kumar S., Cremer C., Landfester K., Müllen K., Parekh S., Narita A., Bonn M., “Nanographene-Based Dyes as Stable, High-Brightness Probes for Super-Resolution Microscopy”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020,59, 496-502. (Selected as back cover)

    16. Chen Q., Schollmeyer D., Müllen K., Narita A., “Synthesis of Circumpyrene by Alkyne Benzannulation of Dibrominated Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene”,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019,141, 19994-19999.

    15. Fantuzzi P., Candini A.,Chen Q., Dumslaff T., Müllen K., Narita A., Affronte M., “Color Sensitive Response of Graphene-Graphene Quantum Dot Photo-Transistor”,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2019,123, 26490-26497.

    14. Chen Q.,#Thoms S.,#Stöttinger S., Schollmeyer D., Müllen K., Narita A., Basché T., “Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene as Highly Luminescent Nanographene: Efficient Synthesis via Photochemical Cyclodehydroiodination, Opto-electronic Properties and Single Molecule Spectroscopy”,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019,141, 16439-16449. (#equal contribution. Highlighted by Synfacts 2019, 15, 1371)

    13. Chen Q.,#Zajaczkowski W.,#Seibel J.,#Stöttinger S., Feyter S., Pisula W., Müllen K., Narita A., “Synthesis and Supramolecular Organization of Discotic Liquid Crystalline Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene with Long-Range Helical Packing”,J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019,7, 12898-12906. (# equal contribution. Invited article for 2019 Emerging Investigators Themed Issue and selected as inside Front Cover.)

    12. Urgel I. J., Di Giovannantonio M., Gandus G.,Chen Q., Liu X., Hayashi H., Ruffieux P., Decurtins S., Narita A., Passerone D., Yamada H., Liu S.-X., Müllen K., Pignedoli A. C., Fasel R., “Overcoming Steric Hindrance in Aryl-Aryl Homocoupling via On-Surface Copolymerization”,ChemPhysChem, 2019,20, 2360-2366.

    11. Hu Y., Paternò G. M., Wang X.-Y., Wang X.-C., Guizzardi M.,Chen Q., Schollmeyer D., Cao X.-Y., Cerullo G., Scotognella F., Müllen K., Narita A., “π-Extended Pyrene-Fused Double [7]Carbohelicene as a Chiral Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon”,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019,141, 12797–12803.

    10. Giovannantonio M., Eimre K., Yakutovich A.,Chen Q., Mishra S., Urgel J., Pignedoli C., Ruffieux C., Müllen K., Narita A., Fasel R., “On-Surface Synthesis of Indeno[2,1-b]fluorene Polymers with Antiaromatic and Open-Shell Characters”,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019,141, 12346–12354.

    9. Chen Q., Wang D., Baumgarten M., Schollmeyer D., Müllen K., Narita A., “Regioselective Bromination of Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene and Its Post-Synthetic Functionalization”,Chem. Asian J.,2019,14, 1703–1707. (Invited article for Special Issue: π-Conjugated Compounds for Molecular Materials and highlighted in ChemistryViews, 23, MAR, 2019).

    8. Narita A., Chen Z. P.,#Chen Q.,#Müllen K., “Solution and On-Surface Synthesis of Structurally Defined Graphene Nanoribbons as a New Family of Semiconductors”,Chem. Sci., 2019,10, 964–975. (# equal contribution)

    7. Paternò G. M., Moretti L., Barker J. A.,Chen Q., Müllen K., Narita A., Cerullo G., Scotognella F., Lanzani G., “Pump–Push–Probe for Ultrafast All-Optical Switching: The Case of a Nanographene Molecule”,Adv. Funct. Mater., 2019,29, 1805249.

    6. Paternò G. M., Nicoli L.,Chen Q., Müllen K., Narita A.,Lanzani G., Scotognella F., “Modulation of the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene by Peripheral Substituents”,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018,122, 25007–25013.

    5. Chen Q., Brambilla L., Daukiya L., Mali K. S., De Feyter S., Tommasini M., Müllen K., Narita A. “Synthesis of Triply Fused Porphyrin-Nanographene ConjugatesAngew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018,57, 11233–11237. (Highlighted bySynfacts2018, 14, 1032)

    4. Coles D. M.#,Chen Q.,#Flatten L. C., Smith J. M., Müllen K., Narita A., Lidzey D. G., “Strong Exciton-Photon Coupling in a Nanographene Filled Microcavity”,Nano Lett., 2017,17, 5521–5525. (# equal contribution)

    3. Liu Z., Wang H. I., Narita A.,Chen Q., Mics Z., Turchinovich D., Kläui M., Bonn M., Müllen K., “Photoswitchable Micro-Supercapacitor Based on a Diarylethene-Graphene Composite FilmJ. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017,139, 9443–9446.

    2. Paternò G. M.,#Chen Q.,#Wang X. Y., Liu J., Motti S. G., Petrozza A., Feng X., Lanzani G., Müllen K, Narita A., Scotognella F., “Synthesis of Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene and Its Amplified Spontaneous Emission in a Polystyrene Matrix”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017,56, 6753–6757. (# equal contribution)

    1.Chen Q., Zhu Y. Z., Fan Q. J., Zhang S. C., Zheng J. Y., “Simple and Catalyst-Free Synthesis ofmeso-O-, -S-, and -C-Substituted Porphyrins”,Org. Lett., 2014,16, 1590–1593.


    • 1、优秀自费留学生奖学金,国家留学基金委,2018
    • 2、Walter Benjamin奖学金,德国科学基金会,2019
    • 3、国家海外高层次青年人才,国家自然科学基金委,2023
    Copyright © 2011-2014 www.优德88.cpm版权所有 www.优德88.cpm 信息化建设与管理中心技术支持








    Copyright © 2011-2014 www.优德88.cpm版权所有 www.优德88.cpm 信息化建设与管理中心技术支持