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孙宝全教授, 博士生导师,入选国家级人才计划,二级教授 Researcher ID:N-7225-2013 (link) 教育工作简历 2008/10- www.优德88.cpm 功能纳米与软物质材料研究院 (FUNSOM), 教授,博士生导师; 2007/05-2008/10 美国能源部洛斯安洛莫斯国家实验室(LANL)-再生能源实验室(NREL)先进光物理中心(CASP),博士后; 2002/08-2007/04 英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室(物理系), 博士后; 1997/09-2002/07 北京清华大学化学系,硕博研究生; 1993/09-1997/07 山东青岛科技大学应用化学系,本科生。 学术兼职 2015-现在,Pss-physica Status Solidi (a) (WILEY-VCH, IF, 3.7) 编委(Link), WILEY-VCH, Germany 2021-现在, Nanomaterials (IF, 5.1), 编辑 (Link),MDPI 2019-现在,SN Applied Science 编委 (Link), Springer, German 2015-现在,Frontiers Optics and Photonics编委(Link), Lausanne, Switzerland
2020-现在,Frontiers in Electronics编委(Link), Lausanne, Switzerland 2020-现在,Coating 编委(Link), Basel, Switzerland 学术奖励 2016年度入选英国皇家学会“材料”领域全球前1%中国作者名单; 2016年获得Nano Research 最佳论文奖; 2017年获得江苏省科学技术一等奖; 2018年-连续六年入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)中国高被引学者(Chinese Most Cited Researchers)榜单 (材料科学); 2019年获得江苏省科学技术二等奖; 2020年周氏教育科研奖; 人才计划 2019年入选金鸡湖科技领军人才计划 2019 年入选国家级重点人才计划 Baoquan (Sam) Sun Professor in Materials Science Google Scholar Citation Report (link) Researcher ID:N-7225-2013 (link) Education and Work Experience 2008/10- Professor in FUNSOM, Soochow University, Suzhou, China 2007/05-2008/10 Research Scientist Los Alamos National Laboratory (Hosted by Dr. Victor Klimov), USA 2002/08-2007/04 Research Associate in Cavendish Lab., Cambridge University (Advisor Prof. Henning Sirringhaus), UK 1997/09-2002/07 Ph.D. in Chemistry Materials, Tsinghua University, (Advisor: Prof. D P Chen), China 1993/09-1997/07 B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China 2012-现在 历届毕业生
主要研究方向: 柔性电子材料与器件; 共轭高分子和纳米结构材料;光伏电池; 发光二极管; 光电薄膜表面和界面物理 1) 新型光伏电池的器件性质及相关的物理机制,主要包括基于半导体纳米结构的有机-无机杂化光伏电池和薄膜场效应管、基于有机共轭高分子的有机太阳电池和薄膜场效应管的性能研究以及相关器件的表面与界面分析 2) 半导体纳米结构的光电性质界面调控,通过控制半导体纳米结构的形貌和表面修饰,调控其光诱导的电荷产生、解离、复合和电荷迁移机制 3) 硅基光伏电池,太阳电池,发光二极管,柔性打印电子可穿戴器件,其它新型能源器件,柔性电子浆料及基片 4) 电子墨水 Research Interests: 1) Flexible Electronics, Conjugated Polymer, Nanostructrued Semiconductor Materials,Colloidal Quantum Dots 2) Charge Separation and Transport; Interface Engineering for High Efficient Optoelectronic Devices 3) Solar Cell; Silicon Solar Cell, Organic Solar Cell 4) Light emitting diode 5) Electronics ink
职称:教授 院部/部门:功能纳米与软物质研究院 学历: 学位: 毕业学校:清华大学 (Tsinghua) 毕业专业:化学 (Chemistry)
通讯地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路199号苏大33号信箱 邮政编码:215123 电子邮箱:bqsun@suda.edu.cn 联系电话:0086-512-65880951 传真号码: 办公地点:功能纳米与软物质研究院 909楼302A
2024 曾雪连同学的工作光诱导银纳米晶体在流动反应器中的级联生长并用于实现高性能透明电极被Wiley公司Materilasview新闻报道(www.优德88.cpm 孙宝全AFM:光诱导银纳米晶体在流动反应器中的级联生长并用于实现高性能柔性透明电极) 2024年7月,剑桥大学Henning Sirringhaus教授(FRS)和法国索邦大学Zhuoying Chen教授访问课题组,并进行学术交流报告。 2024 年课题组徐家铭作为优秀毕业生代表发言。
徐家铭、沈悦琦、冯骞阅等同学《伏兮电力一一全球硅基水伏电池领军者》项目,荣获“建行杯”第八届中国国际“石联网+”大学生创新创业大赛江苏省选拔赛暨第十一届江苏省大学生创新创业大赛高教主赛道二等奖。 2022 洪志伟同学的研究工作(质子酸脱附量子点表面配体实现叠层白光器件)Wiley 公司AdvancedScienceNews新闻报道。( 臧家庆同学的研究工作(含氟硅烷交联实现高效自修复柔性钙钛矿发光二极管 )Wiley 公司AdvancedScienceNews新闻报道。( 2021年 王玉生博士的研究工作
(一石两鸟——同时收集机械能与太阳能的直流输出光电器件,Adv Energy Mater 2021,2100578)Wiley公司Materilasview 新闻报道(链接)
李雅娟博士的工作高稳定的晶硅太阳能电池新型电荷传输层-氮化钼被Wiley公司Materilasview新闻报道(链接) 2019年 孙宝全教授入选爱思唯尔的Scopus数据库2018年中国高被引学者(Chinese Most Cited Researchers)榜单。 https://www.elsevier.com/zh-cn/authors/most-cited/material-science-2018 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2019/1/422206.shtm 2018年 韩玉洁和加拿大国家www.优德88.cpm 院Dongling Ma教授的合作研究成果最近被Advanced Science News作为亮点工作报道(链接)。 刘玉强和孙旭辉教授课题组合作研究成果被Nature Climate Change,2018, May,Vol 8, Page 359 作为亮点工作报道。 刘玉强(第一作者)和孙旭辉教授课题组合作研究成果被《新华社》《泰晤士报》和《The Guardian》等近百家媒体宣传报道。 2017年 孙宝全教授被RSC评为高引用作者(2017年) www.优德88.cpm 功能纳米与软物质研究院2位教授成功入选英国皇家化学会期刊“Top 1% 高被引中国作者”榜单 课题组刘瑞远同学的光伏-电容器复合器件发表在Nano Letters上的工作被eeNews Europe新闻报道。 http://www.eenewseurope.com/news/researchers-integrate-ultracapacitor-sinw-hybrid-solar-cell 课题组邹亚涛同学的量子点发光二极管工作发表在Nanoscale Horizons上的工作被英国皇家化学会中国快报报道 (RSC China Quarterly Newsletter)(http://mailchi.mp/rsc/rsc-20176?e=94ff71f659 2016年 课题组吴仲伟同学与浙江大学金一政教授合作的文章获得2016年Nano Reseach 最佳论文奖。 课题组吴珊同学的工作“Nanostructured Si/Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells with High Open-Circuit Voltage via Improving Junction Quality”,以中文简讯的形式发表在了微信公众账号X-MOL资讯(微信号:X-molNews)以及X-MOL化学资讯平台(网址:www.x-mol.com)上http://www.x-mol.com/news/3112 题组王玉生同学的钙钛矿探测器工作(Advanced Optical Materials 2015, 3 (10), 1389-1396.)被Wiley公司Materilasview 新闻报道。 课题组袁忠诚同学与廖良生教授课题组的合作的 钙钛矿电池工作(Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26 (9), 1375-1381.)被Wiley公司Materilasview 新闻报道,进入Wiley公司热点文章排行榜Top 10。 2015 年 课题组袁忠诚同学的钙钛矿电池工作(Adv Energy Mater 2015, 5 (10), 1500038.)被Wiley公司Materilasview 新闻报道。 ************************************************************************************************
课题组活动 In those sunny days, we are still young but active, happy and ... 2024年课题组春季学期工作总结
2024年5月剑桥大学Henning Sirringhaus访问
2024年5月 同学们毕业 (终于轮到我了。。。开心)
2024年1月18日 课题组年终总结 (拿到奖品真开心。。。)
2023年12月元旦晚会 好开心 Sun Group15thYear Celebration. 15周年相聚
Prof. Henning Sirringhaus (FRS, Cambridge Univ. 和学生们在一起) 2023 July
2023年送别2021级硕士生同学 (各位同学前程似锦!!!)
2023.06 课题组袁忠诚(牛津大学)来访
2023.06 毕业生访问
2023.05 课题组毕业生回访
2023.05 开心毕业
成立课题组以来,已经发表“SCI”收录文章200余篇,文章他引次数超过20000余次, H-index=73。相关工作曾经被 Nature Photonics、Nature Climate Change\ 泰晤士报、the Guardian、美国化学化学会、新华网等国内外200多家科学杂志或媒体报道。 2024 221 .Wang Yanan; Yuan Xianrong; Ni Kun; Song Yuhang; Li Xiang; Zeng Xuelian; Shao Beibei*;Sun Baoqua*. 3D dendritic hierarchically gradient nanoflowers in situ grown on conductive substrates for efficient hydrovoltaic power generation.Energy & Environmental Science2024, 17, 4780-4793. 220. Yuan Xianrong; Bai Guilin; Wang Yanan; Zeng Xuelian; Shao Beibei*; Wang Yusheng*;Sun Baoquan*, Mapping Capillary Infiltration-Induced Potential in Water-Triggered Electric Generator Using an Electrical Probe Integrated Microscope.Small2024, 20 (13), 2307201.
219. Wang Yusheng; Shao Beibei*; Song Yuhang;Sun Baoquan*, Asymmetrical Schottky Junction Built by Metal/Conducting Polymer Targeting Efficient Flexible Direct Current Tribovoltaic Generator.physica status solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters2024, 18 (3), 2300388. 218. Zhang Jianfeng; Wang Junhui; Cai Lei; Wang Sheng; Wu Kaifeng;Sun Baoquan; Zheng Weitao; Kershaw Stephen V.; Jia Guohua; Zhang Xiaoyu*; Rogach Andrey L*.; Yang Xuyong*, Fine-Tuning Crystal Structures of Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystals through Trace Cadmium(II) Doping for Efficient Color-Saturated Green LEDs.Angewandte Chemie International Edition2024, 63 (26), e202403996. 217. Zeng, Xuelian; Ding, Youyi; Yuan, Xianrong; Jiang, Conghui; Wang, Yanan; Song, Yuhang; Li, Yawen; Shao, Beibei*; Wang, Yusheng*;Sun, Baoquan*, Photo-Mediated Cascade Growth of Ag Nanocrystals in Flow Reactors for High-Performance Flexible Transparent Electrodes.Advanced Functional Materials2024, 34 (8), 2309730. 216. Xing, Chunfang; Gu, Wenbo; Xiang, Zhizhang; Lou, Xinliang; Wang, Xinyu; Zhang, Xiaohong; Wang, Yusheng*; Yang, Xinbo*;Sun, Baoquan*, Post-annealing-free BaOxFy/LiF-based stack electron-selective contacts for high efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells featuring ultra-low contact resistivity.Chemical Engineering Journal2024, 481, 148568. 216. Liu, Yan; Dai, Xing; Zeng, Xuelian; Yuan, Xianrong; Wang, Yanan; Song, Yuhang; Chen, Haoyu; Zhang, Chao; Wang, Yong; Wan, Li; Zou, Yatao*; Ning, Weihua*;Sun, Baoquan*, High-Efficient Blue Emission and Bandgap Engineering from Jahn–Teller Distorted Halide Double Perovskites.Advanced Optical Materials2024, 12 (3), 2301576. 215. Xing, Chunfang; Jiang, Conghui; Gu, Wenbo; Lou, Xinliang; Gao, Kun; Song, Yuhang; Shao, Beibei; Li, Kun; Wang, Xinyu; Xu, Dacheng; Zhang, Xiaohong; Wang, Yusheng*; Yang, Xinbo*;Sun Baoquan*, SrFx-based electron-selective contact with high tolerance to thickness for crystalline silicon solar cells enabling efficiency over 21%.Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications2024, 32 (1), 35-44. 214. Shao Beibei; Lu Ming-Han; Wu Tai-Chen; Peng Wei-Chen; Ko Tien-Yu; Hsiao Yung-Chi; Chen Jiann-Yeu;Sun Baoquan*; Liu Ruiyuan*; Lai Ying-Chih*, Large-area, untethered, metamorphic, and omnidirectionally stretchable multiplexing self-powered triboelectric skins.Nature Communications2024, 15 (1), 1238. 2023 213. Song Yuhang; Song Zheheng; Jiang Conghui; Xing Chunfang; Zeng Xuelian; Zhang Zekun; Chen Zhewei; Song Tao; Shao Beibei*; Wang Yusheng*;Sun Baoquan*, Ferroelectric Layer‐Assisted Asymmetric Heterojunction Boosts Power Output in Silicon Hydrovoltaic Device.Advanced Energy Materials2023, 13 (48), 2302765. 212. Xing, C.; Jiang, C.; Gu, W.; Lou, X.; Gao, K.; Song, Y.; Shao, B.; Li, K.; Wang, X.; Xu, D.; Zhang, X.; Wang, Y.*; Yang, X.*;Sun, B.* SrFx‐based electron‐selective contact with high tolerance to thickness for crystalline silicon solar cells enabling efficiency over 21%.Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications2023, 32, 35-44. 211. Chen Zhewei; Wu Junjie; Song Zheheng; Zou Yatao; Hu Jingyun; Li Ya; Song Yuhang; Li Yawen; Bai Guilin; Li Xiang; Zhu Yanan; Zhang Xinping; Wang Xue-Dong*; Song Tao*;Sun Baoquan*, Mask-Free Patterned Perovskite Microcavity Arrays via Inkjet Printing Targeting Laser Emission.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2023, 14 (37), 8376-8384. (cover 210. Cai Lei; Chen Jiangyu; Zang Jiaqing; Zhou Jungui; Zou Yatao; Bai Guilin; Chen Zhewei; Song Tao*; Wang Chuan‐Kui*;Sun Baoquan*, Smoothing Energy Transfer Enabling Efficient Large‐Area Quasi‐2D Perovskite Light‐Emitting Diodes.Laser & Photonics Reviews2023, 17 (6), 2200847. 209. Chen Jiangyu; Cai Lei; Jiang Conghui; Chen Zhewei; Bai Guilin; Li Xiang; Li Ya; Zou Yatao; Song Tao*;Sun Baoquan*, Phase Distribution Manipulation through Molecular Interaction Enables Efficient Quasi-2D Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C2023, 127 (19), 9388-9396. 208. Song Zheheng; Ge Can; Song Yuhang; Chen Zhewei; Shao Beibei; Yuan Xianrong; Chen Jiangyu; Xu Duo; Song Tao; Fang Jian*; Wang Yusheng*;Sun Baoquan*, Synergistic Solar-Driven Freshwater Generation and Electricity Output Empowered by Wafer-Scale Nanostructured Silicon.Small2023, 19 (4), 2205265. 207. Zou Yatao; Li Ya; Pang Xinghan; Song Yuhang; Xu Weidong*;Sun Baoquan*, Unraveling Deposition Atmosphere Impact on Reproducibility of Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2023, 14 (21), 5025-5032. 206. Shao Beibei; Song Yuhang; Song Zheheng; Wang Yanan; Wang Yusheng*; Liu Ruiyuan*;Sun Baoquan*, Electricity Generation from Phase Transitions between Liquid and Gaseous Water.Advanced Energy Materials2023, 13 (16), 2204091. 205. Song Yuhang; Shu Chang; Song Zheheng; Zeng Xuelian; Yuan Xianrong; Wang Yanan; Xu Jiaming; Feng Qianyue; Song Tao; Shao Beibei*; Wang Yusheng*;Sun Baoquan*, Self-powered health monitoring with ultrafast response and recovery enabled by nanostructured silicon moisture-electric generator.Chemical Engineering Journal2023, 468, 143797. 204. Cui Wei; Chen Fengjiao; Li Yawen; Su Xiaodong*;Sun Baoquan*, Status and perspectives of transparent conductive oxide films for silicon heterojunction solar cells.Materials Today Nano2023, 22, 100329. 203. Xing Chunfang; Gu Wenbo; Gao Kun; Shao Beibei; Jiang Conghui; Bai Guilin; Xu Dacheng; Wang Xinyu; Li Kun; Song Zheheng; Su Zhaojun; Mao Jie; Zhang Xinyu; Zheng Peiting; Zhang Wei; Zhang Xiaohong; Wang Yusheng*; Yang Xinbo*;Sun Baoquan*, Electron‐Selective Strontium Oxide Contact for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells with High Fill Factor.Solar RRL2023, 7 (9), 2201100. 202. Li, Y.; Li, Y.; Heger, J. E.; Zhou, J.; Guan, T.; Everett, C. R.; Wei, W.; Hong, Z.; Wu, Y.; Jiang, X.; Yin, S.; Yang, X.; Li, D.; Jiang, C.;Sun, B*.; Müller-Buschbaum, P.*, Revealing Surface and Interface Evolution of Molybdenum Nitride as Carrier-Selective Contacts for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2023, 15 (10), 13753-13760. 201. Jiang C.; Zhang G.; Hong Z.; Chen J.; Li Y.; Yuan X.; Lin Y.; Yu C.; Wang T.; Song T.*; Wang Y.*;Sun B.*, Colored Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells Exceeding 23.5% Efficiency Enabled by Luminescent Down-Shift Quantum Dots.Advanced Material2023, 35 (6), e2208042. 200. Shao, B.; Xing, C.; Song, Y.; Jiang, C.; Bai, G.; Song, T.; Liu, R.; Wang, Y.*;Sun B.*, Boosting electrical output of nanostructured silicon hydrovoltaic device via cobalt oxide enabled electrode surface contact.Nano Energy2023, 106, 108081. 2022 199. Hong, Z.; Zou, Y.; Li, Y.; Cai, L.; Chen, Z.; Zang, J.; Bai, G.; Li, Y.; Chen, J.; Wu, Y.; Jiang, C.; Song, T.*;Sun, B.*, In Situ Ligand-Exchange in Solid Quantum Dots Film Enables Stacked White Light-Emitting Diodes. Advanced Optical Materials2022, 10 (20), 2200918. 198. Zang, J.; Cai, L.; Zou, Y.*; Li, Y.; Bai, G.; Hong, Z.; Chen, Z.; Jiang, C.; Song, Y.; Zeng, X.; Song, T.*;Sun, B.*, Self-Healing Perovskite Films Enabled by Fluorinated Cross-Linked Network Targeting Flexible Light-Emitting Diode. Advanced Optical Materials2022, 10 (16), 2200566. 197. Zou, Y.; Teng, P.; Yuan, Z.; Hu, J.; Lu, Y.; Sun, B.*; Gao, F.*; Xu, W.*, Protocol for efficient and self-healing near-infrared perovskite light-emitting diodes.STAR Protocols2022, 3 (3), 101631. 196. Ge, C.; Song, Z.; Yuan, Y.; Song, B.; Ren, S.; Wei, W.; Zhao, H.;Sun, B.*; Fang, J.* Solar steam generation by porous conducting polymer hydrogel.Solar Energy2022, 240, 237-245. 195.Wu, Y.; Shao, B.; Song, Z.; Li, Y.; Zou, Y.; Chen, X.; Di, J.; Song, T.; Wang, Y.*;Sun, B.*A Hygroscopic Janus Heterojunction for Continuous Moisture-Triggered Electricity Generators.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2022, 14, 19569-19578. 194. Gao, K.; Bi, Q.; Wang, X.; Liu, W.; Xing, C.; Li, K.; Xu, D.; Su, Z.; Zhang, C.; Yu, J.; Li, D.; Sun, B.; Bullock, J.; Zhang, X.; Yang, X.* Progress and Future Prospects of Wide-Bandgap Metal-Compound-Based Passivating Contacts for Silicon Solar Cells.Adv. Mater.2022, 34, e2200344. 193. Shu, C.; Zhang, N.; Gao, Y.; An, J.; Wen, X.; Ma, W.; Liu, Z.*;Sun, B.*; Li, S*. Multifunctional Sensors Based on Doped Indium Oxide Nanocrystals.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2022, 14, 24648-24658. 192. Chen, X.; Jiang, C.; Song, Y.; Shao, B.; Wu, Y.; Song, Z.; Song, T.; Wang, Y.*;Sun, B*. Integrating hydrovoltaic device with triboelectric nanogenerator to achieve simultaneous energy harvesting from water droplet and vapor.Nano Energy2022, 100, 107495. 191. Bai, G. L.; Zou, Y. T.^; Li, Y.; Cai, L.; Chen, B. T.; Zang, J. Q.; Hong, Z. W.; Chen, J. Y.; Chen, Z. W.; Duhm, S.; Song, T*.; Sun, B. Q.*, Revealing a Zinc Oxide/Perovskite Luminescence QuenchingMechanism Targeting Low-Roll-offLight-Emitting Diodes br.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2022, 13 (13), 3121-3129. 190. Shao, B.; Wu, Y.; Song, Z.; Yang, H.; Chen, X.; Zou, Y.; Zang, J.; Yang, F.; Song, T.; Wang, Y.*; Shao*, M.;Sun, B.*,Freestanding silicon nanowires mesh for efficient electricity generation from evaporation-induced water capillary flow.Nano Energy2022, 94, 106917. 189. Zhang, C.; Wang, M.; Jiang, C.; Zhu, P.;Sun, B.; Gao, Q.; Gao, C.*; Liu, R.*, Highly adhesive and self-healing γ-PGA/PEDOT:PSS conductive hydrogels enabled by multiple hydrogen bonding for wearable electronics.Nano Energy2022, 95, 106991. 2021 188. Zou, Y.; Teng, P.; Xu, W.*; Zheng, G.; Lin, W.; Yin, J.; Kobera, L.; Abbrent, S.; Li, X.; Steele, J. A.; Solano, E.; Roeffaers, M. B. J.; Li, J.; Cai, L.; Kuang, C.; Scheblykin, I. G.; Brus, J.; Zheng, K.; Yang, Y.; Mohammed, O. F.; Bakr, O. M.; Pullerits, T.; Bai, S.;Sun, B.*; Gao, F.*, Manipulating crystallization dynamics through chelating molecules for bright perovskite emitters.Nature Communications2021,12(1), 4831. 187.Li, P.; Fang, J.; Wang, Y.; Manzhos, S.; Cai, L.; Song, Z.; Li, Y.; Song, T.; Wang, X.; Guo, X.; Zhang, M*.; Ma, D*.;Sun, B*., Synergistic Effect of Dielectric Property and Energy Transfer on Charge Separation in Non-Fullerene-Based Solar Cells.Angewandte Chemie International Edition2021,60(27), 15054-15062. 186. Liang, D.; Dong, C.; Cai, L.; Su, Z.; Zang, J.; Wang, C.; Wang, X.; Zou, Y.; Li, Y.; Chen, L.; Zhang, L.; Hong, Z.; El-Shaer, A.; Wang, Z. K*.; Gao, X.*Sun, B.*, Unveiling Crystal Orientation in Quasi-2D Perovskite Films by In Situ GIWAXS for High-Performance Photovoltaics.Small2021,17(33), e2100972. 185. Shao, B.; Wu, Y.; Chen, X.; Song, Z.; Li, Y.; Hong, Z.; Yang, F.; Song, T.; Wang, Y.*;Sun, B.*,Electron-Selective Passivation Contacts for High-Efficiency Nanostructured Silicon Hydrovoltaic Devices.Advanced Materials Interfaces2021,8(18), 2101213. 184. Zhang, Q.; Wang, Y.; Xia, Z.; Li, X.; Shao, B.; Di, Z.; Song, T.; Wang, T*.;Sun, B.*, Scalable Nanostructured Silicon with All‐Dielectric Standard RGB Color.physica status solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters2021,15(10), 2100319. 183. Teng, P.; Reichert, S.; Xu, W.; Yang, S.-C.; Fu, F.; Zou, Y.; Yin, C.; Bao, C.; Karlsson, M.; Liu, X.; Qin, J.; Yu, T.; Tress, W.; Yang, Y.;Sun, B.; Deibel, C.*; Gao, F*., Degradation and self-repairing in perovskite light-emitting diodes.Matter2021,4(11), 3710-3724. 182. Zang, J.; Chen, J.*; Chen, Z.; Li, Y.; Zhang, J.; Song, T*.;Sun, B., Printed flexible thermoelectric materials and devices.Journal of Materials Chemistry A2021,9(35), 19439-19464. 181. Li, Y.; Chen, Z.; Liang, D.; Zang, J.; Song, Z.; Cai, L.; Zou, Y.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Li, P.; Gao, X.; Ma, Z.; Mu, X.; El‐Shaer, A.; Xie, L.; Su, W.; Song, T.*;Sun, B.*, Coffee‐Stain‐Free Perovskite Film for Efficient Printed Light‐Emitting Diode.Advanced Optical Materials2021, 9 (17), 2100553. 180. Thrithamarassery Gangadharan, D.; Li, P.; Zhang, Q.; Yang, F.; Izquierdo, R.;Sun, B.; Ma, D.*, Improving Photovoltaic Performance of Pb‐Less Halide Perovskite Solar Cells by Incorporating Bulky Phenylethylammonium Cations.Energy Technology2021,9(8), 2100176. 179. Zou, Y.“; Cai, L.; Song, T*.; Sun, B.*, Recent Progress on Patterning Strategies for Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes toward a Full-Color Display Prototype.Small Science2021,1(8), 2000050. 178. Wang, X. C.; Cai, L.; Zou, Y. T.*; Liang, D.; Wang, L.; Li, Y.; Zang, J. Q.; Bai, G. L.; Gao, X. Y.; Song, T.*; Sun, B. 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32. 孙宝全; 宋哲恒; 葛灿; 方剑; 王玉生. 器件蒸发及发电组件、淡水收集及发电装置, CN 115333476 B,2022, 2023-07-07 32. 孙宝全; 宋涛; 黄琪. 一种全无机卤化铅钙钛矿发光二极管及其制备方法和活性发光层, ZL201811390964,2022,2022-04-29 31. 朱利丰,朱舒,王玉生,宋涛,孙宝全,硅纳米线水伏电池、水位监测器和自驱动水位监测装置,ZL113037136A.20222021-01-06. 30. 王玉生,孙宝全,一种自驱动湿度传感器及其制备方法,ZL113311024A.20222021-06-29. 29. 孙宝全,宋涛,黄琪,一种全无机卤化铅钙钛矿发光二极管及其制备方法和活性发光层,ZL109585694A.20222018-11-21. 28. 孙宝全,陈江宇,宋涛,一种钙钛矿发光二极管,ZL113725378A.20222021-08-31. 27. 葛灿,宋哲恒,方剑,孙宝全,一种PEDOT:PSS水凝胶及其制备方法和应用,ZL113651978A.20222021-09-10. 26. 杨朔,靳然,王玉生,宋涛,孙宝全,水伏电池单元的制备方法及水伏/光伏发电系统,ZL112787548A.20212021-01-06. 25. 孙宝全,宋涛,邹亚涛,钙钛矿发光二极管及其制备方法,ZL108258133A.20202018-01-22. 24. 孙宝全,高鹏,宋涛,金属卤化物钙钛矿材料,其制备方法以及太阳能电池器件及其制备方法,ZL201910152238.9.20192019-02-28. 23. 孙宝全,宋涛,吴晨,碱金属卤化物掺杂的钙钛矿发光二极管及其制备方法,ZL108269940A.20182018-01-22. 22. 孙宝全,宋涛,班沐阳,含亚乙氧基化合物的钙钛矿发光二极管及其制备方法,ZL108281572A.20182018-01-22. 21. 孙宝全,许卫东,刘俪佳,一种钙钛矿太阳能电池及其制备方法,ZL105742494A 20162016-2-29. 20. 孙宝全,王玉生,鲍桥梁,一种基于光致场诱导效应增强太阳能电池效率的方法,ZL105655443A 20162016-2-29. 19.孙宝全,宋涛,导电银浆,ZL107123459A.20162017-03-09. 18.孙宝全,刘玉强,宋涛,一种太阳能电池的制备方法ZL106169537A, 20162016-8-18. 17.孙宝全,刘瑞远,宋涛,一种太阳能电池/电容器集成自充电单元制备方法,ZL106169376A.20162016-8-18. 16.孙宝全,崔巍, 一种有机-无机杂化光电化学阳极电极及其制备方法,ZL105742506A/ZL.201610112247.1.20162016-02-29. 15.孙宝全,吴姗,宋涛一种有机无机杂化太阳能电池及其制备方法ZL105470392A.20152015-12-9. 14.孙宝全,张杰,硅太阳能电池及其制备方法,ZL104051580A20142014-7-10. 13. 张桥,陈磊,吉飞,徐勇,靡逸凡,孙宝全,一种高产率金纳米三角片的快速制备方法,ZL104308179A.20142014-10-16. 12. 孙宝全,顾星,一种用于有机太阳能电池空穴传输层的层状半导体材料及其制备方法,ZL103311440A.20132013-6-8. 11. 孙宝全,胡佳,宋涛,一种纳米氧化锌薄膜的制备方法以及一种有机太阳能电池的制备方法,ZL103346264A.20132013-6-8. 10. 孙宝全,刘东,宋涛,申小娟,张付特,有机薄膜钝化的有机-无机杂化太阳能电池及其制备方法,ZL103346260A.20132013-7-24. 9. 孙宝全,张云芳,用于太阳能电池的三维硅纳米结构的制备方法,ZL103337560A.20132013-7-8. 8. 孙宝全,朱雅文,基于杂多酸阳极修饰层的有机太阳能电池及其制备方法,ZL103400941A.20132013-8-5. 7. 张杰,孙宝全,鲍桥梁,有机-二维晶体-无机杂化的异质结太阳能电池器件及其制备方法,ZL103296211A.20132013-5-14. 6. 张克勤,孙宝全,刘玉强,祁宁,贾明亮,一种基于丝素蛋白的柔性透明电极薄膜及其制备方法和应用,ZL103762014A.20132013-12-24. 5. 孙宝全,张付特,申小娟,韩晓园,雷晓飞,一种有机-无机杂化太阳能电池及其制备方法,ZL102263204A 20112011-7-20. 4. 孙宝全,雷晓飞,严锋,申小娟,赵杰,一种基于硅纳米结构的太阳能电池,ZL102157579A.20102010-12-9. 3. 严锋,赵杰,邱丽华,孙宝全,一种太阳能电池凝胶电解质及其制备方法和应用,ZL101901692A.20102010-4-21. 2. 严锋,赵杰,孙宝全,一种凝胶电解质及其制备方法,ZL101777427A,20102010-1-29. 1.严锋,赵杰,孙宝全, 一种染料敏化太阳能电池电解质及其制备方法和应用,ZL101635200.20092009-8-18.
新能源材料与技术 本科生四年级 Renewable Materials and Device (Undergraduate, Spring Term) 新能源材料与技术 研究生 Physcis of Photovoltaic Device (Postgraduate, Spring Term)
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