龙家杰,男,教授,博士生导师,入选第13批江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才培养计划。本科就读于西南大学,硕士毕业于www.优德88.cpm 染整工程专业, 博士毕业于日本福井大学工学部生物应用化学科物质工程专业。曾任香港理工大学研究员(兼)。主要从事染色理论化学、超临界流体无水生态染整、低温等离子处理、光催化等节能减排新技术及新理论研究,以及纺织印染等废水深度处理及中水回用技术、环境中痕量物质的电化学分析新方法及新技术等研究。曾为日本分析化学学会会员(2004~2007),美国化学学会(ACS)会员(2012~2015);现任苏州市印染学会会员,中国纺织工程学会会员及染整专业委员会会员、毛纺专业委员会会员等。担任Journal of cleaner production, Dyes and Pigments, Coloration Technology,Chemical Engineering Journal,RSC Advances,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Green Chemistry等20余家国际及国内期刊审稿人和撰稿人。
作为主持人承担的项目主要有国家自然基金、江苏省自然基金、江苏省科技支撑计划(工业部分)、江苏省创新与成果转化项目,江苏省产业技术研究院开发项目,以及企业委托开发等各类项目30余项。在国内外刊物上以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI英文、中文核心等研究论文100余篇。以第一发明人申请专利80余件,其中中国发明专利60余件,国际发明专利(PCT)27件;获授权中国内地发明专利60余件、实用新型10件(含台湾地区1项);获授权美国、日本等国外境外发明专利20件。实现16项专利成果转化。参编国家级专业教材、重点图书4部。创建了www.优德88.cpm 无水染色协同创新中心、无水纤染产业化基地、无水匹染科研基地、无水染色908智能装备研究所等多家科研平台。
[1] 2013年香港桑麻纺织科技基金会科技奖二等奖,排名1;
[2] 2014年中国纺织联合会“纺织之光”科技进步二等奖,排名1;
[3] 2014年中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步三等奖,排名1;
[5]2013年指导大学生课外科研活动获全国大学生“挑战杯”一等奖、江苏省及www.优德88.cpm “挑战杯”特等奖,独立指导教师;
[6]2019年指导大学生课外科研活动获第二届全国大学生绿色染整创新大赛特等奖、全国大学生“挑战杯”三等奖、江苏省一等奖、www.优德88.cpm “挑战杯”特等奖,独立指导教师;
[8] 2013年、2019年获“www.优德88.cpm 教学先进个人”称号,www.优德88.cpm ,2013/10、2019/11;
[4]国家自然科学基金面上项目,NSFC21076133,超临界CO2流体中纤维素纤维的相转移催化染色基础,2011/01- 2013/12,主持。
[1] Yang-Yang Zhu,Jia-Jie Long(*),Development of a novel, sustainable and protective multi-flow dyeing methodology for silk substrate, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 399, 136632.(SCI(E), Ⅰ区,TOP期刊;IF/11.072, 2022)
[2] Li-Yuan Guan, Mei-Wu Shi,Jia-Jie Long(*),A novel and green method for recycling of waste feather for down via flash explosion with supercritical carbon dioxide, The Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 870: 162044.(SCI(E), Ⅰ区,TOP期刊;IF/10.754, 2022)
[3] Li-Yuan Guan, Mei-Wu Shi,Jia-Jie Long(*),One-step method for stain proofing finishing of polyester fabric in supercritical carbon dioxide, Journal of CO2utilization, 2023, 67, 102316.(SCI, II区,IF/8. 321,2022)
[4] Yang-Yang Zhu,Jia-Jie Long(*),The uptake behavior of acid dye on silk fabric under laminar flow in a coloration circular pipe, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 365, 132705.(SCI(E), Ⅰ区,TOP期刊;IF/11.072, 2022)
[5] Ying Wang, Kai Yan, Zi-Qing Du,Jia-Jie Long(*),Theoretical design, prediction and synthesis of a magenta dye SCFX-AYRL for sustainable coloration of natural fibers in SCF-CO2, Journal of CO2Utilization, 2022, 64, 102197.(SCI, II区,IF/8. 321,2022)
[6] Yang-Yang Zhu,Jia-Jie Long(*),Development of a novel method for investigation the uptake behaviors of acid dye on silk fabric at various flow statuses in a coloration circular pipe, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2022,15(10),104175.(SCI, II区,IF/6. 212,2022)
[7] Yang-Yang Zhu, Chuang-Long Cui, Jia-Qi Xue, Mei-Wu Shi, Zi-Han Xu, Wei Jiang, Rong Wang,Jia-Jie Long(*),The adsorption behavior and phase transfer catalytic fixation of a special dye SCF-AOL2 on cotton in supercritical carbon dioxide, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2022, 188, 105651.(SCI, II区,IF/4. 514,2022)
[8] Yuan-Bin Zheng, Jian-Xin Jia, Wei Shi,Jia-Jie Long(*),A sustainable one-step pretreatment of cotton gray fabric with 18-crown-6 as phase transfer in supercritical carbon dioxide, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2021, 175, 105269.(SCI, II区,IF/4. 577,2021)
[9] Jia-Ming He, Chang-Feng Xie,Jia-Jie Long(*),Sustainable color stripping of cotton substrate dyed with reactive dyes in a developed UV/K2S2O8photocatalytic system, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2021, 121, 241-256.(SCI, II区,IF/5. 876,2021)
[10] Kai Yan, Yan-Qin Zhang, Hong Xiao, Mei-Wu Shi,Jia-Jie Long(*), Development of a special SCFX-AnB3L dye and its application in ecological dyeing of silk with supercritical carbon dioxide, Journal of CO2Utilization, 2020, 35, 67-78.(SCI, II区,IF/5.993,2020)
[11] Cong Zhang, Yao-Xing Jiang, Jian-Ping Sun, Hong Xiao, Mei-Wu Shi,Jia-Jie Long(*), Investigation of the influence of supercritical carbon dioxide treatment on meta-aramid fiber: Thermal decomposition behavior and kinetics, Journal of CO2Utilization, 2020, 37, 85-96.(SCI, II区,IF/5.993,2020)
[12] Weiwei Zhu, Wei Shi, Meiwu Shi(*),Jia-Jie Long(*), Solubility and loading ability of benzene derivative drugs onto viscose substrate in supercritical carbon dioxide and their release behavior in solvent, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,255, 120200.(SCI(E), Ⅰ区,TOP期刊;IF/7.246, 2020)
[13] Fan, Y., Zhang, Y.‐Q., Yan, K.,Jia-Jie Long(*), Synthesis of a novel disperse reactive dye involving a versatile bridge group for the sustainable coloration of natural fibers in supercritical carbon dioxide,Advanced Science.2019, 6, 1801368.(SCI, Ⅰ区,TOP期刊;IF/15.840, 2020)
[14] Fang-Ne He, Xiang Li, Meng-Ke Zhu, Jun-Hui Hu, Yu-Ji Yuan, Can-Can Li,Jia-Jie Long (*), Color stripping of reactive-dyed cotton fabric in a UV/sodium hydrosulfite system with a dipping manner at low temperature,Cellulose, 2019, 1-18.(SCI, II区,TOP期刊;IF/4.210,2020)
[15] Feng Chen,Jia-Jie Long (*), Influences of process parameters on the apparent diffusion of an acid dye in sodium alginate paste for textile printing, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 205, 1139-1147.(SCI(E), Ⅰ区,TOP期刊;IF/6.395, 2019)
[16] Chuang-Long Cui, Wei Shi,Jia-Jie Long (*), Solubility and data correlation of a reactive disperse dye in a quaternary system of supercritical carbon dioxide with mixed cosolvents, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Volume 91, 2018, 213-223.(SCI, II区,IF/3.834,2019)
[17] Wei Shi, Chuang-Long Cui, Yue Fan, Kai Yan,Jia-Jie Long (*), Experimental determination and correlation of the solubility of a new reactive disperse orange SCF-AOL2 dye in pure supercritical carbon dioxide fluid, Fluid Phase Equilibria, Volume 463, 2018, 1-10.(SCI, III区,IF/2.514,2019)
[18]Jia-Jie Long (*), Bo Liu, Guo-Fu Wang, Wei Shi, Photocatalitic stripping of fixed Reactive Red X-3B dye from cotton with nano-TiO2/UV system, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 165, 788-800.(SCI(E), Ⅰ区,TOP期刊;IF/6.395, 2018)
[19] Wei Shi, Shi-Qi Liu, Jian-Ping Sun,Jia-Jie Long (*). A strategy for environmentally-friendly removal of impurities from cotton based on biocatalytic reaction in supercritical carbon dioxide,Cellulose, 2018, 25: 6771.(SCI, II区,TOP期刊;IF/3.917,2019)
[20]Jia-Jie Long (*), Bo Liu, Guo-Fu Wang, Wei Shi, Photocatalitic stripping of fixed Reactive Red X-3B dye from cotton with nano-TiO2/UV system, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 165, 788-800.(SCI(E), Ⅰ区,TOP期刊;IF/6.395, 2018)
[21]Zhang Y. Q., Qi L., Sun J. P.,Jia-Jie Long (*). Synthesis of an anthraquinonoid disperse reactive dye based on ligand-free Ullmann reaction [J]. Coloration Technology, 2017, 133 (4), 283-292.(SCI, IF1.168,2018).
[22]Shi-Qi Liu, Zong-Yao Chen, Jian-Ping Sun,Jia-Jie Long(*). Ecofriendly pretreatment of grey cotton fabric with enzymes in supercritical carbon dioxide fluid, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016,120, 85-94.(SCI(E),II区,IF5.715, 2017)
[23]Yi-Kang Peng, Long-Long Sun, Wei Shi,Jia-Jie Long(*).Investigation of enzymatic activity, stability and structure changes of pectinase treated in supercritical carbon dioxide, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 125,331-340.(SCI(E),II区,IF5.715, 2017)
[24] Yan-Qin Zhang, Xiao-Chen Wei,Jia-Jie Long(*).Ecofriendly synthesis and application of special disperse reactive dyes in waterless coloration of wool with supercritical carbon dioxide, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016,133, 746-756.(SCI(E),II区,IF5.715, 2017)
[25]Jia-Jie Long (*),Chuang-Long Cui,Yan-Qin Zhang,Guo-Hao Yuan,Clean fixation of dye on cotton in supercritical carbon dioxide with a heterogeneous and phase transfer catalytic reaction,Dyes and Pigments,2015,115:88-95(SCI,II区,TOP期刊;IF 4.055, 2016)
[26] Shen Ming,Wang Ling,Long Jia-Jie (*),Biodegumming of ramie fiber with pectinases enhanced by oxygen plasma,Journal of Cleaner Production,2015,101:395-403.(SCI,II区,IF 4.959, 2016)
[27] Shen Ming,Wang Ling,Chen Feng,Long Jia-Jie (*),Rui Yan-Nian,Effect of low-temperature oxygen plasma on the degumming of ramie fabric,Journal of Cleaner Production,2015,92:318-326.(SCI,II区,IF 4.959, 2016)