郑敏,东华大学博士,www.优德88.cpm 纺织化学与染整工程学科教授、博士生导师。国防973课题负责人。2011年苏州工业园区纳米科技领军人才,2012年十佳姑苏女性创新人才,2013年韩国釜庆国立大学访问学者,2020年江苏海安突出贡献专家,2022年陕西安康突出贡献专家。

先后主持江苏省科技攻关、浙江重大成果转化、江苏省产学研前瞻、校企协同创新中心、国防重点基础研究课题等项目,申请发明专利76项,授权国家发明专利42项,国际专利2项,在Nature Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, CCS Chemistry, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等国际学术期刊发表文章50余篇,参编学术著作2部。指导本科生荣获2009年第十一届“全国大学生挑战杯”特等奖,2010年第七届“挑战杯”全国大学生创业计划大赛”中荣获金奖,2009年全国大学生课外学术科技作品优秀指导教师,连获2009年和2010年www.优德88.cpm 教学先进个人。



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1. Qiang Lv, Min Zheng*, Liangsheng Liao* et al..Lattice-mismatch-free growth of organic heterostructure nanowires from cocrystals to alloys. Nat. Commun.2022,13(1).

2. Qiang Lv, Min Zheng*, Xuedong Wang*, Liangsheng Liao. Low-Dimensional Organic Crystals: From Precise Synthesis to Advanced Applications. Small, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202203961.

3. Qiang Lv, Xuedong Wang*, Wanying Yang, Kaili Wang, Chaofei Xu, Min Zheng*, and Liangsheng Liao*.A General Synthetic Approach of Organic Lateral Heterostructures for Optical Signal Converters in All-Color Wavelength. CCS Chemistry, 2022. DOI: 10.31635/ccschem.022.202101640.

4. Wangyi Zhai, Yuanming Cao, Yifei Li, Min Zheng*, and Zuoshan Wang*. MoO3–x QDs/MXene (Ti3C2Tx) self-assembled heterostructure for multifunctional application with antistatic, smoke suppression, and antibacterial on polyester fabric. J. Mater. Sci. 2022, 57: 2597–2609.

5. Shao-Zhen Wang, Mi Zheng , Xue Zhang , Ming-Peng Zhuo* , Qing-Qing Zhou, Min Zheng* , Jing-Yu Han , Zuo-Shan Wang*, Liang-Sheng Liao. Fine synthesis of hierarchical CuO/Cu(OH)2 urchin-like nanoparticles for efficient removal of Cr(VI). J. Alloys Compd. 2021,884, 161052.

6. ShaoZhen Wang, Mi Zheng, Xue Zhang, MingPeng Zhuo, Qingqing Zhou, Yang Su, Min Zheng*,Guotao Yuan, and ZuoShan Wang*. Flower-like CuO/Au Nanoparticle Heterostructures for Nonenzymatic Glucose Detection. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021, 4, 5808-5815.

7. Yuan-Ming Cao, Mi Zheng, Yi-Fei Li, Wang-Yi Zhai, Guo-Tao Yuan, Min Zheng*, Ming-Peng Zhuo*, Zuo-Shan Wang*, and Liang-Sheng Liao. Smart Textiles Based on MoS2 Hollow Nanospheres for Personal Thermal Management, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 48988−48996.

8. Songming Zhao, Min Zheng*, Kaixuan Shen. Ultrasound-assisted preparation of highly dispersion sulfonated graphene and its antistatic properties.The Journal of The Textile Institute. 2021, 112(1):30-36.

9. Qing-Qing Zhou, Ming-Peng Zhuo*, Rui Chen, Shao-Zhen Wang, Zuo-Shan Wang*, Min Zheng* and Liang-Sheng Liao. Controllable synthesis of barnyardgrass-like CuO/Cu2O heterostructure nanowires for highly sensitive non-enzymatic glucose sensors. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 14874.

10. Wang ZS, Feng YY, Cao L, Xue MQ, Shen KX, Zheng M*. Preparation and optical properties of Bi2FeVMoO10 nanoparticles structurally derived from cation-substitutions in Scheelite-type BiVO4. Materials Research Bulletin. 2018;100:145-52.

11. Chen R, Lu J, Liu SN, Zheng M, Wang ZS*. The preparation of Cu2O@Au yolk/shell structures for efficient photocatalytic activity with a self-generated acid etching method. Journal of Materials Science.2018;53(3):1781-90.

12. Rui Chen, Juan Lu, Zuoshan Wang, Qingqing Zhou and Min Zheng*. Microwave Synthesis of Cu/Cu2O/SnO2 Composite with Improved Photocatalytic Ability Using SnCl4 as a Protector.J.Mater. Sci. 2018,53:9557–9566.

13. Rui Chen, Zuoshan Wang, Qingqing Zhou, Juan Lu and Min Zheng*. A Template-Free Microwave Synthesis of One-Dimensional Cu2O Nanowires with Desired Photocatalytic Property. Materials.2018, 11, 1843.
