2022年度科研成果(论文、基金、获奖)|| 2022 Research Portfolio (Publications, Grants, and Awards)

发布者:沙晓燕 发布时间:2023-02-13 浏览次数:1552

2022 Publications || 2022年科研论文

1.Xu, J.,Chen, D.*(陈冬宇), Chau, M., Li, L.T., Zheng, H. (2022). Peer-to-Peer Loan Fraud Detection: Constructing Features from Transaction Data.MIS Quarterly, 46 (3): 1777-1792.

2.Zhao, X., Ai, P.,Lai, F.*(赖福军),Luo, R., and Benitez, J. (2022), Task Management in Decentralized Autonomous Organization,Journal of Operations Management, 686/7), 649-674

3.Feng, B. (冯博), Mao, Z.*, Li, H., (2021). Choices for Competing Service Providers with Heterogeneous Customers: Traditional vs. Opaque Sales Modes.Omega, 98: 102-133.

4.Chen, M. (陈猛), Liu, H.*, Tang, X. (2022). Do More Concentrated Supplier Portfolios Benefit Firm Innovation? The Moderating Roles of Financial Slack and Growth Opportunities.International Journal of Operations & Production Management,42(12), 1905-1936.

5.Chen, M. (陈猛), Pu, X.*, Zhang, M., Cai, Z., Chong, A.Y., Tan, K.H., (2022). Data Analytics Capability and Servitization: The Moderated Mediation Role of Bricolage and Innovation Orientation.International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 42 (4),440-470.

6.Tao, F.,Wang, Y.* (王要玉), Zhu, S.H. (录用待刊). Impact of Blockchain Technology on the Optimal Product Pricing and Quality Decisions of Platform Supply Chains.International Journal of Production Research, forthcoming.

7.Wang, Y. (王要玉), Tao, F., Wang, J.C., (2022). Information Disclosure and Blockchain Technology Adoption Strategy for Competing Platforms.Information & Management, 59(7): 103506.

8.Cai, J. (蔡婧璇), Ke, D., Wu, J., Luo, X. (2022). Get Your Report a Thumb-up: An Empirical Investigation on Crowd Testing.Decision Support Systems, 158. 113781.

9.Che, T. (车通), Peng, Z.,Lai, F.*(赖福军), & Luo, X., (2022). Online Prejudice and Barriers to Digital Innovation: Empirical Investigations of Chinese Consumers.Information Systems Journal, 32(3): 630-652.

10.Zhang, M., Liu, H.,Chen, M.* (陈猛), Tang, X. (2022). Managerial Ties: How Much Do They Matter for Organizational Agility?Industrial Marketing Management, 103, 215-226.

11.Feng, B. (冯博), Zhao, J., Jiang, Z., (2022). Robust Pricing for Airlines with Partial Information.Annuals of Operations Research, 310(1), 49-87.

12.Tao, F., Xie, Y.,Wang, Y.* (王要玉),Lai, F.(赖福军), Lai, K.K., (2022) Contract Strategies in Competitive Supply Chains Subject to Inventory Inaccuracy.Annals of Operations Research, 309: 641-661.

13.Zhao, J., Wang, H., Zhang, Y.,Huang., Y*(黄宇欣).(录用待刊). Trust inSharing Accommodation Sector: an Institution-based Trust Perspective.Internet Research,forthcoming.

14.Chen, D.* (陈冬);Huang, C. (黄承辰), Liu, D.,Lai, F.(赖福军)(录用待刊). The Role of Expertise in Herding Behaviors: Evidence from aCrowdfunding Market.Electronic Commerce Research, forthcoming.

15.Li, L., Zheng, H.,Chen, D.*(陈冬宇),Zhu, B. (录用待刊). Whose Reviews areMost Valuable for Predicting the Default Risk of Peer-to-peer Lending Platforms? Evidence from China.Electronic Commerce Research, forthcoming.

16.Qi, Z. (戚志远),Chen, D.*(陈冬宇),Xu, J., (2022). Do Facial Images Matter? Understanding the Role of Private Information Disclosure in Crowdfunding Markets.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 54.

17.Che, T. (车通), Ji, M., Zheng, X.*, &Feng, B. (冯博), (2022). Dissatisfaction toward O2O Websites: Expectation Disconfirmation and Justice Perspective.Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 34(1), 190-208.

18.Hua Y.,Che, T. (车通), Yang C., Hu M. (录用待刊). Customer No-Show Reduction in Web-Based Appointment Service: An Investigation of Patients' Non-Attendance Behavior.Service Industries Journal, forthcoming.

19.Feng, B. (冯博), Ye, Q., (2021). OperationsManagement ofSmart Logistics: A Literature Review and Future Research.Frontiers of Engineering Management, 8(3): 344-355.

20.Zhang, M.,Chen, M.* (陈猛), Zhang, M., Liu, H. (录用待刊). Environmental Performance of Servitized Manufacturing Firms: The (Mis)alignment Between Servitization Strategies and Inter-organizational IT Capabilities.Industrial Management & Data Systems, forthcoming.

21.Fu, S., He, G.,Wang, Q.*(王倩雯), Huo,B.,Ding, Y. (录用待刊). PowerUse, Cooperative Behavior, and Alliance Performance: Evidence from Contract Farming Supply Chains in China,Industrial Management & Data Systems,forthcoming.

22.Orji I.J.* (Juliet Orji), Ojadi F., Okwara U.K. (2022). The Nexus Between E-commerceAdoption in an Health Pandemic and Firm Performance: The Role of Pandemic Response Strategies.Journal of Business Research, 145 (1), 616- 635.

23.Orji I.J.* (Juliet Orji), Ojadi F. (录用待刊). The Circular Supply Chain: Basic Principles and Techniques.CRC Press, forthcoming.

24.Orji I.J.* (Juliet Orji), U-Dominic C.M. (2022). Organizational Change Towards Lean Six-sigma Implementation in the Manufacturing Supply Chain: an Integrated Approach.Business Process Management, 28 (5/6), 1301- 1342.

25.Ojadi F., Kusi-Sarpong S.,Orji I.J.* (Juliet Orji), Bai C., Gupta H., Okwara U.K. (录用待刊). A Decision Support Framework for Socially Responsible Supplier Selection in the Nigerian Banking Industry.Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, forthcoming.

26.Orji I.J.* (Juliet Orji), Ojadi F., Okwara U.K. (2022). Assessing the Pre-conditions for the Pedagogical Use of Digital Tools in the Nigerian Higher Education Sector.The International Journal of Management Education, 20 (2): 100626.

27.Orji I.J.* (Juliet Orji), U-Dominic C.M., Okwara U.K. (2022). Exploring the Determinants in Circular Supply Chain Implementation in the Nigerian Manufacturing Industry.Sustainable Production and Consumption, 29, 761- 776.

28.王鹏王要玉*,王建才. (录用待刊).零售平台自有品牌与制造商销售渠道的竞合博弈策略分析.中国管理科学forthcoming.



1. Liu, D., Brass, D.J., Lu, Y.,Chen, D.* (陈冬宇). (2015). Friendships in Online Peer-to-peer Lending: Pipes, Prisms, and Relational Herding.MIS Quarterly, 39 (3): 729-742.

2.Bian, J., Liao, Y.,Wang, Y. (王要玉), Tao, F. (2021). Analysis of firm CSR Strategies.European Journal of Operational Research, 290(3): 914-926.

3.Peng, DX.,Lai, F.*(赖福军). (2012). Using Partial Least Squares in Operations Management Research: A Practical Guideline and Summary of Past Research.Journal of Operations Management,30(6): 467-480.

2022 Grants || 2022科研基金



3.国家自然科学基金-外国青年学者研究基金项目,Impact of digitization on supply chain viability in the COVID-19 pandemic era(项目编号:K111000722),2022








2022 Awards/Honor ||奖励与荣誉






1. 江苏省双创博士;

2. ICOSCM 2022 international conference杰出会场主席;

















4.The Blockchain Technology Adoption Strategy in E-commerce Supply Chain with Counterfeits获得ICOSCM 2022 international conference优秀论文奖;





