
发布者:殳妮 发布时间:2022-07-20 浏览次数:13


为加深对AACSB国际认证标准中“学习保障Assurance of Learning,简称AoL”标准的理解,716-17日,我院10位教师参加了AACSB国际认证辅导会。




Faculty Members of the Business School Attended Training on

AACSB Accreditation Standards

Ten faculty members from the Business School of Soochow University attended the online training on the AACSB Accreditation Standards held by Blackboard Inc. on 16-17 July, 2022. The training mainly aims to deepen the faculty members’ understanding of theAssurance of Learning(AoL)”standardin the AACSB Accreditation Standards.

Prof. Tianxing Li, former vice President of Fu Jen Catholic University, was invited to the meeting, who explained in detail the requirementsofthe AoL standard in AACSB Accreditation Standards, and introduced the emphases and difficulties of AoL work from the perspective of an international accreditation expert.

Expertsof international accreditationfrom Beijing Jiaotong University and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics introduced respectively their own practices and experiences in international accreditationprocess.It wasemphasizedthat AoL is the most important part of AACSBAccreditation andis the onlywaya business school must taketo improve theteachingquality.AoLwork requires a well-framed top-level design oftheschool,andtheleadershipin charge of undergraduate and graduateeducation shouldparticipate in the wholeprocessof AoL work. In addition,each courselectureris also required to take part in thework.

The attendees from the Business School of Soochow University studied carefullyin the trainingand participated actively in the communication. By the end of this training, they further familiarized themselves with the requirements of AACSB Accreditation, which will lay a solid foundation for the smooth progress of the AACSB Accreditation of the school.Theschoolis making efforts toimproveandearnestly implementthe AoL system on the basis of the existing learningassuringsystem, and will take AACSB Accreditationas the starting pointtobuildtheschool into a high-level business schoolwith distinctive characteristics.