www.优德88.cpm 商学院AACSB单元认证申请获批

发布者:殳妮 发布时间:2022-07-14 浏览次数:10

www.优德88.cpm 商学院AACSB单元认证申请获批

2022年7月13日,www.优德88.cpm 商学院收到AACSB认证委员会官方通知,确认学院AACSB单元认证申请已获批。

AACSB(全称The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business),中文名为国际商学院协会,成立于1916年,是全球首屈一指的商学院和会计项目非政府认证机构,自1919年开始推行高等管理教育认证。AACSB 认证作为一项专业认证,是商学院用来表明他们对毕业的商业领袖和聘用高素质教员的承诺。许多商学院认为这项认证是高等教育中最严格和最负盛名的认证之一。为了获得认证资格,商学院根据 AACSB 制定和执行的标准提交运营审查材料。AACSB组织仅认可全球约 950 所商学院,认证制度之严、标准之高,冠居全球,世所公认,代表着商学教育达到世界级水平。全球商学院都把通过AACSB认证作为跻身全球一流商学院的标志。

Business School Unit Application Request Acknowledged by AACSB Accreditation Committee

The Business School of Soochow University received the official reply from the AACSB Accreditation Committee on 13th July 2022, confirming that the unit application of the school was approved by the committee.

AACSB International (AACSB) is a global nonprofit association founded in 1916. It has been promoting higher education accreditation since 1919. AACSB accreditation is a specialized credential that business schools use to signify their commitment to graduate business leaders and employ quality faculty members. Many business schools consider this accreditation to be one of the most rigorous and prestigious in higher education. To qualify for accreditation, business schools submit to a review of operations based on standards developed and enforced by the AACSB. With the organization only accrediting about 950 business schools worldwide, AACSB accreditation is known worldwide as the longest-standing, most recognized form of specialized accreditation that an institution and its business programs can earn, representing an important symbol of business education reaching a world-class level. The schools with AACSB accreditation are considered as the first-class business schools in the world.