2023年度科研成果(论文、基金、获奖)|| 2023 Research Portfolio (Publications, Grants, and Awards)

发布者:沙晓燕 发布时间:2024-01-29 浏览次数:471

2023 Publications || 2023年科研论文

1.Huang, Y.(黄宇欣),Shen, Y. (沈怡),Lai, F. *(赖福军), Luo, X.*(Robert). (录用待刊). The Categorical Paradoxes in The Sharing Economy: Empirical Evidence from Airbnb.Production and Operations Management(UTD24), forthcoming.

2.Chen, Z., Hang, H. &Wang, W. *(王魏莎)(录用待刊). COVID-19 Policy Actions, Trust in Government and Tax Compliance Intentions: A Study of British Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.Journal of Business Ethics(FT50), forthcoming.

3.Liu, (Paul) C.Y.*,Wang, W. *(王魏莎),Wang, Z., Yang, Y. (2023). Will artificial intelligence undermine the effects of guanxi on relationship performance? Evidence from China's banking industry.Industrial Marketing Management, 116, 12-25.

4.Wu, Y.,Shen, Y.* (沈怡), Lin, Z., Li, Y. (录用待刊). The Great Start of The Day Is Morning? The Roles of Diurnal Variations and Interaction Modes for Investment Decisions in Lending-Based Crowdfunding.European Journal of Information Systems, forthcoming.

5.Shi, R. (石蓉荣), Yin, Q. (尹巧一), Yuan, Y.*(袁杨), Lai, F. (赖福军), and Luo, X.(录用待刊), The Impact of Supply Chain Transparency on Financing Offerings to Firms: The Moderating Role of Supply Chain Concentration,International Journal of Operations and Production Management, forthcoming.

6.Liu, Z. (刘忠志),Lai, F. (赖福军), Yin, Q.* (尹巧一)(录用待刊), Follow the Leader (or not): The Influence of Superstars on Crowd Size in Crowdsourcing Contests,International Journal of Operations and Production Management, forthcoming.

7.Cai, J. (蔡婧璇),Luo, X.,Lai, F. *(赖福军),Ai, P., and Zhao, X. (录用待刊),You jump, I jump? Herding behavior in blockchain application platforms,Decision Support System, forthcoming.

8.Li, X., Lowry, P. andLai, F. *(赖福军)(录用待刊), The Influence of ERP-Vendor Contract Compliance and Transaction-Specific Investment on Vendee Trust: A Signaling Theory Perspective,Information & Management, forthcoming.

9.Zhao, J. (赵敬敬),Wang, Y.(王要玉), Tu, L.*, Wang, J., Luo, X. (2023). The Interactions between Online Platform’s Store Brand Introduction and Manufacturer’s Innovation Strategies: Reselling vs. Agency Modes.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 62, 101320.

10.Wang, Y. (王要玉),Zhao, J. (赵敬敬), Wang, J.,Lai, F. (赖福军). (录用待刊). Strategic Choice of Commission Formats in a Supply Chain with a Platform and Competing Manufacturers.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, forthcoming.

11.Wang, Y. (王要玉), Chen, Y., Chen, W., Wang, J., Tao, F. (2023). Equilibrium Analysis of Transaction Modes and Recycling Channels in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain with an Online Platform.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 177, 109090.

12.Wang, Y. (王要玉),Tan, Y.(谭玥), Wang, J.*,Lai, F. (赖福军). (2023). Uniform vs. retailer-specific pricing: How a supplier responds to the dominant retailers’ pricing strategies.Journal of the Operational Research Society, 74(12), 2633-2647.

13.Tao, F.,Wang, Y.* (王要玉), Zhu, S.H. (2023). Impact of Blockchain Technology on the Optimal Product Pricing and Quality Decisions of Platform Supply Chains.International Journal of Production Research, 61(11), 3670-3684.

14.Liu, Z. *(刘忠志), McCardle, J.G., Kull, T. J., & Krumwiede, D. (2023). Examining the Technical and Social Foundations of Mass Customization Capability: A Capability Hierarchy View.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 40 (2), 644-659.

15.Che, T. (车通),Peng, Y.(彭瑶瑶), Zhou, Q., Dickey, A., andLai, F. *(赖福军)(2023). The Impacts of Gamification Designs on Consumer Purchase in E-Commerce Ecosystems: A Use and Gratification Theory Perspective.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 59, 101268.

16.Che, T. (车通),Cai, J. (蔡婧璇), Yang, R.*, andLai, F. (赖福军)(2023). Digital-Transformation-Driven Product Quality Improvement: An Organizational Transparency Perspective.Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 197, 122888.

17.Yin, Q.(尹巧一), Song, D.*,Lai, F.* (赖福军),Collins, B.J., and Dogru, A.K. (2023). Customizing Governance Mechanisms to Reduce Opportunism in Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Digital Economy.Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 190, 122411.

18.Weng, H.*(翁惠斌)and Parent, O. (2023). Beyond Homophilic Dyadic Interactions: The Impact of Network Formation on Individual Outcomes.Statistics and Computing,33(2), 43.

19.Wang, Q.(王倩雯), Liu, X., Huo, B.*, & Zhao, X. (2023). Economic or Relational First? Establishing the Competitiveness of Third-Party Logistics Information Sharing by Devoting Specific Assets and Mutual Trust.International Journal of Production Economics, 261, 108869.

20.Akhtar, F., Huo, B., &Wang, Q.*(王倩雯)(2023). Embracing Green Supply Chain Collaboration Through Technologies: The Bridging Role of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 38(12),

21.Fu, S., He, G.,Wang, Q.*(王倩雯), Huo,B.,Ding, Y. (2023). PowerUse, Cooperative Behavior, and Alliance Performance: Evidence from Contract Farming Supply Chains in China,Industrial Management & Data Systems,123(3), 794-820.

22.Akhtar, F.,Wang, Q.*(王倩雯), & Huo, B. (录用待刊). The Effect of Relational Investments on Supply Chain Quality Integration: Protection or Constraint of Legal Bonds?International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. forthcoming.

23.Akhtar, F.,Wang, Q.*(王倩雯), & Huo, B. (2023). The Effect of Human Resource Strategy on Green Supply Chain Integration: The Moderating Role of Information Systems and Mutual Trust.Industrial Management & Data Systems, 123(8), 2194-2215.

24.Zhao, J., Wang, H., Zhang, Y.,Huang., Y*(黄宇欣).(2023). Trust inSharing Accommodation Sector: An Institution-based Trust Perspective.Internet Research,33(4), 1399-1421.

25.Liang, Y. (梁永恒),Yin, Y., Xu, Q. (录用待刊). Understanding and Nudging Consumer Reactions to Near-Expired Products.Advances in Consumer Research, forthcoming.

26.冯博. (录用待刊).供应链创新试点政策、企业创新和企业价值.管理科学学报forthcoming.

27.王鹏王要玉*,张志坚. (录用待刊).基于溢出效应的在线评价信息分享策略,运筹与管理forthcoming.

28.刘忠志,赵明. (2023).关于基于主题模型的众包任务复杂度测量的研究.管理评论, 35(9), 142-154.

29.刘忠志赵明尹巧一. (录用待刊).关于基于主题模型视角的文本分析应用研究.科教导刊, forthcoming.

2023 Grants || 2023科研基金








2023 Awards/Honor || 2023奖励与荣誉




















