【论著】科研成果通报:沈怡博士在权威期刊EJIS发表研究成果||Dr. Shen’s Publication on EJIS

发布者:沙晓燕 发布时间:2024-01-19 浏览次数:11

智慧供应链研究中心研究员沈怡副教授与天津大学吴懿副教授、清华大学林志杰副教授、天津大学李悦雷副教授合作的研究论文“The great start of the day is morning? The roles of diurnal variations and interaction modes for investment decisions in lending-based crowdfunding”已刊登于《European Journal of Information Systems》(EJIS)。EJIS是信息系统领域的权威SSCI期刊,2022年影响因子为9.5,是FMS管理科学高质量国际期刊推荐列表中的A类期刊和ABS-4期刊。

Dr. Yi Shen’s research paper, “The great start of the day is morning? The roles of diurnal variations and interaction modes for investment decisions in lending-based crowdfunding”, was published in the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS). This is joint work with Prof. Yi Wu (Tianjin University), Prof. Zhijie Lin (Tsinghua University), and Yuelei Li (Tianjin University). EJIS is a prestigious SSCI journal in information systems, with an impact factor of 9.5 in 2022. It is also an FMS-A and ABS-4 ranked journal.


This study proposes a novel theoretical framework for diurnal variations in investment decisions. We collect and analyze data from a large lending-based crowdfunding platform in China. We find robust evidence that investors invest most in the morning, moderately in the afternoon, and least in the evening; they invest fastest in the afternoon, moderately in the morning, and slowest in the evening. Furthermore, the diurnal variations in terms of investment amounts and speed become more prominent in mobile-based interactions than in desktop-based interactions. Our findings contribute to the crowdfunding literature and provide managerial implications for crowdfunding platforms.

沈怡,www.优德88.cpm 商学院副教授,智慧供应链科研中心研究员,新加坡国立大学博士。主要研究方向包括人机交互、人智交互、社交媒体与数据分析。其研究成果发表在Production and Operations ManagementJournal of the Association for Information SystemsEuropean Journal of Information SystemsInformation & ManagementDecision Support SystemsIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management等国际SSCI权威核心期刊,

Dr. Yi Shen is an Associate Professor at the Business School, Soochow University. She received her Ph.D. degree in Information Systems & Analytics from the National University of Singapore. Her research interests include human-computer interaction, human-AI interaction, and social media analytics. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in leading journals such asProduction and Operations Management,Journal of the Association for Information Systems,European Journal of Information Systems,Information & Management,Decision Support Systems, andIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

