【论著】科研成果通报:博士生赵敬敬在国际期刊TEM发表研究成果||PhD Student Zhao's Pub. on IEEE-TEM

发布者:沙晓燕 发布时间:2023-12-28 浏览次数:29

20239月,商学院2021级博士研究生赵敬敬与其导师王要玉教授合作的论文“Strategic Choice of Commission Formats in a Supply Chain with a Platform and Competing Manufacturers”被《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》(IEEE-TEM)接收。TEM是运筹与管理科学领域的权威SCI/SSCI期刊,2022年影响因子为5.8,也是FMS列表中的A类期刊。

In September 2023, our Ph.D. student Jingjing Zhao’s paper, “Strategic Choice of Commission Formats in a Supply Chain with a Platform and Competing Manufacturers, was accepted byIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management(IEEE-TEM). This is joint work with her supervisor Prof. Yaoyu Wang. TEM is a prestigious SCI/SSCI journal in operations and management science, with an impact factor of 5.8 in 2022, and is also classified as an A journal in FMS.


The paper investigates how a dominant online platform should design commission mechanisms to maximize profits when cooperating with competing upstream manufacturers. The results indicate that the intensity of upstream competition plays a crucial role in the choices of the platform’s commission mechanisms. Specifically, the platform should adopt the single fixed-rent format when the upstream manufacturers are highly competitive. This study also provides new explanations for the widespread application of revenue-sharing commission format in the market.

赵敬敬是www.优德88.cpm 商学院企业管理专业博士三年级学生,于2019年开始在www.优德88.cpm 进行硕博连读。其研究兴趣包括供应链管理、运营管理以及平台经济。

Jingjing Zhao is a third-year Ph.D. student majoring in Business Management at Business School, Soochow University. She has been pursuing the integratedmaster-doctor program at Soochow University since 2019. Her research interests include supply chain management, operations management, and platform economy.