【论著】科研成果通报:博士生赵敬敬在国际期刊ECRA发表研究成果||PhD Student Zhao's Pub. on ECRA

发布者:沙晓燕 发布时间:2023-12-28 浏览次数:10

20239月,商学院2021级博士研究生赵敬敬与其导师王要玉教授等合作的论文“The interactions between online platform’s store brand introduction and manufacturer’s innovation strategies: Reselling vs. agency modes”被《Electronic Commerce Research and Applications》(ECRA)接收。ECRA是管理科学、信息系统领域重要的SCI/SSCI期刊,其2021年影响因子为6

In September 2023, our Ph.D. student Jingjing Zhao and her supervisor, Prof. Yaoyu Wang, etc. published their paper, The interactions between online platform’s store brand introduction and manufacturer’s innovation strategies: Reselling vs. agency modes onElectronic Commerce Research and Applications(ECRA). ECRA is an SCI/SSCI journal in management science and information systems with an impact factor of 6 in 2022.


This study develops game-theoretic models to examine the strategic interactions between the platform’s store brand (SB) introduction strategy and the national brand (NB) manufacturer’s innovative strategies under both the reselling and agency modes. They find that first, influenced by the manufacturer’s innovation strategy, the platform should not introduce an SB under certain conditions, even if the cost of introduction is negligible. Second, under the reselling model, both upgrading the existing products and developing new categories of products are effective measures for the manufacturer to counter with brand invasion. However, under the agency model, not taking any innovative measures may also become the optimal strategic choice for the platform. In particular, as long as certain conditions are met, the manufacturer can prevent the platform from introducing a store brand by upgrading the existing products under the agency model.

赵敬敬是www.优德88.cpm 商学院企业管理专业博士三年级学生,于2019年开始在www.优德88.cpm 进行硕博连读。其研究兴趣包括供应链管理、运营管理以及平台经济。

Jingjing Zhao is a third-year Ph.D. student majoring in Business Management at Business School, Soochow University. She has been pursuing the integratedmaster-doctor program at Soochow University since 2019. Her research interests include supply chain management, operations management, and platform economy.
