2021年度科研成果(论文、基金、获奖)|| 2021 Research Portfolio (Publications, Grants, and Awards)

发布者:沙晓燕 发布时间:2021-12-20 浏览次数:43

2021 Publications || 2021年科研论文

1. Liu, Y.,Shen, Y. (沈怡), Luo, C., & Chan, H. C. (2021). Reach out and Touch: Eliciting Sense of Touch Through Gesture-based Interaction.Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(6), 1686-1714.

2. Liu, X., Zhou, Y.-W.,Shen, Y. (沈怡), Ge, C., & Jiang, J. (2021). Zooming in the Impacts of Merchants’ Participation in Transformation from Online Flash Sale to Mixed Sale E-commerce Platform.Information & Management, 58(2): 103409.

3. Wang, Y. (王要玉), Tao, F., Wang, J.C., (录用待刊). Information Disclosure and Blockchain Technology Adoption Strategy for Competing Platforms.Information & Management, forthcoming.

4. Chen, C., Zhang, Z.K., Gong, X., Lee, M.K.O.,Wang, Y. (王要玉), (2021). Preventing relapse to information technology addiction through weakening reinforcement: A self-regulation perspective.Information & Management, 58(5), 103485.

5. Tao, F., Xie, Y.,Wang, Y.* (王要玉),Lai, F. (赖福军), Lai, K.K., (2021). Contract Strategies in Competitive Supply Chains Subject to Inventory Inaccuracy.Annals of Operations Research, forthcoming.

6. Xu, J.Chen, D.(陈冬宇), Chau, M., Li, L.T., Zheng, H.C. (录用待刊) Peer-to-Peer Loan Fraud Detection: Constructing Features from Transaction Data.MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.

7. Chen, D. (陈冬宇), Li, X., &Lai, F. (赖福军)(录用待刊). Shill bidding in lenders’ eyes? A cross-country study on the influence of large bids in online P2P lending.Electronic Commerce Research, forthcoming.

8. Liu, Z. (刘忠志), Hatton, M.R., Kull, T., Dooley, K., Oke A., (2021). Is a large award truly attractive to solvers? The impact of award size on crowd size in innovation contests.Journal of Operations Management, 67:420–449.

9. Liu, Z. (刘忠志), McCardle, J. G., Kull, T. J., & Krumwiede, D. (2021). Examining the Technical and Social Foundations of Mass Customization Capability: A Capability Hierarchy View.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, forthcoming.

10. Son B.,Kim, H (Hyojin Kim), Hur, D., Subramanian, N., (2021). The dark side of supply chain digitalisation: supplier-perceived digital capability asymmetry, buyer opportunism and governance.International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 41(7): 1220-1247.

11. Kim, H (Hyojin Kim), Hur, D., Schoenherr, T., (2021). Supplier Development at LG Electronics: Enhancing the Stability, Sustainability, and Competitiveness of the Supply Base.The Oxford Handbook of Supply Chain Management. 705-737

12. Feng, B.(冯博),Hu, X.(虎雪艳),Orji I.J.(Juliet Orji)(录用待刊). Multi-tier supply chain sustainability in the pulp and paper industry: a framework and evaluation methodology,International Journal of Production Research, forthcoming.

13. Gupta H., Lawal J.N.,Orji I.J.(Juliet Orji), Kusi-Sarpong S. (2021). Closing the gap: The role of distributed manufacturing systems for overcoming the barriers to manufacturing sustainability.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 10.1109/TEM.2021.3059231.

14. Kusi-Sarpong S.,Orji I.J.(Juliet Orji), Gupta H., Kunc M. (2021). Risks associated with the implementation of big data analytics in sustainable supply chains.Omega, 105, 102502.

15. Orji I.J.(Juliet Orji), Ojadi F. (2021). Investigating the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on sustainable supplier selection in the Nigerian manufacturing sector.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 160, 107588.

16. U-Dominic C.M.,Orji I.J.(Juliet Orji), Okwu M. (2021). Analyzing the barriers to reverse logistics implementation: A hybrid model based on IF-DEMATEL-EDAS.Sustainability, 13 (19), 10876.

17. Orji I.J.(Juliet Orji), U-Dominic C.M., Okwara U.K. (2022). Exploring the determinants in circular supply chain implementation in the Nigerian manufacturing industry.Sustainable Production and Consumption, 29, 761- 776.

18. Dai, J., Xie, L.,Chu, Z.* (储昭昉), (2021). Developing sustainable supply chain management: the interplay of institutional pressures and sustainability capabilities.Sustainable Production and Consumption, 28:254-268.

19. Chu, Z. (储昭昉),Hou, Y. (候雅婷), Wang, Y.*, (2021). Examining guanxi as an environmental-dependency-coping strategy in China: A 3PL provider’s perspective.International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 24(5):511-529.

20. Huang, Y. (黄宇欣), Chen, Y., Tan, C.H., (2021). Regulating new digital market and its effects on the incumbent market: Investigation of online peer-to-peer short-term rental.Information & Management, 58(8): 103544.

21. Pu, X.,Chen, M. (陈猛), Cai, Z., Chong, A.Y., Tan, K.H., (2021). Managing emergency situations with lean and advanced manufacturing technologies: an empirical study on the Rumbia typhoon disaster.International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 41(9): 1442-1468.

22. Che, T. (车通), Peng, Z.,Lai, F.*(赖福军), & Luo, X., (录用待刊). “Online Prejudice and Barriers to Digital Innovation: Empirical Investigations of Chinese Consumers”.Information Systems Journal, forthcoming.

23. Yang, R.,Che, T.*(车通), &Lai, F. (赖福军). (录用待刊). “The Impacts of Production Linkages on Cross-Regional Collaborative Innovations: The Role of Inter-regional Network Capital”.Technological Forecasting & Social Change, forthcoming.

24. Che, T. (车通), JI, M., Zheng, X.*, &Feng, B. (冯博), (录用待刊) “Dissatisfaction toward O2O Websites: Expectation Disconfirmation and Justice Perspective”.Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, forthcoming.

25. Feng, B. (冯博), Zhao, J., Jiang, Z., (2021). Robust pricing for airlines with partial information.Annuals of Operations Research, forthcoming.

26. 冯博,叶绮文. (2021).(陈劲主编)考虑创新属性感知的电动汽车采纳行为研究---基于中国市场的仿真分析,美丽中国建设——基于复杂科学管理的思索,中国社会科学出版社,2021.09P92-119

2021 Grants || 2021科研基金

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,共享经济中人工智能算法歧视的形成机理及应对策略研究(项目编号:72172101),2022

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,平台垄断下在线零售市场的潜在商家进入策略研究(项目号:72102160),2022

3. 外国学者研究基金项目,Redesigning Supply Network: Supply Network Risk Management Strategy and Its Impact on Financial, Innovation, Agility2022

4. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目:基于全情境教学的MBA人才培养体系构建与实践(项目编号:202101143033),2021

5. www.优德88.cpm 人文社会科学青年跨学科研究团队项目:基于区块链的供应链管理创新与应用,2021

6. 江苏现代财税治理协同创新中心重点项目:江苏省省级脱钩后行业协会商会国有资产监管研究(项目编号:21JSXT005),2021

7. 国家社科基金一般项目,法定数字货币的用户认知与行为激励研究,(项目编号:21BGL086),2021

8. 江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金重大项目,新消费时代数字货币用户认知与使用行为研究,(项目编号:2021SJZDA138),2021

2021 Awards ||代表性科研奖励

Hyojin Kim



1. 江苏省双创博士

2. 教育部高等学校统计学类专业教学指导委员会和中国商业统计学会共同主办的正大杯第十一届全国大学生市场调查与分析大赛总决赛三等奖,指导教师