职 称
通 讯 地 址
苏州市相城区济学路8号www.优德88.cpm 阳澄湖校区沙钢钢铁学院
联 系 电 话
2017/6-至今 www.优德88.cpm 特聘教授
2010/01-2017/05 中铝苏州有色金属研究院 副院长,教授
2010/11-2017/05 中国铝业公司首席工程师
2011/03-至今 北京科技大学 兼职教授
2012/03-至今 湖南大学 兼职教授
2015/11-至今 大连理工大学 兼职教授
2004/03-2009/03 东北大学 兼职教授
1993/04月-2009/12 日本轻金属株式会社铸造研发中心副主任,主席研究员
1993/04-1997/10 日本国立电气通信大学 机械制御工学专业 博士
1991/04-1993/03 日本国立电气通信大学 机械制御工学专业 硕士
1983/09-1987/06 机械部洛阳矿山机械研究所 助理工程师
1979/09-1983/07 太原重型机械学院 矿山机械 学士
2012/06-至今 国际铝合金大会(ICAA)国际专家委员会 委员
2012/10-至今 国际材料大会(THERMAC)国际专家委员会 委员
2013/10-至今 国家汽车轻量化创新联盟专家委 委员
2014/10-至今 中国有色金属加工工业协会轻金属分会 副理事长
2016/08-至今 中国机械工程学会铸造分会 理事
2017/03-至今 广东省轻合金产业技术创新联盟专家委 主任
2017/06-至今 长三角压铸业联盟专家委 副主任
长期从事铝合金先进铸造技术,新型高强高韧铝合金材料的制备技术以及汽车轻量化底盘超轻零部件的研究开发。先后主持了国家重点项目2项(JFY2016ZY02003440, JFY2016ZY02001622)广东省重大科技应用专项1项(2015B090926002),江苏省重大科技支撑(BE2014064),中铝集团重大科技基金5项,中铝国际重大科技基金4项,中色科技重大科技基金项目5项。日本轻金属集团公司重大基金项目8项。已在 Acta Materialia、Science and Technology of Advanced Materials、Materialia Science and Eegineering A、Materials and Design、 Materials Processing Technology, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,金属学报等国内外学术刊物上发表论文 100 余篇,其中SCI收录33篇。在国际国内学术会议中做主题报告20多次。科研成果如下;世界上首次成功的开发了大型连铸坯内部气孔和铸锭内部热裂的预测方法,提出了热裂预测新理论并开发出了一系列高强度铝合金新材料。创造性的提出了短流程近终形锭坯制备和亚晶组织控制技术,自主设计开发了国内首款超轻高强铝合金控制臂、转向节等新产品,轻量化效果高达40%。世界上首次开发出了具有低膨胀高热传导性以及高耐磨性能的粉末铝合气缸套产品。开发出高硅铝合金的新型复合变质技术和先进的铸造工艺,打破了该项目的技术壁垒,实现了初晶硅平均尺寸小于25μm。在通讯、手机用新材料领域开发了具有国际领先水平的系列高强高导热铸造铝合金材料,导热率提高90%达到180 W/m.K,填补了我国当前铸造铝合金无高导热材料的技术空白。
1.Lei Li, Chunyan Ban, Xuchen Shi, Haitao Zhang, Yubo Zuo, Qingfeng Zhu, Xiangjie Wang, Jianzhong Cui,Hiromi Nagaumi, Influence of a high magnetic field on the solidification structures of ternary Al–Fe–Zr alloy,Journal of Materials Research, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2017.2, 1-10.
2.Lei Li, Chunyan Ban, Xuchen Shi, Haitao Zhang, Yubo Zuo, Qingfeng Zhu, Xiangjie Wang, Hui Zhang, Jianzhong Cui,Hiromi Nagaumi, Effects of a high magnetic field on the primary zinc-rich crystals in hypoeutectic Zn-Sn alloy,Journal of Crystal Growth,463:59–66.
3.Lei Li, Chunyan Ban, Xuchen Shi, Haitao Zhang, Minghui Cai, Haitao Liu, Jianzhong Cui,Hiromi Nagaumi, Crystallographic growth pattern of zinc-rich plate-like cells under a high magnetic field,Materials Letters, 185: 447–451.
4.Yi Xu,Hiromi Nagaumi*,Yi Han,KeMa,ShijieGuo, Gongwang Zhang, HaitaoZhang, TongguangZhai “The Deformation Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of a Mn- and Cr-Containing Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloy During Hot Compression and Subsequent Heat Treatment”,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48(3),(2017) 1355-1365.
5.Xiao-xiong Luo, Hai-tao Zhang, Xing Han, Shi-jie Guo3, Dan-dan Chen, Jian-zhong Cui, andHiromi Nagaumi: Development of inclusions in 3104 alloy melt during heating and holding treatments,International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 23(6) 2016, 637-644.
6.Yan Jin, Pei Cai, Wei Wen,Hiromi Nagaumi, Bin Xu, Yuanbin Zhang, Yongguang Zhai:The anisotropy of fatigue crack nucleation in an AA7075 T651 Al alloy plate,Materialia Science and Eegineering A, 622(2015) 7-15.
7.Shi-jie Guo, Yi Xu, Yi Han, Jin-yan Liu, Guan-Xia Xue,Hiromi Nagaumi: Near net shape casting process for producing high strength 6xxx aluminum alloy automobile suspension parts,Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014)2393-2400.
8.Yi Han, Ke Ma, Lian Li, Wei Chen,Hiromi Nagaumi: Study on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloy with high manganese content,Materials and Design 39(2012) 418–424
9.Umeda, T, Thirathipviwat, P, Supradist, M,Nagaumi H: Microsegregation development of heavily electromagnetically stirred melt of super high strength Al-10Zn-2·5Mg-2·3Cu alloy,International Journal of Cast Metals Research. 24, (2011) 1364-0461.
10.H.Nagaumi, S.Suzuki, T. Okane and T. Umeda: Hot Tearing of Machinability Improved 2xxx Aluminum Alloy of High Tin Content with Manganese and Chromium Addition,Materials Transactions., 49, (2008), p 324-330.
11.K. Kaekwan, T. Pramote, S. Mawin,H. nagaumiand T. Umeda: Microstructures of super high strength Al-10Zn-2.5Mg-2.3Cu-0.14Zr alloys under electromagnetically stirred direct chill casting,International Journal of Cast Metals Reserch, 21, (2008)
12.Y. Zuo,H. nagaumiand J. Z. Cui: Study on the sump and temperature field during low frequency electromagnetic casting a superhigh strength Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy,Materials Processing Technology, 197, (2008), p 109-118.
13.Chaijaruwanich, A, Lee, PD, Dashwood, RJ, Youssef, YM,Nagaumi, H: Evolution of pore morphology and distribution during the homogenization of direct chill cast Al-Mg alloys, ACTA MATER, 2007, Vol: 55, Pages: 285 - 293, ISSN: 1359-6454.
14.H. Zhang,H. Nagaumiand J. Cui: Coupled modeling of electromagnetic field, fluid flow, heat transfer and solidification during low frequency electromagnetic casting of 7xxx aluminum alloys Part 2: The effects of electromagnetic parameterson casting processes,Materialia Science and Eegineering A,448(2007) 177-188.
15.H. Zhang,H. Nagaumiand J. Cui: Coupled modeling of electromagnetic field, fluid flow, heat transfer and solidification during low frequency electromagnetic casting of 7xxx aluminum alloys Part 1: Development of a mathematical model and comparison with experimental results,Materialia Science and Eegineering A,448(2007) 189-203.
16.A. Chaijaruwanich, R. J. Dashwood, P. D. Lee andH. Nagaumi: Pore evolution in an Al-6wt%Mg alloy during hot rolling,Acta Materialia.54(2006), 5185-5194.
17.Y. M. Youssef, A. Chaijaruwanich, R. W. Hamilton,H. Nagaumi, R. J. Dashwood and P. L. Lee: X-ray microtomographic characterisation of pore evolution during homogenisation and rolling of Al-6Mg,Materials Science and Technology, 22-9(2006), 1087-1093.
18.Z.H. Zhao, J.Z.CUI,H. Nagaumi: Effect of low-frequency magnetic fields on microstructures of horizontal direct chill casting 2024 aluminum alloy,Materials Transactions., 46-8(2005), 1903-1907.
19.P. D. Lee, R.C.Atwood, R.J. Dashwood,H. Nagaumi: Modeling of Porosity Formation in Direct Chill Cast Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys,Materialia Science and Eegineering A328(2002) 213-222.
20.H. Nagaumi: Prediction of Porosity Contents and Examination of Porosity Formation in Al-4.4%Mg DC Slab,Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 2(2001) 49-57.
3) 2006年获得日本轻金属学会杰出科学家奖····跃进奖(国家级,排名第1)
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