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我院陈瑶教授课题组研究生张律以第一作者身份撰写的题为“Interfacial stress transfer in a graphene nanosheet toughened hydroxyapatite composite” (Applied Physics Letters, 2014,105(16):161908),于2014年10月20日在国际学术期刊Applied Physics Letters(SCI影响因子3.515)在线发表,陈瑶教授为该论文的通讯作者。这是张律同学继去年在国际学术期刊Carbon(SCI 影响因子6.16)发表学术论文后的又一篇SCI论文。
In recent years, graphene has emerged as potential reinforcing nanofiller in the composites for structural engineering due to its extraordinary high elastic modulus and mechanical strength. As recognized, the transfer of stress from a low modulus matrix to a high-modulus reinforcing grapheme and the interfacial behavior at a graphene-matrix interface is the fundamental issue in these composites. In the case of graphene nanosheet (GNS) reinforced hydroxyapatite (HA) composite, this research presented analytical models and simulated that the number of graphene layers of GNSs has little effect on the maximum axial stress ([1]0.35 GPa) and the maximum shear stress ([1]0.14 GPa) at a GNS-HA interface, and the energy dissipation by GNS pull-out decreases with increasing the number of graphene layers due to weak bonding between them. Also, GNS-HA interfacial delamination and/or GNS rupture were also indentified to be the two key failure mechanisms. The computed results are expected to facilitate a better understanding of the interfacial behavior at a GNS-ceramic interface and to achieve tough ceramics reinforced with GNSs.
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