美国Abiomed公司高级研发工程师Ms. Sonya Bhavsar学术报告


报告题目:Abiomed Impella Pumps’ Past and Future

报告人:Ms. Sonya Bhavsar





Sonya Bhavsar是排名世界前三强的人工心脏公司-美国Abiomed公司的高级研发工程师。Abiomed长期致力于人工心脏的研发与生产,并成功帮助诸多心脏衰竭末期患者延续了生命。Abiomed公司最新研发的微创型人工心脏样机也将在报告会中展示。

2013.04-present Engineer Abiomed

2010.09-2013.03 Cardiovascular Device Research Engineer and Graduate Student RWTH Aachen University

2008.08-2010.08 Graduate Research Assistant Virginia Commonwealth University

2008.09-2010.06 M.S., Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Virginia Commonwealth University

Recipient of the 2010 ASAIO Fellowship at the 2010 ASAIO 56th Annual Conference on the abstract entitled “Use of External Pressure Application to Augment Fontan Hemodynamics”. Honored as the first runner up for the 2009-2010 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant in the School of Engineering. Honored with the 2010 VCU I-GEEAR GAANN Fellowship. Recipient of the 2010 Susan E. Kennedy Scholarship, Phi Kappa Phi Awards, Virginia Commonwealth University
