www.优德88.cpm 药学院生物药博士后招聘公告


www.优德88.cpm 药学院与国家生物药技术创新中心(NCTIB)及知名新药研发企业(博瑞生物医药、艾博生物、科锐迈德、星锐医药、特瑞药业、茂行制药等)合作,面向海内外招聘8-10名优秀生物药领域博士后研究人员,研究方向包括:核酸药物及递送系统、细胞治疗药物、蛋白及多肽药物、新型疫苗、分子靶向药物等。博士后在站时间为3年,基本年薪为40-50万元,同时享受苏大和企业的福利待遇(如五险一金、租房补贴、考核及年终奖励等)。博士后出站后考核优秀者可直接成为企业中高层管理人员或到大学任职。







申请人个人简历、近3年代表性学术成果证明材料、研究领域及简要研究计划、2名推荐专家姓名及联系方式。www.优德88.cpm 药学院博士后合作导师信息详见网页:http://pharm.suda.edu.cn/28905/list.htm





Open Postdoc. Positions in Biopharmaceuticals from the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Soochow University


The College of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Soochow University (Suzhou, China), in collaboration with the National Center of Technology Innovation for Biopharmaceuticals (NCTIB) and leading pharmaceutical enterprises, has 8-10 open postdoctoral positions in biopharmaceuticals. The preferred research fields include, but not limited to, nucleic acid drugs and their delivery systems, cell therapy, protein and/or peptide drugs, novel vaccines, and molecular targeted drugs. The positions are three-year term appointments with an annual salary of US$ 60,000-75,000, plus benefits from both Soochow University and pharmaceutical enterprise. The candidate will work at the interface between academics and pharmaceutical industry.


l Recently received doctoral degrees and training or experience in pharmaceutical sciences, biomaterials, immunology, biology, bioengineering, or in a related field. Candidates with background in nucleic acid drugs and delivery systems, cell therapy, protein and/or peptide drugs, novel vaccines, and molecular targeted drugs are preferred.

l Applicants who received PhD degrees within three years or will receive PhD degrees soon.

l Highly self-motivated and productive applicants with integrity and enthusiasm.

l Excellent writing and oral communication skills in English.


l Curriculum vitae

l Representative publications and supporting materials demonstrating the research ability and academic level

l Brief research statement describing the applicant’s research interests

l The names and email addresses of two references

For the detailed information of faculty members at the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Soochow University, please visit: http://pharm.suda.edu.cn/28905/list.htm.


Ms. Bei Peng (Personnel Secretary)

Tel: +86-512-65883022

Email: bpeng@suda.edu.cn