General Description

Soochow University is an internationally recognized tertiary education institution located in Suzhou, China. Founded in 1900, Soochow University was the first western-style university in China. It is a pioneer of modern higher education and combines the best of Chinese and western cultures. For over a century, bearing the motto Unto a full-grown man in mind, the University has continued enhancing its competitiveness in education and scientific research.

The College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, affiliated to Suzhou Medical College of Soochow University, is located at Suzhou Industrial Park, the No. 1 area of scientific innovation and entrepreneurial creativity in China. As the major (bio)pharmaceutical education and research institution in this area, the College is committed to the mission of new drug development and pharmaceutical talent cultivation. It has a strong Pharmacy discipline, ranked among the best globally. The Essential Science Indicator (ESI) of Pharmacology and Toxicology discipline of the College ranks top 1.32‰ worldwide. With cutting-edge research facilities, outstanding talents, and strong links with leading institutions worldwide, the College is full of vigor and vitality, providing outstanding opportunities for collaborations leading to multidisciplinary innovations.

To enhance the openness of the College and fuel further development, we are seeking highly qualified and motivated scientists with global visions all over the world. We welcome talents from diverse scientific disciplines and backgrounds sharing a common interest in discovering, developing, and optimizing drug therapies. Relevant research areas include but are not limited to novel drug discovery, development of innovative biopharmaceuticals, RNA therapeutics, peptide and protein therapeutics, antibody-drug conjugates, mRNA vaccines, immunotherapy, gene therapy, precision medicines, modern Chinese medicines, advanced drug delivery systems,etc.


The candidate must have

Ÿ A Ph.D. or equivalent degree in pharmacy or related biomedical science field

Ÿ A demonstrated record of excellence in the academic field

Ÿ Ability to develop and maintain a research program

Ÿ Strong verbal and written communication skills

Ÿ Ability to multi-task and work cooperatively with others

Special attention will be given to candidates with

Ÿ Research programs complementing and expanding existing strengths of the College

Ÿ Experience conducting multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary research

Ÿ Successful track record of academic/research leadership and team building

Ÿ Experience leading to commercial translation

Ÿ Recognized reputations and impact in academia or industry

Ÿ Strong network and ties with renowned international entities and organizations


The successful candidates are expected to

Ÿ Sustain and lead an independent and innovative research program

Ÿ Integrate and enhance interactions between basic science and clinical application

Ÿ Enhance multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary research through collaborations with national and international partners in academia and industry

Ÿ Provide mentorship and advisement for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows

Remuneration and benefits

We aim to give you all the support to nurture your talent, build your career, and reach your professional goals. We are committed to providing you

Ÿ Highly competitive salary and benefits package (100-200 k US$)

Ÿ Significant settlement funds and housing subsidies (200-400 k US$)

Ÿ Ample start-up fund for initiating research activities

Ÿ Great opportunities for external funding

Ÿ Excellent laboratory space and core facilities

Ÿ A supportive, inclusive, caring, and positive academic environment


Applicants are invited to submit

Ÿ A cover letter briefly summarizing your scientific background, strengths, and plan

Ÿ A detailed curriculum vitae including academic achievement

Ÿ Any other documents that demonstrate your qualifications and credentials (optional)

To Dr. Xinchen Teng

(subject line: Application for Faculty Position)