On Sep 26, 2022, five PhD students enrolled in the SU-RCSI StAR international program arrived in Dublin, Ireland. They would start their PhD study at RCSI soon. Students met with their PIs at RCSI, had an orientation, and paid their first visit to the research building, library, canteen, and dorms. They were introduced to the lab members and the faculty who would teach them in the first year. They were all very excited about this new journey.

Students enrolled in thisSU-RCSI StAR international program are under the supervision of both the RCSI mentor and the SU mentor.


RCSI Mentor

SU Mentor

Shan An

Fergal OBrien

Yiran Zheng

Ye Yang

Niamh Moran

Huilin Zhang

Zhongmin Wang

Roger Preston

Pan Deng

Xuanling Zhu

Jennifer Dowling

Mi Liu

Xinxin Shao

Sudipto Das

Weiping Wang