Polymeric nanoparticles overcoming drug resistance in cancer and infection


Topic: Polymeric nanoparticles overcoming drug resistance in cancer and infection

Speaker: Yiyan Yang, Researcher

Host: Professor Yiran Zheng

Time: 9:00-10:00, September 27, 2023

Tencent Conference: 379 877 470

About the Speaker

Dr. Yiyan Yang is a research fellow at the Singapore Institute of Bioengineering Technology and a Professor at the National University of Singapore Medical School. She graduated from Tsinghua University. In 2016, she was elected a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). She was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore (SAEng) in 2021. Now, she is the editor of Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine deputy editor, and Advanced Healthcare Materials. Her research focuses on antimicrobial and anti-tumor drugs/materials based on degradable macromolecules and their delivery systems. She has published more than 280 research papers at Nat. Mater., Nat. Nanotech., Nat. Chem., Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater., and other high-profile journals. She has won the second prize in National Science and Technology Progress and the first prize in Science and Technology Progress from the Ministry of Education. She was named one of Singapore's Great Women of Our Time.