

章良,教授,www.优德88.cpm 药学院生物制药系主任,主要从事肿瘤免疫学研究。20056月在中国药科大学生命科学与技术学院获得微生物与生化药学博士学位,2007年进入www.优德88.cpm 医学生物技术研究所博士后流动站做博士后,2014年赴美Mayo clinic免疫学系进行访问学者研究工作。担任plos one, Science Publishing GroupCancer Letters等期刊审稿人。目前致力于研究共刺激家族分子在肿瘤免疫逃逸中的作用及其靶向治疗的机制,发现在EGFR突变体肺癌中负性共刺激分子B7-H4上调表达,并且导致了immuno-cold的肿瘤微环境,为这类肿瘤的免疫治疗提供新的治疗思路。


1Lu Y, Wu F, Cao Q, Sun Y, Huang M, Xiao J, Zhou B,Zhang L. B7-H4 is increased in lung adenocarcinoma harboring EGFR-activating mutations and contributes to immunosuppression. Oncogene, 2022, 41(5):704-717.SCI一区)(通讯作者)

2Zhao Z.,Zhang N., Li A.,Zhou B., Chen Y, Chen S., Huang M.,Wu F.,Zhang L.Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor induces immunosuppression in lung cancer by upregulating B7-H4 expression through the MEK/ERK signaling pathway. Cancer Letters, 2020,485:14-26.SCI一区)(通讯作者)

3L Zhang, H Wu, D Lu, G Li, C Sun, H Song, et al. The costimulatory molecule B7-H4 promote tumor progression and cell proliferation through translocating into nucleus. Oncogene, 2013, 32(46):5347-5358.SCI一区)(第一作者)

4Xu R, Zeng S, Xie W, Sun C, Chen YL, Chen MJ,Zhang L. The expression and function of Frizzled-7 in human renal cell carcinoma. Clinical and Translational Oncology, 2016, 18(3): 269-76.(通讯作者)

5Zeng S, Song H, Chen Y, Xie W,Zhang L. B7-H4-mediated immunoresistance is suppressed by PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway inhibitors. Moleuclar Biology, 2016, 50(6):887-894.(通讯作者)

6Li A, Zhang N, Zhao Z, Chen Y,Zhang L. Overexpression of B7-H4 promotes renal cell carcinoma progression by recruiting tumor-associated neutrophils via upregulation of CXCL8. Oncology Letters, 2020, 20(2):1535-1544.

7Chuangyang Sun, Hui Song, Hua Zhang, Chuansheng Hou, Tianhang Zhai, Lv Huang,Liang Zhang. CD133 expression in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is correlated with nuclear hypoxia-inducing factor 1α(HIF-1α). Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology,2012 138(10):1619-1624.(通讯作者)

8Yong-Yan Bei, Xiao-Feng Zhou, Ben-Gang You, Zhi-Qiang Yuan, Wei-Liang Chen, Peng Xia, Yang Liu, Yong Jin, Xio-Juan Hu, Qiao-Ling Zhum Chun-Ge Zhang, Xue-Nong Zhang,Liang Zhang. Application of the central composite design to optimize the preparation of novel micelles of harmine. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2013,8: 1795-1808.SCI二区)(通讯作者)

9Chuan Y Sun, Ya C Zang, Yu X San, Wei Sun,Liang Zhang. Proteomic analysis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Saudi Med J, 2010, 31(5):525-532.(通讯作者)

10Yong-Yan Bei, Zhi-Qiang Yuan,Liang Zhang, et al. Novel self-assembled micelles based on palmitoyl-trimethyl-chitosan for efficient delivery of harmine to liver cancer. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 2014,11(6):843-854.SCI二区)(并列第一作者)

11Liang Zhang,Li-Jun Wei. ACTX-8, a cytotoxic L-amino acid oxidase isolated from Agkistrodon acutus snake venom, induces apoptosis in Hela cervical cancer cells. Life sciences, 20078013):1189-1197.

12Liang Zhang, Li Cui. A cytotoxin isolated from Agkistrodon acutus snake venom induces apoptosis via Fas pathway in A549 cells. Toxicology in vitro, 2007216:1095-1103.

13Liang Zhang, Wu-Tong Wu. Isolation and characterization of ACTX-6: a cytotoxic L-Amino Acid Oxidase from Agkistrodon acutus snake venom. Natural product research, 2008226):554-563.


1、负性协同刺激分子B7-H4的核转移促进肿瘤发展的作用机制研究。(国家自然科学基金,No 31370872,项目负责人)

2、负性协同刺激分子B7-H4在肾癌细胞中的表达调控及逆向信号作用机制。(国家自然基金,No 30901361,项目负责人)

3、负性共刺激分子B7-H4在肿瘤细胞中表达的生物学意义. (江苏省高校自然科学基金,No 09KJB310013项目负责人)

4、负性协同刺激分子B7-H1在胃癌组织中表达的调节机制研究(国家自然科学基金,No 30901360,第三参与人)


6、负性共刺激分子B7-H4在肿瘤组织中表达的生物学意义研究(www.优德88.cpm 青年预研基金,No. Q3132820200811~201010月,项目负责人)

7、以功能性碳纳米管为载体的肿瘤靶向RNA干扰药物的开发(江苏省科技支撑计划社会发展项目,No. BE2010649,第三参与人)







www.优德88.cpm 工程硕士教学指导委员会委员