

姓  名:邬珺超








1996.092000.07www.优德88.cpm 本科

2000.092003.07www.优德88.cpm 生物化学与分子生物学硕士生

2003.092004.09www.优德88.cpm 中药研究所

2004.092007.12www.优德88.cpm 药理学博士生, Ph.D

2008.01-至今 www.优德88.cpm 药理学系


2008.01-至今 www.优德88.cpm 药理学系,助理研究员




获得“江苏省高校自然www.优德88.cpm 面上项目”一项,参与获得苏州市科技进步三等奖一项,参与发表学术论文11篇,其中SCI收录论文7篇。参与国家科技部863课题、973课题及国家自然科学基金重点项目各1项。


1) Wu JC, Liang ZQ, Qin ZH. Quality Control System of the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Related Diseases. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2006, 38: 219-226.

2) Wu JC, Lin F, Qin ZH. Sequestration of GAPDH to Aggregates Formed by Mutant Huntingtin. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2007, 39: 885-890.

3) Lin F, Wu JC, Wang Y, Qin ZH. Huntingtin Cleavage Induced by Thrombin in Vitro. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2007, 39: 15-18.(第二作者)

4) Xu XH, Hua Y, Zhang HL, Wu JC, Miao YZ, Han R, Gu ZL, Qin ZH. Greater Stress Protein Expression Enhanced by Combined Prostaglandin A1 and Lithium in a Rat Model of Focal Ischemia. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2007, 28: 1097-1104.

5) He JK, Yu SD , Zhu HJ, Wu JC, Qin ZH. Triptolide Inhibits NF-kB Activation and Reduces Injury of the Donor Lung Induced by Ischemia/reperfusion. Acta Pharmacologica Sin. 2007, 28: 1919-1923.

6) Wang Y, Han R, Liang ZQ, Wu JC, Zhang XD, Gu ZL, Qin ZH. An Autophagic Mechanism is Involved in Apoptotic Death of Rat Striatal Neurons Induced by the AMPA Receptor Agonist Kainic Acid. Autophagy. 2008, 4: 214-226.

7) Wang LH, Lin F, Wu JC, Qin ZH. High Efficiency Adenovirus-Mediated Expression of Truncated N-terminal Huntingtin Fragment (htt552) in Primary Rat Astrocytes. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 2009, 41: 325-334.

8) Zhang XD, Wang Y, Wu JC, Lin F, Han R, Han F, Fukunaga K, Qin ZH. Down-Regulation of Bcl-2 Enhances Autophagy Activation and Cell Death Induced by Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Rat Striatum. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2009, 87: 3600-3610.

9) Yan Wang, Xiao-Xia Dong, Yi Cao, Zhong-Qin Liang, Rong Han, Jun-Chao Wu, Zhen-Lun Gu and Zhen-Hong Qin. p53 induction contributes to excitotoxic neuronal death inrat striatum through apoptotic and autophagic mechanisms. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2009, 30: 2258-2270.

10) Xing-Ding Zhang, Ye Wang, Yan Wang, Xuan Zhang, Rong Han, Jun-Chao Wu, Zhong-Qin Liang, Zhen-Lun Gu, Feng Han, Kohji Fukunaga and Zheng-Hong Qin. p53 mediates mitochondria dysfunction-triggered autophagy activation and cell death in rat striatum. Autophagy, 2009, 5(3): 339-350.

11) Yan-li LIU, Hai-ming LIN, Rong ZOU, Jun-chao WU, Rong HAN, Laurence N RAYMOND, Paul F REID, Zheng-hong QIN. Suppression of complete Freunds adjuvant-induced adjuvant arthritis by cobratoxin. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2009, 30(2): 219-227.


江苏省高校自然www.优德88.cpm :自噬激活在亨廷顿蛋白586片段代谢中的作用,批准号:09KJB310014,经费5万元,起止时间:2009.9-2011.12。项目主持人。


《自噬-生物学与疾病》,秦正红、乐卫东主编,北京:科学出版社,2011.3ISBN 978-7-03 -030249-6。参编第三篇第二十章、第二十七章。


1). 2006年获www.优德88.cpm 朱敬文奖学金

2). 2007年获www.优德88.cpm 朱敬文特别奖学金

3). 2010年获苏州市科学技术进步奖三等奖,自噬/溶酶体信号通路在抗肿瘤药物中的作用,排名第五。

