







2016.9–至今:www.优德88.cpm 药学院,特聘副教授,独立PI









长期从事药物化学及化学生物学研究,通过运用有机合成方法,结合现代药物设计新理念和新方法,进行中枢神经系统疾病和恶性肿瘤新药研究。至今在J Med Chem,Chem Rev,Cancer Lett,Eur J Med Chem,ACS Infect Dis,Bioorg Chem,ACS Chem Neurosci, Acta Pharmacol SinOrg. Biomol. Chem.等药物化学与有机化学期刊上发表SCI论文近50篇,其中第一及通讯作者20余篇,高被引论文1篇。2019年担任Curr Top Med Chem杂志的客座编辑,完成了以Drug Discovery by Targeting Mutant KRAS为主题的专刊出版工作。共申报国内外发明专利10余项其中7项中国专利已授权,1项专利已转让。并编写十二五国家重点图书《新药研发案例研究:明星药物如何从实验室走向市场》第十章。另外,曾设计开发的靶向聚腺苷二磷酸核糖聚合酶PARP抑制剂SOMCL-9112已申报化学药品1.1类抗肿瘤新药,即希明哌瑞及其片剂,获得了卫生部优先评审品种推荐及国家药品监督管理局颁发的新药临床试验批件,目前正在临床试验中。目前主持在研国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、苏州市民生科技项目1项,作为研究骨干(排名第二)参与在研国家重点研发项目1项,已主持完成国家和江苏省自然科学基金青年项目各1项。


1Mao, Q.; Zhang, B.; Tian, S.; Qin, W.; Chen, J.; Huang, X.-P.; Xin, Y.; Yang, H.; Zhen, X.-C.; Shui, W.,Ye, N.*Structural Optimizations and Bioevaluation of N-H Aporphine Analogues as Gq-biased and Selective Serotonin 5-HT2C Receptor Agonists.Bioorg. Chem.2022, 123, 105795.(*通讯作者)

2Kuang, Y.#;Ye, N.#; Kyani, A.; Ljungman, M.; Paulsen, M.; Chen, H.; Zhou, M.; Wild, C.; Chen, H.; Zhou, J.*; Neamati, N.*.Induction of Genes Implicated in Stress Response and Autophagy by a Novel Quinolin-8-yl-nicotinamide QN523 in Pancreatic Cancer.J. Med. Chem.2022,65, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.1c02207.(#并列第一作者)

3Wang, P.;#van der Hoeven, D.;#Ye,N.;#Chen, H.; Liu, Z.; Ma, X.; Montufar-Solis, D.; Rehl, K. M.; Cho, K.-J., Thapa, S.; Chen W., van der Hoeven, R.; Frost, J. A.; Hancock, J. F.;*Zhou, J.*Scaffold Repurposing of Fendiline: Identification of Potent KRAS Plasma Membrane Localization Inhibitors.Eur. J. Med. Chem.,2021,217, 113381.

4Ye, N.;*Qin, W.; Tian, S.; Xu, Q.; Wold, E. A.; Zhou, J.; Zhen, X. C. Small Molecules Selectively Targeting Sigma-1 Receptor for the Treatment of Neurological Diseases.J. Med. Chem.2020,63, 15187-15217.

5Mao Q, Zhang B, Li W, Tian S, Shui W,Ye, N.*Identification of Novel 1-O-Substituted Aporphine Analogues as Potent 5-HT2C Receptor Agonists.ACS Chem. Neurosci.,2020,11, 549−559.

6Mao, Q.; Qin, W.; Zhang, A.;Ye, N.*Overview of Recent Advances on Dopaminergic Strategies for Parkinson’s Disease.Acta Pharmacol. Sin.,2020,41, 471-482.

7Xu, Q.; Li B.; Ma, Y.; Sun, F.; Gao, Y.;Ye, N.*K2S2O8-HFIP Synergistic Promotedpara-selective sp3C-H Bond Diarylation of Glycine Esters.Org. Biomol. Chem.,2020,18, 666-670.

8Ye, N.*Drug Discovery by Targeting Mutant KRAS.Curr. Top. Med. Chem.2019,19, 2079-2080. (Editoral; Guest editor)

9Ye, N.*; Xu, Q.; Li, W.; Wang, P.; Zhou, J. Recent Advances in Developing K-Ras Plasma Membrane Localization Inhibitors.Curr. Top. Med. Chem.2019,19, 2114-2127.

10Li, .B.; Mao, Q.; Zhou, J.; Liu, F.;Ye, N.*HFIP-Promoted Michael Reactions: Direct para-Selective C-H Activation of Anilines with Maleimides.Org. Biomol. Chem.,2019,17, 2242-2246.

11Ye, N.*; Li, B.; Mao, Q.; Wold, E. A.; Tian, S.; Allen, J. A.; Zhou, J. Orphan Receptor GPR88 as an Emerging Neurotherapeutic Target.ACS Chem. Neurosci.,2019,10, 190−200.

12Yuan, B.;#Ye, N.;#Song, S. S.; Wang, Y. T.; Song, Z.; Chen, H. D.; Chen, C. H.; Huan, X. J.; Wang, Y. Q.; Su, Y.; Shen, Y. Y.; Sun, Y. M.; Yang, X. Y.; Chen, Y.; Guo, S. Y.; Gan, Y.; Gao, Z. W.; Chen, X. Y.; Ding, J.; He, J. X.; Zhang, A.;Miao, Z. H.Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP)Inhibition andAnticancerActivity ofSimmiparib, aNewInhibitorUndergoingClinicalTrials.CancerLett.,2017,386, 47-56.

13Ye, N.; Zhu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Mei, F. C.; Chen, H.; Wang, P.; Cheng, X.; Zhou, J. Identification of novel 2-(benzo[d]isoxazol-3-yl)-2-oxo-N-phenylacetohydra- zonoyl cyanide analoguesas potent EPAC antagonists.Eur. J. Med. Chem.2017,134, 62-71.

14Ye, N.; Shi, P.-Y.; Zhou,J. Therapetic Potential of Spirooxindoles as Antiviral Agents.ACS Infect. Dis.,2016,2, 382-292. (高被引论文)

15Ye, N.; Zhu, Y.; Chen, H.; Liu, Z.; Mei, F. C.; Wild, C.;Chen, H.; Cheng, X.; Zhou, J. Structure–Activity Relationship Studies of Substituted 2-(Isoxazol-3-yl)-2-oxo-N’-phenyl-acetohydrazonoyl Cyanide Analogues: Identification of Potent Exchange Proteins Directly Activated by cAMP (EPAC) Antagonists.J. Med. Chem.,2015,58, 6033-6047.

16Ye, N.; Ding, Y.; Wild, C.; Shen, Q.; Zhou, J. Small molecule inhibitors targeting activator protein 1 (AP-1).J. Med. Chem.,2014,57, 6930-6948.

17Ye, N.; Song, Z.; Zhang, A. Dual Ligands Targeting Dopamine D2 and Serotonin 5-HT1A Receptors as New Antipsychotical or Anti-Parkinsonian Agents.Curr. Med. Chem.,2014,21, 437-457.

18Ye, N.; Neumeyer, J. L.; Baldessarini, R. J.; Zhen, X.; Zhang, A. Update 1 of: Recent Progress in Development of Dopamine Receptor Subtype-selective Agents: Potential Therapeutics for Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders.Chem. Rev.,2013,113, PR123-178.

19Ye, N.; Chen, C. H.; Chen, T.; Song, Z.; He, J. X.; Huan, X. J.; Song, S. S.; Liu, Q.; Chen, Y.; Ding, J.; Xu, Y.; Miao, Z. H.; Zhang, A. Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of a Series of Benzo[de][1,7]naphthyridin-7(8H)-ones bearing a Functionalized Longer Chain Appendage as Novel PARP1 Inhibitors.J. Med. Chem.,2013,56, 2885-2903.

20Zhang, H.;#Ye, N.;#Zhou, S.; Guo, L.; Zheng, L.; Liu, Z.; Gao, B.; Zhen, X.; Zhang, A.Identification ofN-Propylnoraporphin-11-yl 5-(1,2-Dithiolan-3-yl)pentanoate as a New Anti-Parkinson’s Agent Possessing a Dopamine D2 and Serotonin 5-HT1A Dual-Agonist Profile.J. Med. Chem.,2011,54, 4324–4338.
