



www.优德88.cpm 特聘教授,医学部药学院教授、博士生导师












2013.2-至今www.优德88.cpm 特聘教授、医学部药学院博士生导师


Ÿ 蛋白质组学

Ÿ 蛋白质翻译后修饰及其功能

Ÿ 药物作用分子机制


主要从事蛋白质翻译后修饰及功能的研究。建立和利用多种蛋白质组学方法和生物化学方法研究蛋白质泛素化和类泛素化修饰在神经发育、肿瘤发生发展和抗肿瘤药物的功能及其作用的分子机制。在Nat BiotechnolNat CommunOncogeneJ Biol ChemHum Mol GenetCell Death DisFASEB JPNASJACSJ Proteome Res等学术刊物上发表论文100多篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项,参与科技部项目3项,其中主持一项子课题。


1. Zhou L*, Huang X, Niesvizky R, Pu Z,Xu G*. Caspase-8 regulates the anti-myeloma activity of bortezomib and lenalidomide.J Pharmacol Exp Ther,2021, JPET-AR-2021-000818.

2. Zhang Z, Cheng X, Jiang H, Gu J, Yin Y, Shen Z, Xu C, Pu Z, Li J-B*,Xu G*. Quantitative proteomic analysis of glycosylated proteins enriched from urine samples with magnetic ConA nanoparticles identifies potential biomarkers for small cell lung cancer.J Pharm Biomed Anal,2021, 206, 114352.

3. Lu J, Jiang H, Li D, Chen T, Wang Y, Pu Z*,Xu G*. Proximity labeling, quantitative proteomics, and biochemical studies revealed the molecular mechanism for the inhibitory effect of indisulam on the proliferation of gastric cancer cells.J. Proteome Res.2021, 20(9), 4462-4474.

4. Zhang Y, Zha Z, Shen W, Li D, Kang N, Chen Z, Liu Y,Xu G*, Xu Q* Anemoside B4 ameliorates TNBS‑induced colitis through S100A9/MAPK/NF‑κB signaling pathway.Chin. Med.2021, 16(1), 11.

5. Hu Z,Wang X, Li D, Cao L, Cui H,Xu G*. UFBP1, a key component in ufmylation, enhances drug sensitivity by promoting proteasomal degradation of oxidative stress-response transcription factor Nrf2.Oncogene2021, 40, 647-662.

6. Yu W, Wang B, Zhou L*,Xu G*. Endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated p62 downregulation inhibits apoptosis via c-Jun upregulation.Biomol. Ther.2021, 29(2), 195-204.

7. Zhou L, Yu W, Jayabalan DS, Niesvizky R, Jaffrey SR, Huang X*,Xu G*. Caspase-8 inhibition prevents the cleavage and degradation of E3 ligase substrate receptor cereblon and potentiates its biological function.Front. Cell Dev. Biol.2020, 8, 605989.

8. Ullah K, Chen S, Lu J, Wang X, Liu Q, Zhang Y, Long Y, Hu Z*,Xu G*. The E3 ubiquitin ligase STUB1 attenuates cell senescence by promoting the ubiquitination and degradation of the core circadian regulator BMAL1.J. Biol. Chem.2020, 295(14), 4696-4708.

9. Yuan Y#, Miao Y#, Qian L, Zhang Y, Liu C, Liu J, Zuo Y, Feng Q, Guo T, Zhang L, Chen X, Jin L, Huang F, Zhang H, Zhang W, Li W,Xu G, Zheng H*. Targeting UBE4A revives viperin protein in epithelium to enhance host antiviral defense.Mol. Cell2020, 77(4), 734-747.e7.

10. Duan Q, Li D, Xiong L, Chang Z,Xu G*. SILAC quantitative proteomics and biochemical analyses reveal a novel molecular mechanism by which ADAM12S promotes the proliferation, migration, and invasion of small cell lung cancer cells through upregulating hexokinase 1.J. Proteome Res.2019,18, 2903-2914.

11. Guo Q, Zhu Q, Miao T, Tao J, Ju X, Sun Z, Li H,Xu G, Chen H, Han L. LRP1-upregulated nanoparticles for efficiently conquering the blood-brain barrier and targetedly suppressing multifocal and infiltrative brain metastases.J. Control Release2019,303, 117-129.

12. Zhou L,Xu G*. Cereblon attenuates DNA damage-induced apoptosis by regulating the transcription-independent function of p53.Cell Death Dis.2019,10, 69.

13. Ullah K, Zubia E, Narayan M, Yang J,Xu G*. Diverse roles of the E2/E3 hybrid enzyme UBE2O in the regulation of protein ubiquitination, cellular functions, and disease onset.FEBS J.2019,286, 2018-2034 (Review,Cover Story).

14. Chen S#, Yang J#, Zhang Y, Duan C, Liu Q, Huang Z, Xu Y, Zhou L*,Xu G*. Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2O regulates cellular clock function by promoting the degradation of the transcription factor BMAL1.J. Biol. Chem.2018,293, 11296-11309 (Cover Story).

15. Yang J#, Huang M#, Zhou L, He X, Jiang X, Zhang Y,Xu G*. Cereblon suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response through promoting the ubiquitination and degradation of c-Jun.J. Biol. Chem.2018,293, 10141-10157.

16. Zhang Y#, Duan C#, Yang J, Chen S, Liu Q, Zhou L, Huang Z, Xu Y,Xu G*.Deubiquitinating enzyme USP9X regulates cellular clock function by modulating the ubiquitination and degradation of a core circadian protein BMAL1.Biochem. J.2018,475, 1507-1522. (#: co-first authors).

17. Zhu Y#, Lei Q#, Li D, Zhang Y, Jiang X, Hu Z,Xu G*. Proteomic and biochemical analyses reveal a novel mechanism for promoting protein ubiquitination and degradation by UFBP1, a key component of ufmylation.J. Proteome Res.2018,17, 1509-1520.

18. Zhou L, Hao Z, Wang G,Xu G*. Cereblon suppresses the formation of pathogenic protein aggregates in a p62-dependent manner.Hum. Mol. Genet.2018,27, 667-678.

19. Zhang L, Yang H, Zhang W, Liang Z, Huang Q,Xu G, Zhen X*, Zheng LT*. Clk1-regulated aerobic glycolysis is involved in glioma chemoresistance.J. Neurochem.2017,142, 574-588.

20. Chu M, Li T, Shen B, Cao X, Zhong H, Zhang L, Zhou F, Ma W, Jiang H, Xie P, Liu Z, Dong N, Xu Y, Zhao Y,Xu G, Lu P, Luo J, Wu Q, Alitalo K, Koh GY, Adams RH, He Y*. Angiopoietin receptor Tie2 is required for vein specification and maintenance via regulating COUP-TFII.eLife2016,5, e21032.

21. Qu Z, Zhang H, Huang M, Shi G, Liu Z, Xie P, Li H, Wang W,Xu G, Zhang Y, Yang L, Huang G, Takahashi JS, Zhang WJ*, Xu Y*. Loss of ZBTB20 impairs circadian output and leads to unimodal behavioral rhythms.eLife2016,5, e17171.

22. Zhou Y, Xiong L, Zhang Y, Yu R, Jiang X,Xu G*. Quantitative proteomics identifies myoferlin as a novel regulator of A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase 12 in HeLa cells.J. Proteomics2016,148, 94-104.

23. Duan W, Chen S, Zhang Y, Li D, Wang R, Chen S, Li J, Qiu X,Xu G*. Protein C-terminal enzymatic labeling identifies novel caspase cleavages during the apoptosis of multiple myeloma cells induced by kinase inhibition.Proteomics2016,16, 60-69.

24. Shi G, Xie P, Qu Z, Zhang Z, Dong Z, An Y, Xing L, Liu Z, Dong Y,Xu G, Yang L, Liu Y*, Xu Y*. Distinct roles of HDAC3 in the core circadian negative feedback loop are critical for clock function.Cell Rep.2016,14, 823-834.

25. Liu Y, Huang X, He X, Zhou Y, Jiang X, Chen-Kiang S, Jaffrey SR,*Xu G*. A novel effect of thalidomide and its analogs: suppression of cereblon ubiquitination enhances ubiquitin ligase function.FASEB J.2015,29, 4829-4839.

26.Deglincerti A, Liu Y, Colak D, Hengst U,Xu G*,Jaffrey SR*. Coupled local translation and degradation regulate growth cone collapse.Nat. Commun.2015,6, 6888.

27. Tao Z, Wang H, Xia Q, Li K, Li K, Jiang X,Xu G, Wang G*, Ying Z*. Nucleolar stress and impaired stress granule formation contribute to C9orf72 RAN translation-induced cytotoxicity.Hum. Mol. Genet.2015,24, 2426-2441.

28.Xu G*, Jiang X, Jaffrey SR*. A mental retardation-linked nonsense mutation in cereblon is rescued by proteasome inhibition.J. Biol. Chem.2013,288, 29573-29585.

29. Yoon Y, McKenna MC, Rollins DA, Song M, Nuriel T, Gross SS,Xu G, Glatt CE*. Anxiety-associated alternative polyadenylation of the serotonin transporter mRNA confers translational regulation by hnRNPK.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.2013,110, 11624-11629.

30.Xu G,Jaffrey SR*. The new landscape of protein ubiquitination.Nat. Biotechnol.(News & Views)2011,29, 1098-1100.

31.Xu G,Shin SY, Jaffrey SR*. Chemoenzymatic labeling of protein C-termini for positive selection of C-terminal peptides.ACS Chem. Biol.2011,6, 1015-1020.

32.Xu G,Paige JS, Jaffrey SR*. Global analysis of lysine ubiquitination by ubiquitin remnant immunoaffinity profiling.Nat. Biotechnol.2010,28, 868-873.

33.Xu G,Shin SY, Jaffrey SR*. Global profiling of protease cleavage sites by chemoselective labeling of protein N-termini.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.2009,106, 19310-19315.









8.国家重大www.优德88.cpm 计划(973计划)子课题,生物钟对下丘脑GnRH网络的调控,2014-2016(骨干成员)。


1.BMC Genomics, Editorial Board2016.12-

2.Protein J, Editorial Board2021.03-







