


姓  名:张小虎




1992.9-1997.11Rutgers University,美国新泽西州立大学,博士



1998.3-1999.6Chromagen Inc., San Diego, CA, USA.研究员

1999.6-2000.10Stratagenean Agilent company,研究员,项目经理

2000.10-2008.2Neurocrine Biosciences,资深研究员

2008.3-2012.4BioDuroa PPD company,北京,总监,资深总监,执行总监

2012.4-至今:www.优德88.cpm 药学院,特聘教授






国家自然科学基金项目:靶向RIPK1抑制剂治疗特发性肺纤维化的药物研发(2020-2023, 55




www.优德88.cpm 科研启动基金等



[1] Synthesis and evaluation of dihydrofuro[2,3-b]pyridine derivatives as potent IRAK4 inhibitors.Hao, Y.;Ma, J.; Wang, J.; Yu, X.;Li, Z.;Wu, S. *;Tian, S.;Ma, H.;He, S.*;Zhang, X.*Eur. J. Med. Chem.,2023, 258, 115616.

[2] Discovery of a novel RIPK2 inhibitor for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Lai, Y.; Wang, X.; Sun, X.; Wu, S.; Chen, X.; Yang, C.; Zhang, W.; Yu, X.; Tong, Y.; Ma, F.; Zheng, H.*;Zhang, X.*; He, S.*Biochem Pharmacol,2023, 214, 115647.

[3] Design, synthesis, evaluation and optimization of potent IRAK4 inhibitors alleviating production of inflammatory cytokines in LPS-induced SIRS model.Hao, Y.;Wang, J.; Ma, J.; Yu, X.;Li, Z.;Wu, S. *;Tian, S.;Ma, H.;He, S.*;Zhang, X.*Bioorganic Chemistry,2023, 137, 106584.

[4] A novel RIPK1 inhibitor reduces GVHD in mice via a nonimmunosuppressive mechanism that restores intestinal homeostasis. Yu, X.;, Ma, H.; Li, B.; Ji, Y.;, Du, Y.;, Liu, S.; Li, Z.;, Hao, Y.; Tian, S.; Zhao, C.; Du, Q.; Jin Z.; Zhu, X.; Tian, Y.; Chen, X.; Sun, X.; Yang, C.; Zhu, F.; Ju, J.; Zheng, Y.; Zhang W.; Wang, J.; Yang, T.; Wang, X.; Li, J.; Xu, X.; Du, S.; Lu, H.; Ma, F.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, Y.;Zhang, X.*; Hu, S.*; He, S.*Blood,2023, 141(9), 1070-86.

[5] Discovery, optimization and evaluation of isothiazolo[5,4-b]pyridine derivatives as RIPK1 inhibitors with potent in vivo anti-SIRS activity. Hao, Y.; Yang, C.; Shu, C.; Li, Z.; Xia, K.; Wu, S.; Ma, H.; Tian, S.; Ji, Y.; Li, J; He, S.*;Zhang, X.*Bioorganic Chemistry,2022, 129, 106051.

[6] Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationship of novel RIPK2 inhibitors. Wu, S.; Xu, L.; Wang, X.; Yang, Q.; Wang, J.;He, S.*;Zhang, X.*Bioorg Med Chem Lett.2022, 75, 128968.

[7] Synthesis and characterization of potent RIPK3 inhibitors based on a tricyclic scaffold. Wu, S.; Yang, Q; Ji, Y.; Tian, S.;Ma, H.; Du, S.; Lu, H.;He, S.*;Zhang, X.*.Future Medicinal Chemistry,2022,14(6), 421-442.

[8] Design, synthesis, and evaluation of potent RIPK1 inhibitors with in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. Li, Z.; Hao, Y.; Yang, C.; Yang, Q.; Wu, S.; Ma, H.; Tian, S.; Lu, H.; Wang, J.; Yang, T.; He, S.*;Zhang, X.*Eur. J. Med. Chem.2022,228, 114036.

[9] Ring closure strategy leads to potent RIPK3 inhibitors. Wu, S.; Xu, C.; Xia, K.; Lin, Y.; Tian, S.; Ma, H.; Ji, Y.; Zhu, F.; He, S.*;Zhang, X.*Eur. J. Med. Chem.2021,217, 113327.

[10] Early glycolytic reprogramming controls microglial inflammatory activation. Cheng, J.; Zhang, R.; Xu, Z.; Ke, Y.; Sun, R.; Yang, H.; Zhang, X.; Zhen, X.; Zheng, L.Journal of Neuroinflammation,2021, 18, 129.

[11] Discovery of a potent RIPK3 inhibitor for the amelioration of necroptosis-associated inflammatory injury. Xia, K.; Zhu, F.; Yang, C.; Wu, S.; Lin, Y.; Ma, H.; Yu, X.; Zhao, C.; Ji, Y.; Ge, W.; Wang, J.; Du, Y.; Zhang, W.; Yang, T.;Zhang, X.*,He, S.*Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology2020,8, 606119.

[12]Design, synthesis, and evaluation of pyrrolidine based CXCR antagonists with in vivo anti-tumor metastatic activity. Li, Z.; Wang, X.; Lin, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wu, S.; Xia, K.; Xu, C.; Ma, H.; Zheng, J.; Luo, L.*; Zhu, F.; He, S.*; Zhang, X.*Eur. J. Med. Chem.2020,205, 112537.

[13] Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Novel CXCR4 Antagonists Featuring Cyclic Amines.Lin, Y.; Li, Z.; Ma, H.; Wang, Y.; Wang, X.; Song, S.; Zhao, L.; Wu, S.; Tian, S.; Fu, C.; Luo, L.; Zhu, F.; He, S.*; Zheng, J.*; Zhang, X.*ChemMedChem,2020, 15(13), 1150-1162.

[14]Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Novel CXCR4 Antagonists Based on an Aminoquinoline Template. Lin, Y.; Li, Z.; Xu, C.; Xia, K.; Wu, S.; Hao, Y.; Yang, Q.; Ma, H.; Zheng, J.*; Luo, L.; Zhu, F.; He, S.*; Zhang, X.*Bioorganic Chemistry,2020, 99, 103824.

[15]Structural optimization of aminopyrimidine-based CXCR4 antagonists. Zhu, F.; Wang, Y.; Du, Q.; Ge, W.; Li, Z.; Wang, X.; Fu, C.; Luo, L.; Tian, S.; Ma, H.; Zheng, J.*; Zhang, Y.; Sun, X.; He, S.*;Zhang, X.*Eur. J. Med. Chem.2020,187, 111914.

[16]Discovery of potent necroptosis inhibitors targeting RIPK1 kinase activity for the treatment of inflammatory disorder and cancer metastasis. Hou, J.; Ju, J.; Zhang, Z.; Zhao, C.; Li, Z.; Zheng, J.; Sheng, T.; Zhang, H.; Hu, L.; Yu, X.; Zhang, W.; Li, Y.; Wu, M.; Ma, H.*;Zhang,X. *; He, S.*Cell Death Disease2019,10:493.

[17]Structural optimization on a virtual screening hit of smoothened receptor. Song,S.; Jiang, J.; Zhao, L.; Wang, Q.; Lu, W.; Zheng, C.; Zhang, J.; Ma, H.*; Tian, S.; Zheng, J.; Luo, L.; Li, Y.; Yang, Z-J.*;Zhang, X.*Eur. J. Med. Chem.2019,172, 1-15.

[18] Development of Adenosine A2AReceptor Antagonists for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease: A Recent Update and Challenge. Zheng, J.;Zhang, X.*Zhen, X.*ACS Chem. Neurosci.2019,10, 783-791.

[19]Discovery of potent and novel smoothened antagonists via structure-based virtual screening and biological assays. Lu, W.; Zhang, D.; Ma, H. *; Tian, S. *; Zheng, J.; Wang, Q.; Luo, L.;Zhang, X.*Eur. J. Med. Chem.2018,155, 34-48.

[20]A novel hedgehog inhibitor for the treatment of hematological malignancies. Lin, P; He, Y.; Chen, G.; Ma, H.; Zheng, J.; Zhang, Z.; Cao, B.; Zhang, H.;Zhang, X.; and Mao, X.Anti-Cancer Drugs2018, 29:995–1003.

[21]Discovery of a potent hedgehog pathway inhibitor capable of activating caspase8-dependent apoptosis. Chen, Q.; Zhang, H.; Wu, M.; Wang, Q.; Luo, L.; Ma, H.; *Zhang, X.; *He, S. *Journal of Pharmacological Sciences,2018, 137, 256-264.

[22]Discovery and characterization of a potent Wnt and hedgehog signaling pathways dual inhibitor. Ma, H.; Chen, Q.; Zhe, F.; Zheng, J.*; Li, J.; Zhang, H.; Chen, S.; Xing, H.; Luo, L.; Zheng, L.; He, S.*;Zhang, X.*Eur. J. Med. Chem.2018,149, 110-121.

[23]Design, Synthesis, and Structure-Activity-Relationship of a Novel Series of CXCR4 Antagonists Li, Z.; Wang, Y.; Fu, C.; Wang, X.; Wang, J.J.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, D.; Zhao, Y.; Luo, L.*; Ma, H.; Lu, W.; Zheng, J.*;Zhang, X.*Eur. J. Med. Chem.2018,149, 30-44.

[24]Design, Synthesis, and Structure−Activity Relationship of Tetrahydropyrido[4,3d]pyrimidine Derivatives as Potent Smoothened Antagonists with in Vivo Activity. Lu, W.; Liu, Y.; Ma, H.; Zheng, J.; Tian, S.; Sun, Z.; Luo, L.*; Li, J.; Zhang, H.; Yang, Z-J.*;Zhang, X.*ACS Chem. Neurosci.2017,8, 1980-1994.

[25]GYY4137, an H2S Slow-Releasing Donor, Prevents Nitrative Stress and a-Synuclein Nitration in an MPTP Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease. Hou, X.; Yuan, Y.; Sheng, Y.; Yuan, B.; Wang, Y.; Zheng, J.; Liu, C-F.;Zhang, X.*; Hu, L.*Front. Pharmacol.2017, 8:741.

[26]Discovery of Novel and Selective Adenosine A2A Receptor Antagonists for Treating Parkinson’s Disease through Comparative Structure-Based Virtual Screening. Tian, S.; Wang, X.; Li, L.;Zhang, X.; Li, Y.; Zhu, F.; Hou, T.*; Zhen, X.*J. Chem. Inf. Model.2017, 57, 1474-1487.

[27]Antiviral activity of PHA767491 against human herpes simplex virus in vitro and in vivo. Hou, J.; Zhang, Z.; Huang, Q.; Yan, J.;Zhang, X.; Yu, X.; Tan, G.; Zheng, C.; Xu, F.*; He, S.*BMC Infectious Disease,2017, 17: 217.

[28]Identification of a New Series of Potent Adenosine A2AReceptor Antagonists Based on 4-Amino-5-carbonitrile Pyrimidine Template for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease. Yang, Z; Li, L; Zheng, J; Ma, H; Tian, S; Li, J; Zhang, H; Zhen, X;*Zhang, X.*ACS Chem. Neurosci.2016,7, 1575-1584.

[29]Design, synthesis, and evaluation of novel porcupine inhibitors featuring a fused 3-ring system based on the 'reversed' amide scaffold. Xu, Z; Xu, X; O'Laoi, R; Ma, H; Zheng, J;*Chen, S; Luo, L;*Hu, Z; He, S; Li, J; Zhang, H;Zhang, X.*Bioorg. Med. Chem.2016,24, 5861-5872.

[30]Design, synthesis, and evaluation of potent Wnt signaling inhibitors featuring a fused 3-ring system. Xu, Z.; Li, J.; Wu, Y.; Sun, Z.; Luo, L.*; Hu, Z.; He, S.; Zheng, J.*; Zhang, H.;Zhang, X.*Eur. J. Med. Chem.2016,108, 154-165.

[31]Exploration of the linkage elements of porcupine antagonists led to potent Wnt signaling pathway inhibitors. Dong, Y.; Li, K.; Xu, Z.; Ma, H.; Zheng, J.; Hu, Z.; He, S.; Wu, Y.; Sun, Z.; Luo, L.; Li, J.; Zhang, H.;Zhang, X.*Bioorg. Med. Chem.2015,23, 6855-6868.

[32] Discovery of a 6-(pyridin-3-yl)benzo[d]thiazole template for optimization of hedgehog and PI3K/AKT/mTOR dual inhibitors, Yang, Z.; Ma, H.; Sun, Z.; Luo, L.; Tian, S.; Zheng, J.;Zhang, X.*Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.2015,25, 3665-3670.

[33]Design, synthesis and evaluation of a series of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug conjugates as novel neuroinflammatory inhibitors. Xu, Z.; Wu, J.; Zheng, J.; Ma, H.; Zhang, H.; Zhen, X.; Zheng, L.*;Zhang, X.*International Immunopharmacology2015, 25(2), 528-537

[34] Anti-inflammatory effects of glaucocalyxin B in microglia cells. Gan, P.; Zhang, L.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, F.; Zhou, X.; Gao, B.; Zhen, X.;Zhang, X.; Zhang, J.; Zheng, L.*Journal of Pharmacological Sciences2015, 128(1), 35-46.

[35]Design, synthesis, and structure-activity-relationship of tetrahydrothiazolopyridine derivatives as potent smoothened antagonists. Ma, H.; Lu, W.; Sun, Z.;Luo L. *; Geng, D.; Yang, Z.; Li E.; Zheng, J.; Wang, M.; Zhang, H.; Yang, S.;Zhang, X.*EuropeanJournal of Medicinal Chemistry2015, 89, 721-732.

[36]Optimization of 6-heterocyclic-2-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-N-(pyridin-2-yl) pyrimidin-4-amine as potent adenosine A 2A receptor antagonists for the treatment of Parkinson ’s disease. Zheng, J.; Yang, Z.; Li, X.; Li, L.; Ma, H.; Wang, M.; Zhang, H.;Zhen, X.*;Zhang, X.*ACS Chemical Neuroscience2014, 5, 674-682.

[37]Scaffold hopping approach to a new series of smoothened antagonists. Lu, W.; Geng, D.; Sun, Z.; Yang, Z.; Ma, H.; Zheng, J.,Zhang, X.*Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.2014, 24, 2300-2304.

[38]Replacement of amide with bioisosteres led to a new series of potent adenosine A2Areceptor antagonists.Yang, Z.; Li, X.; Ma, H.; Zheng, J.; Zhen, X.;Zhang, X.*Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.2014, 24, 152-155.

[39]Cyclopamine, a naturally occurring alkaloid, and its analogues may find wide applications in cancer therapy.Ma, H.; Li, H.;Zhang, X.*Curr. Top. Med. Chem.2013, 13, 2208-2215.

[40]Pyrrolopyrazines as selective spleen tyrosine kinase inhibitors.Fernando Padilla, Niala Bhagirath, Shaoqing Chen, Eric Chiao, David Michael Goldstein, Johannes Cornelius Hermann, Jonathan Hsu, Joshua J. Kennedy-Smith, Andreas Kuglstatter, Cheng Liao, Wenjian Liu, Lee E. Lowrie, Jr., Kin-Chun Luk , Stephen M. Lynch, John Menke, Linghao Niu, Timothy D. Owens, Counde O-Yang, Aruna Railkar, Ryan C. Schoenfeld, Michelle Slade, Sandra Steiner, Yun-Chou Tan, Armando G. Villasenor, Ce Wang, Jutta Wanner, Wenwei Xie, Daigen Xu,Xiaohu Zhang, Mingyan Zhou, Matthew Charles LucasJ. Med. Chem.,2013,56, 1677.

[41] Rational design of highly selective spleen tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Matthew Charles Lucas, David Michael Goldstein, Johannes Cornelius Hermann, Andreas Kuglstatter, Wenjian Liu, Kin-Chun Luk , Fernando Padilla, Michelle Slade, Jutta Wanner, Wenwei Xie,Xiaohu Zhang, Cheng LiaoJ. Med. Chem.,2012,5510414.

[42] Discovery of NBI-77860/GSK561679, a potent Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF1) Receptor Antagonist with Improved Pharmacokinetic Properties. Tellow, J.; Lanier-Gross, M.; Moorjani, M.; Lin, E.; Luo, Z.; Slee, D.;Zhang, X.; Hoare, S.; Grigoriadis, D.; Denis, Y.; Di Fabio, R.; Modugno, E.; Saunders, J.; Williams, J.Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters.2010, 20 (24), 7259.

[43] Report of 2-Amino-N-Pyrimidin-4-yl Acetamides as A2AReceptor Antagonists with Improved Drug Like Properties andIn VivoEfficacy.Lanier, M.; Luo, Z.; Chen, Y.; Lin, E.; Moorjani, M.; Slee, D.; Tellew, J.;Zhang, X.; Lechner, S.; Markison, S.; Joswig., Kargo, W.; Piercey, J.; Santos, M.; Malany, S.; Gross R.; Williams, J.; Castro-Palomino, J.; Crespo, M.; Prat, M.; Gual, S.; Diaz, J.; Wen, J.; O’Brien, Z.; Saunders, J.Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.2009,52 (3), 709.

[44] Lead Optimizationof 4-Acetylamino-2-(3, 5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-6-pyridylpyrimidines as Adenosine A2AAntagonists for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.Zhang, X.; Tellew, J.; Luo, Z.; Moorjani, M.; Lin, E.; Lanier, M.; Chen, Y.; Williams, J.; Saunders, J.; Lechner, S.; Markison, S.; Joswig, T.; Malany, S.; Santos, M.; Gross R.; Wen, J.; O’Brien, Z.; Slee, D.Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.2008,51 (22),7099.

[45] Identification of Novel, Water Soluble, 2-Amino-N-Pyrimidin-4-yl Acetamides as A2AReceptor Antagonists withInVivoEfficacy. Slee, D.;Zhang, X.; Moorjani, M.; Lin, E.; Lanier, M.; Chen, Y.; Rueter, J.; Lechner, S.; Markison, S.; Malany, S.; Joswig, T.; Santos, M.; Gross R.; Williams, J.; Castro-Palomino, J.; Crespo, M.; Prat, M.; Gual, S.; Diaz, J.; Wen, J.; O’Brien, Z.; Saunders, J.Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.2008, 51 (3), 400.

[46] 2-Amino-N-Pyrimidin-4-yl Acetamides as A2AReceptor Antagonists: Part 1: SAR and Optimization of Heterocyclic Substituents. Slee, D.; Chen, Y.;Zhang, X.; Moorjani, M.; Lanier, M.; Lin, E.; Rueter, J.; Williams, J.; Lechner, S.; Markison, S.; Malany, S.; Santos, M.; Gross R.; Jalali, K.; Sai, Y.; Zou, Z.; Yang, C.; Castro-Palomino, J.; Crespo, M.; Prat, M.; Gual, S.; Diaz, J.; Wen, J.; Saunders, J.Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.2008, 51 (6), 1719.

[47] 2-Amino-N-Pyrimidin-4-yl Acetamides as A2AReceptor Antagonists: Part 2: Reduction of hERG Activity, Observed Species Selectivity and SAR. Slee, D.; Moorjani, M.;Zhang, X.; Lin, E.; Lanier, M.; Chen, Y.; Rueter, J.; Lechner, S.; Markison, S.; Malany, S.; Joswig., T.; Santos, M.; Gross R.; Williams, J.; Castro-Palomino, J.; Crespo, M.; Prat, M.; Gual, S.; Diaz, J.; Jalali, K.; Sai, Y.; Zou, Z.; Yang, C.; Wen, J.; O’Brien, Z.; Petroski, R.; Saunders, J.Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.2008, 51 (6), 1730.

[48] Synthesis of N-Pyrimidinyl-2-Phenoxyacetamides as Adenosine A2AReceptor Antagonists.Zhang, X.; Rueter, J.; Chen, Y.; Moorjani, M.; Lanier, M.; Lin, E.; Gross R.; Tellew, J.; Williams, J.; Lechner, S.; Markison, S.; Joswig, T.; Malany, S.; Santos, M.; Castro-Palomino, J.; Crespo, M.; Prat, M.; Gual, S.; Diaz, J.; Saunders, J.; Slee, D.Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters.2008, 18 (6), 1778.

[49] 2, 6-Diaryl-4-Phenacylaminopyrimidines as Potent and Selective Adenosine A2AAntagonists with Reduced hERG Liability. Moorjani, M.;Zhang, X.; Chen, Y.; Lin, E.; Rueter, J.; Gross, R.; Lanier, M.; Tellew., J.; Williams, J.; Lechner, S.; Markison, S.; Malany, S.; Santos, M.; Ekhlassi, P.; Castro-Palomino, J.; Crespo, M.; Prat, M.; Gual, S.; Diaz, J.; Saunders, J.; Slee, D.Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters.2008, 18 (4), 1269.

[50] 2,6-Diaryl-4-acylaminopyrimidines as Potent and Selective Adenosine A2AAntagonist with Improved Solubility and Metabolic Stability. Moorjani, M.; Lou, Z.; Lin, E.; Vong, B.; Chen, Y.;Zhang, X.; Rueter, J.; Gross, R.; Lanier, M.; Tellew, J.; Williams, J.; Lechner, S.; Malany, S.; Santos, M.; Crespo, M.; Diaz, J.; Saunders, J.; Slee, D.Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters.2008, 18 (20), 5402.

[51] Design and Synthesis of Tricyclic Imidazo [4, 5-b] pyridine-2-ones as Corticotropin-Releasing Factor-1 Antagonists. Guo, Z.; Tellew, J.; Gross, R.; Dyck, B.; Grey, J.; Haddach, M.; Kiankarimi, M.; Lanier, M.; Li, B.; Luo, Z.; MaCarthy, J.; Moorjani, M.; Saunders, J.; Sullivan, R.;Zhang, X.; Zamani-Kord, S.; Grigoriadis, D.; Crowe, P.; Chen, T.; Williams, J.Journal of Medicinal Chemistry2005, 48 (16), 5104.

[52] Potent, Orally Active Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Receptor-1 Antagonists Containing a Tricyclic Pyrrolopyridine or Pyrazolopyridine Core.Dyck, B.; Grigoriadis, D.; Gross, R.; Guo, Z.; Marinkovic, D.; McCarthy, J.; Moorjani, M.; Regan, C.; Saunders, J.; Schwaebe, M.; Szabo, T.; Williams, J.;Zhang, X.; Bozigian, H.; Chen, T. K.Journal of Medicinal Chemistry2005, 48 (12), 4100.

[53] Fluorescence-Based Single-Tube Assays for Rapid Detection of Human Gene Mutations.Hu, X.; Chen, L.; Belachew, B.; Huang, H.;Zhang, X.Strategies,2000, 13:71-73.

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[60]RNA Synthesis Using a Universal, Base-Stable Allyl Linker.Zhang, X.; Gaffney, B.; Jones, R. A.Nucl. Acids Res.1997, 25, 3980.

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专利申请:具有腺苷受体拮抗剂活性的杂环氨基嘧啶化合物等两项中国专利申请(201310608492.8, 201310666030.1),国际专利申请一项WO2015085909

专利申请:具有刺猬通路拮抗剂活性的吡啶杂环化合物及其用途等五项中国专利申请(201310014254.4, 201310057744.2, 201310465383.5, 201310463448.2201310463448.2.)国际专利申请一项WO2014113191

Pyrrolopyrazine kinase inhibitors.Chen, Shaoqing; De Vicente Fidalgo, Javier; Hamilton, Matthew Michael; Hermann, Johannes Cornelius; Kennedy-Smith, Joshua; Li, Hongju; Lovey, Allen John; Lucas, Matthew C.; Luk, Kin-Chun Thomas; Lynch, Stephen M.; O'Yang, Counde; Padilla, Fernando; Schoenfeld, Ryan Craig; Sidduri, Achyutharao; Soth, Michael; Wang, Ce; Wovkulich, Peter Michael,Xiaohu Zhang. (with Roche) WO 2013030138,2013.

Triazolopyridine compounds.Hermann, J.; Lowrie Jr., L.; Lucas, M.; Luk, K.; Padilla, F.; Wanner, J.; Xie, W.;Zhang, X.(with Roche) WO2012163724,2012.

Thiazolopyrimidine compounds as SYK inhibitors for the treatment of auto-immune and inflammation diseases.Hermann, J.; Lowrie Jr., L.; Lucas, M.; Luk, K.; Padilla, F.; Wanner, J.; Xie, W.;Zhang, X.(with Roche) WO2012130780,2012.

Preparation of pyrazolopyrimidines as inhibitors of DYRK1A and DYRK1B.Liu, W.; Luk, K.;Zhang, X.(with Roche) US 20120184508 A1,2012.

Preparation of aminopyridazine derivatives and analogs for use as histamine H4receptor modulators.Cai, H; Chavez, F; Dunford, P.; Greenspan, A; Meduna, S; Quiroz, J; Savall, B.; Tays, K.; Thurmond, R.; Wei, J.; Wolin, R.;Zhang, X(with J&J).World Patent, WO2009152325,2009.

Substituted pyrimidines as adenosine receptor antagonists. Chen, Y.; Moorjani, M.; Slee, D.; Tellow, J.;Zhang, X.World Patent, WO2008116185,2008.

Phenoxy-substituted pyrimidines as adenosine receptor antagonists.Slee, D.;Zhang, X.; Rueter, J. K.; Lin, E.; Crespo, M. I.; Castro, J. World Patent, WO2007084914,2007.

Substituted Pyrimidines as adenosine receptor antagonists.Slee, D.; Lanier, M.; Vong, B.; Chen, Y.;Zhang, X.; Lin, E.; Moorjani, M., Castro, J. World Patent, WO2006110884,2006.

Preparation of pyrazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidines as corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) receptor antagonists.Lanier, M.; Luo, Z.; Moorjani, M.; Tellew, J.; Williams, J.;Zhang, X.World Patent, WO2006044958,2006.

Preparation of pyrazolopyrimidines as CRF receptor antagonists.Luo, Z.; Slee, D.; Tellew, J.; Williams, J.;Zhang, X.World Patent, WO2005063756.2005.

Preparation of pyrazolopyrimidines as CRF receptor antagonists.Luo, Z.; Slee, D.; Tellew, J.; Williams, J.;Zhang, X.World Patent, WO2005063755.2005.

Preparation of Peptides as Ligands of Melanocortin Receptors.Dyck, B. P.; Goodfellow, V.; Phillips, T.; Parker, J.;Zhang, X.; Chen, C.; Tran, J. A.; Pontillo, J.; Tucci, F. C. World Patent, WO2003031410.2003.

Universal Allyl Linker for Solid-Phase Nucleic Acid Synthesis.Zhang, X.; Jones, R. A. United States Patent, US6005125.1999.