


杨 霜

特聘教授|www.优德88.cpm 药学院

仁爱路199号www.优德88.cpm 独墅湖校区二期云轩楼2107




University of Maryland at College Park攻读博士期间,研究微流体芯片用于蛋白和多肽分离,该技术应用于On Chip聚糖和糖肽分析。随后在University of Maryland at College Park从事博士后工作期间,开发用高表面积纳米纤维(Nanofilament)用于激光解离聚糖和大分子质谱检测。在Johns Hopkins University博士后和任教期间,开发了基于固相化学酶的聚糖和糖蛋白分析方法,发明基于二级质谱的同位素聚糖定量标签(iARTsQUANTITY),探索前列腺癌和心血管疾病异常糖基化。2016年加入美国食品和药品管理局(FDA)后,开发唾液酸链接修饰方法,并首次解决了O-糖基化的富集和分离难题,成功应用于肺癌、禽流感和新冠糖基化和疫苗表征。在NIH期间开始研究肿瘤粘蛋白(MUCO-糖基化与疾病产生和进程。

参与美国国立卫生研究院子课题(NIH) 6项、主持美国国立卫生研究院中小企业创新研究(SBIR) 1项、共同主持美国马里兰州创新项目(MII) 1项。自2016年开始担任华人北美质谱协会(CASMS)委员,组织2017ACS年会分析化学会议主持。发表学术论文70余篇,包括Nat ProtocNat Rev ChemNat MicrobiolNat BiotechnolMetab Eng, Anal ChemLab Chip等期刊。









University of Maryland at College Park, Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D., 2008

National University of Singapore, Materials Science, M.S., 2003














University of Maryland at College Park, Maryland, USA






Johns Hopkins University, Pathology, Maryland, USA







Johns Hopkins University, Pathology, Baltimore, Maryland, USA








Food and Drug Administration, CBER, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA





参与药物和生物制剂的评审工作,包括pre-IND, IND,和化学、生产、质量控制等工艺的审查(CMC);

评审流感疫苗和其他疫苗的CMC流程,包括Pneumococcal oligosaccharide conjugated vaccines, Streptococcus pneumoniae oligosaccharide conjugated vaccines.

National Institutes of Health, NIDCR, Bethesda, Maryland, USA



建立了质谱检验中心(Biological Chemistry Section),包括MALDI-MS (Bruker), LC-MS (Thermo)和样本处理工作平台;
















12/20/2021S. Yang, A. Yang, Z. Yang,一种岩藻糖糖蛋白荧光显色载体的制备方法、荧光强度参考载体的制作方法及用途。www.优德88.cpm 。Application No.202111562311.3.

12/8/2021S. Yang, J. Li,一种基于固相富集结合O-糖肽酶切分析Tn抗原的方法。www.优德88.cpm 。Application No.202111487621.3.

11/25/2021S. Yang, S. Yue,一种基于固相糖蛋白富集和Tn糖肽酶切的分析方法和应用。www.优德88.cpm 。Application No.202111411385.7.

11/22/2021S. Yang, W.H. Hu,固相富集O-GlcNAc糖肽的制备方法。www.优德88.cpm 。Application No.202111388738.6.

10/28/2021S. Yang, J.H. Jiang, Z.Y. Gao,一种基于唾液酸特异性岩藻糖基化结构糖谱及其检测方法和应用。www.优德88.cpm 。Application No.202111259337.0.

04/29/2021S. Yang, S. Li,酸水解化合物的合成方法及其用于固相耦合糖蛋白、固相改性衍生和富集糖肽的方法。Application No.202110466156.9.

03/17/2021S. Yang, Z. Liu,糖肽富集材料及其制备方法和富集方法。www.优德88.cpm 。Application No.20210284482.8.

02/05/2021S. Yang, S. Li,固相标记物及其制备方法、固相载体多通道多肽和糖肽及其制备方法。www.优德88.cpm 。Application No.202110163100.6.

11/05/2021S. Yang, A. Yang,一种基于真空泵吸的生物流体与组织分离的装置。www.优德88.cpm 。专利号:202120042939.X.

12/16/2020S. Yang, S. Li,一种基于固相法分离N-糖肽和O-糖肽的方法。www.优德88.cpm 。Application No.202011481041.9.

07/27/2018S. Li, M. Wang,S. Yang,用于多糖分析的一种同位素标签试剂的制备和应用。Nanjing Apollomics. Application No.20180843616.3.

06/13/2017S. Yang, H. Zhang, AutoTip for high-throughput analysis of N-glycans, Johns Hopkins University, pending.

10/12/2015S. Li,S. Yang, and H. Zhang, Quaternary amine containing isobaric tag for quantitative glycan profiling. University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University.US patent20160252518 A1 (US 10,254,291 B2)

05/13/2014H. Zhang,S. Yang, P. Shah, S. Sun, Solid phase glycan and glycopeptide analysis and microfluidic chip for glycomic extraction, analysis and methods for using same. Johns Hopkins University.World patent #2,014,040,066 A1; US 2015/0233903 A1.

03/13/2014H. Zhang,S. Yang, Shuwei Li, Isobaric aldehyde-reactive tags for and analysis of glycans using same. Johns Hopkins University.World patent #2,014,040,072 A1; US 2015/0241437 A1 (US 99,394,44 B2).

12/13/2012H. Zhang,S. Yang.Glycan and glycopeptide capture and release using reversible hydrazone-based method. Johns Hopkins University.Patent#WO2012170491A1; US20140135235A1 .


1. Z. Gao, M. Xu, S. Yue, H. Shan, J. Xia, J. Jiang, andS. Yang*,Aberrant sialylation and fucosylation of body fluid glycoproteins in lung cancer,”ACS Omega (revision), 2022.

2. M. Xu, H. Jin, Y. Han, Z. Wu, J. Chen, C. Mao, X. Zhang, P. Hao, C. Liu,S. Yang*, “Mass spectrometry-based analysis of serum N-glycosylation changes in patients with Parkinson’s disease,” ACS Chemical Neuroscience (revision), 2022.

3. Q. Wang, T. Wang, R. Zhang,S. Yang, K. McFarland, C-y. Chung, H. Jia, L. Wang, J.F. Cipollo, M.J. Betenbaugh*, “The interplay of protein engineering and glycoengineering to fine-tune antibody glycosylation and its impact on effector functions,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2021,10.1002/bit.27953. (IF: 4.260).(Q2)

4. Q. Wang, Y. Wang,S. Yang, C. Lin, L. Aliyu, Y. Chen, L. Parsons, Y. Tian, H. Jia, A. Pekosz, M.J. Betenbaugh, J.F. Cipollo, “A Linkage-specific Sialic Acid Labeling Strategy Reveals Different Site-specific Glycosylation Patterns in SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Produced in CHO and HEK Cell Substrates,” Frontiers in Chemistry 2021,9:735558,1-16. (Q2)

5. Y. Wang, Q. Wang, Z. Wu, W. Hu, P. Hao, andS. Yang*, “Impact of expressing cells on glycosite occupancy and glycan of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein,”ACSOmega 2021, 6(24), 15988-15999.(IF: 3.512) (Q3)

6. U.H. Mortensen*, D.C. Anyaogu, A.H. Hansen, J.B. Hoof, N.I. Majewska, J.T. Paul, K.R. Nielsen, T.J. Hobley,S. Yang, H. Zhang, and M. Betenbaugh, “Glycoengineering of aspergillus nidulans to produce precursors for humanized N-glycan structures,” Metabolic Engineering 2021,67, 153-163. (IF: 7.263) (Q1)

7. M. Xu, W. Hu, Z. Liu, J. Xia, S.Chen, P.G. Wang,S. Yang*, “Glycoproteomic bioanalysis of exosomes by LC-MS to early diagnose pancreatic cancer,” Bioanalysis 2021, 13(11), 861-864.(IF: 2.371) (Q4)

8. S. Yang*, J. Xia, Z. Yang, M. Xu, S. Li, “Lung cancer molecular mutations and abnormal glycosylation as biomarkers for early diagnosis”, Cancer Treatment and Research Communications 2021, 21(7), 100311, 1-11(IF: 0.580)

9. M. Xu, M. Zhou, S. Li, X. Zhen, andS. Yang*, “Glycoproteins as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases: a glycoproteomic approach,” Journal of Neuroscience Research 2021,99(5), 1308-1324. (IF: 3.921) (Q2)

10. H. Yu, J. Wang, Z. Tang, X. Li, M. Yin, F. Zhang, J. Shu, W. Chen,S. Yang*, and Z. Li*, “Integrated glycomics strategy for evaluation of glycosylation alterations in salivary proteins associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus,” RSC Advances 2020, 10, 39739-39752. (IF: 3.267) (Q3)

11. S. Yang, Y. Wang, M. Mann, Q. Wang, E. Tian, L. Zhang, J.F. Cipollo, K.G.T. Hagen, and L.A. Tabak*, “Improved online LC-MS/MS identification of O-glycosites by EThcD fragmentation, chemoenzymatic reaction, and SPE enrichment,” Glycoconjugate Journal 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10719-020-09952-w. (IF: 3.010) (Q3)

12. S. Yang*, W. Wu, R-f Shen, L. Parsons, and J.F. Cipollo*, “Optimization of O-GIG for O-Glycopeptide Characterization with Sialic Acid Linkage Determination,” Analytical Chemistry 2020,92, 10946-10951. (IF: 6.785) (Q2)

13. Q.Wang, T. Wang,S. Yang, S. Sha, W.W. Wu, Y. Chen, J.T. Paul, R-f. Shen, J.F. Cipollo, and M.J. Betenbaugh*, “Metabolic Engineering Challenges to extending N-glycan pathways in Chinese hamster ovary cells,” Metabolic Engineering, 2020, 61, 301-314. (IF: 7.263) (Q1)

14. N. de Haan*,S. Yang, J.F. Cipollo, and M. Wuhrer, “Glycomics studies using sialic acid derivatization and mass spectrometry,” Nature Reviews Chemistry 2020, 4, 229-242. (IF: 33.566) (Q1)

15. M. Lorna A. De Leoz,…,S. Yanget al., “NIST interlaboratory study on glycosylation analysis of monoclonal antibodies: comparison of results from diverse analytical methods,” Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2020, 19(1), 11-30.(IF: 4.870) (Q2)

16. C. Chung, Q. Wang,S. Yang, S. Chough, J.F. Cipollo, J.P. Balthasa, and M.J. Betenbaugh*, “The impact of sialylation linkage-type on the pharmacokinetics of recombinant butyrylcholinesterases,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2019, 117(1), 157-166. (IF: 4.260) (Q2)

17. H. Wan*, J. Gao, H. Yang,S. Yang, R. Harvey et al., “The neuraminidase of A(H3N2) influenza viruses circulating since 2016 is antigenically distinct from the A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 vaccine strain,” Nature Microbiology 2019, 4, 2216-2225. (IF: 14.300) (Q1)

18. S. Yang, Z. Yang, P. Wang*, “Bioanalysis for precision medicine”, Bioanalysis 2019, 11(11), 1039-1043. (IF: 2.371) (Q4)

19. S. Yang*, P. Onigman, W. Wu, J. Sjogren, H. Nyhlen, R-F. Shen, and J. Cipollo*, “Deciphering protein O-glycosylation: solid-phase chemoenzymatic cleavage and enrichment,” Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90(13), 8261-8269 (ACS Editor’s Choice). (IF: 6.785) (Q2)

20. S. Yang*, W. Wu, R-F. Shen, M. Bern, and J. Cipollo*, “Identification of sialic acid linkages on intact glycopeptides via differential chemical modification using intactGIG-HILIC,” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2018, 29(6), 1273-1283. (IF: 3.150) (Q3)

21. S. Yang*, S. Chatterjee*, and J. Cipollo, “The glycoproteomics-mass spectrometry for studying cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure,” Proteomics-Clinical Applications 2018, 12(5), 1870042, 1-13. (IF: 2.568) (Q3)

22. N. Hoti,S. Yang, Y. Hu, P. Shah, M. Haffner, and H. Zhang*, “Overexpression of α (1,6) fucosyltransferase in the development of castration-resistant prostate cancer cells,” Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases 2018, 21(1), 137, 1-10. (IF: 4.311) (Q2)

23. W. Zhou,S. Yang, P.G. Wang*, “Matrix effects and matrix effect factors,” Bioanalysis 2017, 9(23), 1839-1844. (IF: 2.371) (Q4)

24. S. Yang*,D. Clark, Y. Liu, S. Li, H. Zhang, “High-throughput analysis of N-glycans using AutoTip via glycoprotein immobilization for glycan extract,” Scientific Reports 2017,7(1), 10216, 1-11. (IF: 3.998) (Q3)

25. S. Yang*, L. Chen, D.W. Chen, Q. Li, and H. Zhang, “Protein signatures of molecular pathways in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC): comparison of glycoproteomics and global proteomics,” Clinical Proteomics 2017,14(1), 31, 1-15. (IF: 2.568) (Q3)

26. S. Yang, E. Jankowska, M. Kosikova, H. Xie, and J. Cipollo*, “Solid-Phase Chemical Modification for Sialic Acid Linkage Analysis: Application to Glycoproteins of Host Cells Used in Influenza Virus Propagation,” Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89(17), 9508-9517. (IF: 6.785) (Q2)

27. N. Hoti*,S. Yang, P. Aiyetan, B. Kumar, Y. Hu, D. Clark, A.U. Eroglu, P. Shah, T. Johnson, W.H. Chowdery, H. Zhang, and R. Rodriguez, “Overexpression of Exportin-5 Overrides the Inhibitory Effect of miRNAs Regulation Control and Stabilize Proteins via Posttranslation Modifications in Prostate Cancer,” Neoplasia 2017, 19(10), 817-829. (IF: 5.696) (Q2)

28. S. Yang*and P. Wang, “Method development of glycoprotein biomarkers for cancers,” Bioanalysis 2017; 9(12):903-906. (IF: 2.371) (Q4)

29. C. Chung, Q. Wang,S. Yang, S.A. Ponce, B.J. Kirsch, H. Hang, M.J. Betenbaugh*, “Combinatorial genome and protein engineering yields monoclonal antibodies with hypergalactosylation from CHO cells,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2017, 114(12), 2848-2856. (IF: 4.002) (Q2)

30. S. Yang*, L. Zhang, S. Thomas, Y. Hu, S. Li, J. Cipollo, and H. Zhang, “Modification of sialic acids on solid-phase: accurate characterization of protein sialylation,” Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89(12), 6330-6335. (IF: 6.785) (Q2)

31. S. Yang*, Y. Hu, L. Sokoll, and H. Zhang*, “Simultaneous quantification of N- and O-glycans using a solid-phase method”, Nature Protocols 2017, 12(6), 1229-1244. (IF: 10.419) (Q1)

32. S. Yang*, N. Hoti, W. Yang, Y. Liu, S. Li, and H. Zhang*, “Simultaneous analyses of N-linked and O-linked glycans using solid-phase chemoenzymatic method,” Clinical Proteomics 2016, 14(3),1-11. (IF: 2.568) (Q3)

33. C. Chung, Q. Wang,S. Yang, B. Yin, H. Zhang, M. Betenbaugh*, “IntegratedGenome and Protein Editing Swaps α2, 6 Sialylation for α2, 3 Sialic Acid on Recombinant Antibodies from CHO,” Biotechnology Journal 2017, 12(2), 1600502, 1-11. (IF: 3.910) (Q2)

34. N. Hoti*, P. Shah, Y. Hu,S. Yang, and H. Zhang, “Proteomics analyses of prostate cancer cells reveals cellular pathways associated with androgen resistance,” Proteomics 2017, 17, 6, 1-10. (IF: 3.254) (Q3)

35. D. Do,S. Yang, X. Yao, R.G. Hamilton, J.T.Schroeder, P. Gao*, “N-glycan in cockroach allergen regulates human basophil function,” Immunity, Inflammation and Disease 2017, 5(4), 386-399. (IF:2.625) (Q4)


1. CNSF 81871955: Mechanism of abnormal glycosylation modification on gastric cancer development (2019-2022) (PI).

2. P01HL107153 (NIH/NHLBI): Glycoconjugates and cardiovascular disease (2011-2018) (Co-Investigator).

3. HHSN268201000032C (N01-HV-00240) (NIH/NHLBI): Johns Hopkins proteomic innovation center in heart failure (2010-2015) (Co-Investigator).

4. U24CA115102 (NIH/NCI): Clinical and analytical validation of cancer biomarkers (2010-2015) (Co-Investigator).

5. U01CA152813 (NIH/NCI): Glycoprotein biomarkers for the early detection of aggressive prostate cancer (2012-2015) (Co-Investigator).

6. Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII): QUANTITY: A novel analysis kit for robust drug development, clinical (2015-2016) (Co-PI).

7. 1R21CA191715-01 (NIH/NCI): AGX1/2 Inhibitors as key modulators of the hexosamine biosynthetic (2014-2017) (Co-Investigator).

8. CBET 1512265 (NSF/ENG/CBET): Integrating novel nutrient feeding strategies with computational (2015-2018) (Co-Investigator).

9. 1R43GM084525-01 (NIH/SBIR): Nanofilament silicon for ultrasensitive proteomics (2008-2010) (PI).