题目:Photodetectors Based on MASnI3/MoS2Hybrid-Dimensional Heterojunction Transistors: Breaking the Responsivity–Speed Trade-Off

作者:Chengzhuang Zhanga,b, Yijing Chena,b, Meng Wanga,b, Liliang Guoa,b, Linling Qina,b, Zhenhai Yanga,b,*, Changlei Wanga,b, Xiaofeng Lia,b,*, and Guoyang Caoa,b,*


aSchool of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering & Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China

bKey Lab of Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies of Jiangsu Province & Key Lab of Modern Optical Technologies of Education Ministry of China, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China

摘要:Hybrid-dimensional heterojunction transistor (HDHT) photodetectors (PDs) have achieved high responsivities but unfortunately are still with unacceptably slow response speeds. Here, we propose a MASnI3/MoS2HDHT PD, which exhibits the possibility to obtain high responsivity and fast response simultaneously. By exploring the detailed photoelectric responses utilizing a precise optoelectronic coupling simulation, the electrical performance of the device is optimally manipulated and the underlying physical mechanisms are carefully clarified. Particularly, the influence and modulation characteristics of the trap effects on the carrier dynamics of the PDs are investigated. We find that the localized trap effect in perovskite, especially at its top surface, is primarily responsible for the high responsivity and long response time; moreover, it is normally hard to break such a responsivity–speed trade-off due to the inherent limitation of the trap effect. By synergistically coupling the photogating effect, trap effect, and gate regulation, we indicate that it is possible to achieve an enhancement of the responsivity–bandwidth product by about 3 orders of magnitude. This study facilitates a fine modulation of the responsivity–speed relationship of hybrid-dimensional PDs, enabling breaking the traditional responsivity–speed trade-off of many PDs.

