报告题目:Near-infrared emitting Yb3+-doped lead-halide perovskite nanocrystals

人:Aleksandr P. Litvin




The emission of lead-halide perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) is mostly in the visible spectral range. By doping perovskite NCs with lanthanides, their emission can be extended into the near-infrared (NIR) spectral region. Particularly, Yb3+-doped CsPbClxBr3-xNCs exhibited strong NIR emission centered around 1 µm. To date, development of Yb3+-doped perovskite NCs included novel synthetic approaches, applications in solar harvesting, light detection and light-emitting devices. However, a deeper understanding of the fundamental processes governing the photoexcitation dynamics in these nanostructures is required for their rational design. Besides, the search for the new concept is beneficial for their broader application.

First, we shed light on the photoexcitation dynamics in Yb3+-doped CsPbClxBr3xperovskite NCs with different stoichiometries by investigating the temperature dependence of their PL properties. We developed a model in which the sensitization of Yb3+ions occurs via intermediate trap states in the host matrix of CsPbClxBr3xNCs. The band gap of the NCs determines the energy gap between these trap states and the conduction band of the matrix, controlling the population of the trap states and the efficiency of energy transfer to Yb3+ions. This mechanism, combined with the inherent temperature dependence of radiative recombination rates, explains the observed temperature-dependent PL properties of the Yb3+:CsPbClxBr3xNCs. The proposed model also explains the observed reduction of the NIR PL quantum yield upon gradual Cl-to-Br anion exchange and the absence of saturation of the NIR PL intensity in Yb3+:CsPbClxBr3xNCs at high excitation powers.

Next, we proposed that Yb3+-doped CsPbClxBr3-xNCs can serve as versatile and efficient dual-band luminescent materials operating under two-photon NIR excitation, with excitation and emission occurring in the 1stand 2ndNIR optical windows, respectively. The gradual anion exchange (from Cl-to Br-) in these perovskite NCs is accompanied by a change of the bandgap resulting in a strong enhancement of their two-photon excited PL, with TPA cross-section reaching high value of 2.3×105GM. NCs can be embedded into silica microspheres and then coated with biocompatible polymer PEG offering a protective amphiphilic shell. The PEG-coated microspheres containing Yb3+:CsPbClxBr3-xNCs could be easily dispersed either in toluene or in water and maintained their PL response under both one- and two-photon excitation, thus making them promising materials for biosensing, bioanalysis, and optical imaging of cells, viruses, and tissues.


Aleksandr P. Litvinreceived his PhD in Optics in 2015 from ITMO University (St. Petersburg, Russia). From 2020 to 2022 he headed the Laboratory “Optics of Quantum Nanostructures” at the same university. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at College of Materials Science and Engineering of the Jilin University. His main scientific interests are optical spectroscopy of near-infrared emitting nanostructures, including quantum dots, nanoplatelets, and perovskites, energy and charge transfer phenomena between nanoparticles, and their utilization in optoelectronic devices.