

2012年毕业于南京理工大学光学工程专业,获工学博士学位。2010年8月至2012年2月,受国家留学基金管理委员会(China Scholarship Council,CSC)资助,公派至新加坡国立大学访学。攻读博士学位期间,先后参与国家级科研项目5项(包括863计划项目3项),申请国防发明专利3项。2012年工作以来,主持国家/省级科研项目2项,并参加多项其他各级各类科研项目。自2009年以来发表学术期刊及会议论文十余篇,其中SCI收录8篇,EI收录5篇。《瞬态飞行目标三维面形的多视角测量系统》一文获中国光学学会组织评选的“2013年度“大珩杯”中国光学期刊优秀论文奖”(全国范围内每两年评选一次,每次评选40篇)。

(1) 2012/09-至今,www.优德88.cpm ,现代光学技术研究所,讲师;
(2) 2010/08-2012/02,新加坡国立大学,机械工程系,CSC国家公派留学;
(3) 2007/09-2012/09,南京理工大学,电子工程与光电技术学院,光学工程,工学博士;
(4) 2003/09-2007/09,南京理工大学,电子工程与光电技术学院,光电信息工程,工学学士。

(1) Optics Letters,Optics Express,Applied Optics, Optical Engineering, Optics and Lasers in Engineering,Chinese Optics Letters,光学学报,中国激光,激光与光电子学进展等国内外期刊审稿人;
(2) 新加坡光通信产业协会(Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore,OPSS)会员。

Suodong Ma, Rihong Zhu, Chenggen Quan, Lei Chen, Cho Jui Tay, and Bo Li. Flexible structured-light-based three-dimensional profile reconstruction method considering lens projection-imaging distortion. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(13), 2419-2428.
Suodong Ma, Rihong Zhu, Chenggen Quan, Bo Li, Cho Jui Tay, Lei Chen. Blind phase error suppression for color-encoded digital fringe projection profilometry. Optics Communications, 2012, 285(7), 1662-1668.
Suodong Ma, Chenggen Quan, Rihong Zhu, Lei Chen, Bo Li, and Cho Jui Tay. A fast and accurate gamma correction based on Fourier spectrum analysis for digital fringe projection profilometry. Optics Communications, 2012, 285(5), 533-538.
Suodong Ma, Chenggen Quan, Rihong Zhu, and Cho Jui Tay. Investigation of phase error correction for digital sinusoidal phase-shifting fringe projection profilometry. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2012, 50(8), 1107-1118. (邀请论文)
Suodong Ma, Chenggen Quan, Cho Jui Tay, Rihong Zhu, Bo Li. Phase error correction for digital fringe projection profilometry. Physics Procedia, 2011, 19, 227-232.
马锁冬, 朱日宏, 李建欣, 高志山, 罗红娥, 王海林, 单小琴. 瞬态飞行目标三维面形的多视角测量系统. 中国激光, 2010, 37(12), 3091-3097.(2013年度“大珩杯”中国光学期刊优秀论文奖)
Suodong Ma, Chenggen Quan, Rihong Zhu, Cho Jui Tay, Lei Chen, Zhishan Gao. Micro-profile measurement based on windowed Fourier transform in white-light scanning interferometry. Optics Communications, 2011, 284(10-11), 2488-2493.
Suodong Ma, Chenggen Quan, Rihong Zhu, Cho Jui Tay and Lei Chen. Surface profile measurement in white-light scanning interferometry using a three-chip color CCD. Applied Optics, 2011, 50(15), 2246-2254.
Suodong Ma, Chenggen Quan, Rihong Zhu, Cho Jui Tay, Lei Chen, Zhishan Gao. Application of least-square estimation in white-light scanning interferometry. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2011, 49(7), 1012-1018.
Suodong Ma, Chenggen Quan, Rihong Zhu, Lei Chen. Micro-profile measurement of transparent coating using Windowed Fourier Transform in white-light vertical scanning interferometry. Proc. of SPIE, 2012, 8417, 841725-1-6.
Bo Li, Lei Chen, Wulan Tuya, Suodong Ma and Rihong Zhu. Carrier squeezing interferometry: suppressing phase errors from the inaccurate phase shift. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(6), 996-998.