题目:Manganese Doped Tin Oxide for Stable and Efficient Quantum Dot Light–Emitting Diodes

作者:Wenchen Ma,aZhenwei Ren,a,* Hengfei Shi,aXueqing Xia,bXinwen Wang,aHuifei Ji,aHua Chen,aChengzhao Luo,aChinhua Wang,aSong Chen,b,* Yu Chena,c,*


aSchool of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering & Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology,Soochow University,Suzhou 215006, China

bCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University,Suzhou 215123,China

cNational University of Singapore Suzhou Research Institute,Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District,Suzhou 215123,China

摘要:As an alternative electron transport material to the chemically unstable ZnOnanoparticles (NPs), SnO2NPs exhibit a great potential to constructhigh-performance quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QLEDs). However, onlymoderate device performance has been obtained for SnO2-based QLEDs dueto the low electron mobility, unfavorable energy band, and massive defects ofSnO2NPs. Herein, a strategy of transition metal doping is reported to achievehigh-quality manganese-doped SnO2(Mn-SnO2) NPs to address the aboveproblems. Specifically, the large bond energy of Mn─O bonds reduces theoxygen vacancy defects, prompting an effective suppression of the interfacialexciton quenching for massive radiative recombination. Moreover, thefavorable energy band and high electron mobility for Mn-SnO2promoteefficient electron injection and transportation. The good optoelectronicproperties for Mn-SnO2NPs contribute to a great enhancement in deviceefficiency from 8.2 to 11.4% and a remarkable improvement in lifetime (T95)from 565.3 to 1009.2h at 1000 cd−2, among the best performing ZnO-freeQLEDs. Notably, the Mn-SnO2based QLEDs show a very superior shelfstability to the QLEDs based on SnO2and ZnO analogs. Consequently, thiswork reports an effective approach to achieve high-quality SnO2NPs forefficient and stable QLEDs.

