题目:Uniform asymptotics for spt-cranks and cubic partition cranks and ranks


时间:2024517日 (星期五)14:30-15:30



摘要:In this talk, I will discuss the uniform asymptotics of the spt-cranks and cubic partition cranks and ranks. I will begin by introducing their generating functions. Building on the well-known Hardy--Ramanujan asymptotic formula for partition functions, as well as the uniform asymptotic formulas for Andrews—Garvan--Dyson cranks of partitions, I will present the ideas behind establishing the uniform asymptotic formulas for spt-cranks and cubic partition cranks and ranks. The main results partly improve upon the asymptotic results obtained by Mao on spt-cranks, as well as Kim—Kim--Nam on cubic partition cranks and ranks. This is joint work with my postgraduate students, Yuan Chen and Rongying Lu.
