报告题目杨同海Gross and Zagier’s work revisited


报告时间:2024/5/27 15:30

报告地点: 数学楼一楼报告厅

报告摘要:In 80s, Gross and Zagier discovered and proved a deep and well-known formula between derivative of an L-function and the height of some `CM’ point on an elliptic curve---Gross-Zagier formula, which gives partial answer the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. In the process, they also proved a beautiful factorization formula for the difference of CM values of the $j$-function. In addition, they also gave a conjecture about the algebraicity of the CM values of higher Green functions.In this talk, we will look at the these work from different point of view (regularized theta lifting), and give a proof of their algebraicity conjecture if time permits. This talk is based on joint work with a few collaborators, including J. Bruinier, S. Kudla, Yingkun Li, Hongbo Yin, and Peng Yu among others.

报告人简介:杨老师是威斯康星大学(University of Wisconsin at Madison)的教授,美国数学会会士。杨教授出版了2本合作研究著作,一本编辑著作。发表了60多篇研究文章,包括Invent. Math.(5)Duke Math.(2), Compos. Math(3) J EuropeanMath. Soc.(1)elite杂志上。One paper published at Astérisque was awarded Alexanderson best paper Award of AIM in 2022.杨教授还在国内做了很多慈善事业,2004年创办了美国家乡教育基金会。
