• 袁琳

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    Tel/ Fax:+86-512-65880583


    Office:www.优德88.cpm 独墅湖校区912907


    1995-2001中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所 博士

    2001-2003美国Johns Hopkins University博士后

    2003-2010武汉理工大学 副教授

    2010年至今www.优德88.cpm 教授

    • 详细介绍



    • 代表性论文:

1. Yingxian Zhao, Rui Jia, Yuping Liu, Xiang Shen, Hongwei Wang*,Lin Yuan*. Specific photothermal killing of cancer cells by RNase-conjugated glyco-gold nanoparticles. Materials Today Communications, 2021, 28, 102640.

2. Shaoyu Cheng, Fei Yu, Benben Lu, Hongwei Wang* andLin Yuan*. Promoting the neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells by using thermosensitive nanocomposites. Materials Advances, 2021, 2, 4380-4391.

3. Xiuzhen Huang, Benben Lu, Yingxian Zhao, Zhiqiang Wang, Hongwei Wang* andLin Yuan*. The antibacterial effect of bacteriophage-like gold nanoparticles. NANO: Brief Reports and Reviews, 2021, 16, 2150075.

4. Fei Yu, Shaoyu Cheng, Jiehua Lei, Yingjie Hang, Qi Liu, Hongwei Wang*,Lin Yuan*. Heparin mimics and fibroblast growth factor-2 fabricated nanogold composite in promoting neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2020, 31(13), 1623-1647.

5. Zhenhua Li,‡ Yuping Liu,‡ Xuejin Huang, Changming Hu, Hongwei Wang*,Lin Yuan*, John L. Brash, Hong Chen. One-step preparation of gold nanovectors using folate modified polyethylenimine and their use in target-specific gene transfection. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2019, 177, 306-312.

6. Xuejin Huang, Zhenhua Li, Jingxian Wu, Yingjie Hang, Hongwei Wang*,Lin Yuan*and Hong Chen. Small addition of Zn2+in Ca2+@DNA results in elevated gene transfection by aminated PGMA-modified silicon nanowire arrays. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2019, 7, 566-575.

7. Ya Sun, Zhenhua Li, Jingxian Wu, Zhiqiang Wang, Yishi Dong, Hongwei Wang*, John L. Brash,Lin Yuan*and Hong Chen. Gold nanoparticle–protein conjugate dually-responsive to pH and temperature for modulation of enzyme activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2019, 7, 3260-3267.

8. Zhiqiang Wang, Xiuzhen Huang, Sheng Jin, Hongwei Wang*,Lin Yuan *and John L. Brash. Rapid antibacterial effect of sunlight-exposed silicon nanowire arrays modified with Au/Ag alloy nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2019, 7, 6202-6209.

9. Yuping Liu, Jinghong Wang, Xuejin Huang, Yingxian Zhao, Ya Sun, Sixuan Zhang, Hongwei Wang*,Lin Yuan*, and Hong Chen. Glutathione-sensitive silicon nanowire arrays for gene transfection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(50), 46515−46524.

10. Zhenhua Li, Feng Liu, Yuqi Yuan, Jingxian Wu, Hongwei Wang*,Lin Yuan*, Hong Chen. Multifunctional gold nanoparticle layers for controllable capture and release of protein. Nanoscale, 2017, 9(40), 15407-15415.

11. Jiehua Lei, Yuqi Yuan, Zhonglin Lyu, Mengmeng Wang, Qi Liu, Hongwei Wang*,Lin Yuan*, Hong Chen. Deciphering the role of sulfonated unit in heparin-mimicking polymer to promote neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9 (34), 28209–28221.

12. Feng Liu, Lulu Xue, Yuqi Yuan, Jingjing Pan, Chenjie Zhang, Hongwei Wang*, John L. Brash,Lin Yuan*, Hong Chen. Multifunctional nanoparticle-protein conjugates with controllable bioactivity and pH responsiveness. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 4387 - 4394.

13. Jie Liu, Ziling Sun, Yuqi Yuan, Xin Tian, Xi Liu, Guangxin Duan, Yonggang Yang,Lin Yuan*, Hsin-Chieh Lin*, Xinming Li*. Peptide glycosylation generates supramolecular assemblies from glycopeptides as biomimetic scaffolds for cell adhesion and proliferation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (11), 6917–6924.

14. Yuqi Yuan, Feng Liu, Lulu Xue, Hongwei Wang*, Jingjing Pan, Yuecheng Cui, Hong Chen,Lin Yuan*. RecyclableEscherichia colispecific-killing AuNP-polymers (ESKAP) nanocomposites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (18), 11309–11317.

15. Jingjing Pan, Yuqi Yuan, Hongwei Wang*, Feng Liu, Xinhong Xiong, Hong Chen,Lin Yuan*. Efficient transfection by using PDMAEMA modified SiNWAs as a platform for Ca2+-dependent gene delivery. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(24), 15138-15144.

16. Weikang Yang, Lijuan Zhu, Yuecheng Cui, Hongwei Wang*, Yanwei Wang,Lin Yuan*, Hong Chen. Improvement of site-directed protein-polymer conjugates: Highly bioactivity and stability using a soft chain transfer agent. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (25), 15967–15974.

17. Yuecheng Cui, Zhenhua Li, Lei Wang, Feng Liu, Yuqi Yuan, Hongwei Wang*, Lulu Xue, Jingjing Pan, Gaojian Chen, Hong Chen,Lin Yuan*. One-step synthesis of glycoprotein mimics in vitro: improvement of protein activity, stability and application in the CPP hydrolysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016, 4, 5437 – 5445.

18. Lei Wang, Xin Li,Lin Yuan*, Hongwei Wang, Hong Chen*, John L. Brash. Improving the protein activity and stability under acidic conditions via site-specific conjugation of a pH-responsive polyelectrolyte. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3, 498-504.

19. Feng Liu, Lei Wang, Hongwei Wang,Lin Yuan*, Jingwen Li, John Law Brash, Hong Chen*. Modulating the activity of protein conjugated to gold nanoparticles by site-directed orientation and surface density of bound protein. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 3717-3724.

20. Wenwen Jiang, Xiaoli Liu, Di Wu, Hongwei Wang*, Yanwei Wang, Hong Chen,Lin Yuan*. A simple, rapid one-step ELISA using antibody–antibody complex. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2015, 62, 126-131.

21. Feng Liu, Yuecheng Cui, Lei Wang, Hongwei Wang*, Yuqi Yuan, Jingjing Pan, Hong Chen,Lin Yuan*. Temperature-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) modified gold nanoparticle-protein conjugates for bioactivity modulation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(21), 11547-11554.

22. Mengmeng Wang, Zhonglin Lyu, Gaojian Chen, Hongwei Wang, Yuqi Yuan, Kaiguo Ding, Qian Yu,Lin Yuan*, Hong Chen*. A new avenue to the synthesis of GAG-mimicking polymers highly promoting neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 15434 - 15437.

23. Zhonglin Lyu, Hongwei Wang, Yanyun Wang, Kaiguo Ding, Huan Liu,Lin Yuan*, Xiujuan Shi, Mengmeng Wang, Yanwei Wang, Hong Chen*. Maintaining the pluripotency of mouse embryonic stem cells on gold nanoparticle layers with nanoscale but not microscale surface roughness. Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 6959-6969.

24. Min Tan, Hongwei Wang*, Yanyun Wang, Gaojian Chen,Lin Yuan*, Hong Chen. Recyclable antibacterial material: silicon grafted with 3,6-O-sulfated chitosan and specifically bound by lysozyme. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2014, 2, 569-576.

25. Xuejiao Du, Yanyun Wang,Lin Yuan*, Yuyan Weng, Gaojian Chen*, Zhijun Hu*. Guiding the behaviors of human umbilical vein endothelial cellswith patterned silk fibroin films. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2014, 122, 79-84.

26. Jingjing Pan, Zhonglin Lyu, Wenwen Jiang, Hongwei Wang*, Qi Liu, Min Tan,Lin Yuan*, Hong Chen. Stimulation of gene transfection by silicon nanowire arrays modified with polyethylenimine. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 14391-14398.

27. Kaiguo Ding, Yanyun Wang, Hongwei Wang,Lin Yuan*, Min Tan, Xiujuan Shi, Zhonglin Lyu, Yan Liu, Hong Chen*. 6-O-sulfated chitosan promoting the neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 20043-20050.

28. Hongwei Wang, Yanwei Wang,Lin Yuan*, Lei Wang, Weikang Yang, Zhaoqiang Wu, Dan Li, Hong Chen*. Thermally responsive silicon nanowire arrays for native/denatured protein separation. Nanotechnology, 2013, 24, 105101.

29. Hongwei Wang, Wenwen Jiang,Lin Yuan*, Lei Wang, Hong Chen*. Reductase-like activity of silicon nanowire arrays. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5, 1800-1805.

30. Yajun Xu, Lei Wang, Wenwen Jiang, Hongwei Wang*, Jianlin Yao, Qinghua Guo,Lin Yuan*,Hong Chen. Silicon nanowire arrays - A new catalyst for the reduction of nitrobenzene derivatives. ChemCatChem, 2013, 5, 3788 - 3793.

31. Hongwei Wang, Lei Wang,Lin Yuan*, Weikang Yang, John L Brash, Hong Chen*. Inhibitory effect of silicon nanowires on the polymerase chain reaction. Nanotechnology, 2012, 23, 365101.

32. Xiujuan Shi, Yanyun Wang, Dan Li,Lin Yuan*, Feng Zhou, Yanwei Wang, Bo Song, Zhaoqiang Wu, Hong Chen*, John L. Brash. Cell adhesion on a POEGMA-modified topographical surface. Langmuir,2012,28, 17011-17018.

33. Feng Zhou, Dan Li, Zhaoqiang Wu, Bo Song,Lin Yuan*, Hong Chen*. Enhancing specific binding of L929 fibroblasts: Effects of multi-scale topography of GRGDY peptide modified surfaces. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2012, 12, 1391-1400.

34. Feng Zhou,Lin Yuan*, Dan Li, He Huang, Taolei Sun, Hong Chen*. Cell adhesion on chiral surface: The role of protein adsorption. Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces,2012, 90, 97-101.

35. Feng Zhou, Mengmeng Wang,Lin Yuan*, Zhenping Cheng, Zhaoqiang Wu, Hong Chen*. Sensitive sandwich ELISA based on gold nanoparticle layer for cancer detection. Analyst, 2012, 137, 1779-1784.

36. Hongwei Wang,Lin Yuan*, Tieliang Zhao, He Huang, Hong Chen*. Altered enzymatic activity of lysozymes bound to variously sulfated chitosans. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2012, 30, 893-899.

37.Lin Yuan, Hongwei Wang, Qian Yu, Zhaoqiang Wu, John L. Brash, Hong Chen*. “Nano-catalyst” for DNA transformation. Journal of Materials Chemistry , 2011, 21, 6148-6151.

38. Lei Wang, Hongwei Wang,Lin Yuan*, Weikang Yang, Zhaoqiang Wu and Hong Chen*. Step-wise control of protein adsorption and bacterial attachment on a nanowire array surface: tuning surface wettability by salt concentration. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 13920-13925.

39. Feng Zhou,Lin Yuan*, Hongwei Wang, Dan Li, Hong Chen*. Gold nanoparticle layer: a promising platform for ultra-sensitive cancer detection. Langmuir, 2011, 27, 2155-2158.

40.Lin Yuan,Qian Yu, Dan Li, Hong Chen*. Surface modification to control protein/surface interactions. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2011, 8, 1031-1040.

41. Feng Zhou,Lin Yuan*, Mei Yan, Hong Chen. Effects of contact guidance and gravity on L929 cell orientation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56, 977-981.

42. Qian Yu, Xin Li, Yanxia Zhang,Lin Yuan*, Tieliang Zhao, Hong Chen*. The synergistic effects of stimuli-responsive polymers with nano-structured surfaces: wettability and protein adsorption. RSC Advances, 2011, 1, 262-269.

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