中文名称: 数科院购买:统计学方向电子书(27种)
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简介: 2020年5月数学学院购买一批统计学方向的电子书,来自各出版社,共23种。2020年12月又新增4种,共27种。

书名 作者 出版时间 出版社名
The Computer Simulation of Monté Carlo Methods and Random Phenomena Abdo Abou Jaoudé 2019-03-01 Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Modeling and Data Analysis John B. Little 2019-03 American Mathematical Society
The EM Algorithm and Extensions McLachlan, Geoffrey J.;Krishnan, Thriyambakam 2007-11-09 Wiley
Statistics in Medicine Riffenburgh, Robert H. 2012-08-13 Elsevier Science
The Laws of Large Numbers Révész, Pál 2014-06-20 Elsevier Science
Statistical Data Analytics Piegorsch, Walter W. 2016-03-22 Wiley
Matrix Analysis for Statistics Schott, James R. 2016-05-31 Wiley
Probability Davar Khoshnevisan 2007-03 AMS
Stochastic Risk Analysis and Management Harlamov, Boris 2017-02-08 Wiley
Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics Searle, Shayle R.;Khuri, Andre I. 2017-03-31 Wiley
The Profession of Modeling and Simulation Tolk, Andreas ;Ören, Tuncer 2017-07-03 Wiley
Essentials of Stochastic Processes Kiyosi Itô 2018-01 AMS
Probability Contributions to Statistical Mechanics R L. Dobrushin 2018-01 AMS
Mathematics for Modeling and Scientific Computing Goudon, Thierry 2016-10-14 Wiley
Longitudinal and Panel Data Frees, Edward W. 2004-08-16 Cambridge University Press
Matched Sampling for Causal Effects Rubin, Donald B. 2006-09-04 Cambridge University Press
Algebra and Computer Science Delaram Kahrobaei;Bren Cavallo;David Garber 2016-11 AMS
Principal Component Analysis: Methods, Applications and Technology Virginia Gray 2017-01 Novascience
Inequalities and Extremal Problems in Probability and Statistics Pinelis, Iosif;Peña, Victor H. de la;Ibragimov, Rustam 2017-05-10 Elsevier Science
Adaptive Stochastic Methods Arseniev, Dmitry G.;Ivanov, Vladimir M.;Korenevsky, Maxim L. 2018-01-09 De Gruyter
Elements of Statistics Raghubar D. Sharma 2017-11-01 Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Algebraic Statistics Seth Sullivant 2018-11 American Mathematical Society
Statistical Techniques for Modelling Extreme Value Data and Related Applications Haroon M. Barakat, El-Sayed M. Nigm, Osama M. Khaled 2019-06-01 Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Exponential Distribution - Theory and Methods Mohammad Ahsanullah ;G.G. Hamedani 2016-10 Novascience
Clustering Methodology for Symbolic Data Billard, Lynne;Diday, Edwin 2019-08-12 Wiley
Statistical Shape Analysis Dryden, Ian L.;Mardia, Kanti V. 2016-06-28 Wiley
Practical Text Mining and Statistical Analysis for Non-structured Text Data Applications Miner, Gary;Elder, John;Fast, Andrew 2012-01-25 Elsevier Science

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语种: 外文
学科分类: 数学, 物理, 计算机, 电子信息, 机电工程
文献类型: 电子图书库, 全文库
最后更新时间: 2020-12-30
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