Special Collections >> Multimedia Database >>

Multimedia Resource is a local website developed by the library that provides all kinds of audio and video resources for the teachers and students' recreation, entertainment or study. The main columns are as below:

1. Oscar Movies:

Oscar Movies is a collection offering some 70 on-line movies awarded the Oscar golden statuettes in the past years, and kept updated every year.

2. Science Exploration:

Science Exploration collects and digitizes TV programs on the famous channel Discovery. So far it has 13 columns, about 260 video programs. And each program has introductory text along with the video.

3. Foreign Language Resource:

Foreign Language Resource mainly provides listening radio tapes and model tests for English CET 4 and CET 6, TOFEL and other foreign language examinations.

4. World Heritages:

So far there are 754 cultural or natural relics or sites all over the world that had been protected by the World Heritage Committee. In order to improve the students' environmental protection awareness, a World Heritages column was set up by the library. Now heritages over 7 continents can be browsed in this column.

5. Academic Masters:

Academic masters are valuable wealth and scarce education resources of the school. The Masters column presents life and academic materials of the school's academicians so that the students can learn from them.

6. Academic Lectures:

Academic Lectures collects many hot video resources such as the Century Lecture Room, the Century Platform, Phoenix Weekly, Talk with LuYu, Finance and Life, and so on.

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Suzhou University Library
Suzhou shizi Street no.1,suzhou,China.215006