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Library Office/Collection Development Division/ Technology Services Division /��Information Reference Division��/Digitalization Division��/��Electronic Reading Division/��Readers Service Center

Information Reference Division

  • The Information Reference Division strives to meet the research and informational needs of the Soochow University Community and to assist patrons in the use of library resources. We offer several types of services, such as information searching and document delivery, novelty search, the development and utilization of Internet information resources. The aim is to provide the tools the library staff and the university community need to access and manage information for learning and research in the digital world.

    The Division is also responsible for electronic resources integration, the library homepage maintenance, the database trial, the teaching of computer information retrieval, and the South Jiangsu Region information services, etc.

    Location: 2 nd Floor (main campus)

    Phone: 65112705

©Suzhou University Library
Suzhou shizi Street no.1,suzhou,China.215006