姓  名:顾建国

Bachelor: Shanghai Medical University, 1985
Ph.D: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,1994
Postdoctoral Research Scientist: Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics and Center for Neurobiology and Behavior, Columbia University, 1997

Hong Xing, Meng Chen, Jennifer Ling, Weihong Tan and Jianguo Gu. TRPM8 mechanism of cold allodynia following chronic nerve injury. Journal of Neurosci. 2007 J Neurosci. 2007 Dec 12;27(50):13680-90.

Daisuke Takeda, Terumasa Nakatsuka, Jianguo G Gu and Munehito Yoshida. The activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors enhances the inhibitory synaptic transmission in the deep dorsal horn neurons of the adult rat spinal cord. Molecular Pain. 2007, 3:26.

Meng Chen, Yuan-Xiang Tao, Jianguo G Gu. Inward currents induced by ischemia in rat spinal cord dorsal horn neurons. Molecular Pain 2007, 3:10.

Xing H, Ling J, Chen M, Gu JG. Chemical and cold sensitivity of two distinct populations of TRPM8-expressing somatosensory neurons. J Neurophysiol 2006;95:1221-30.

Ataka T, Gu JG. Relationship between tonic inhibitory currents and phasic inhibitory activity in the spinal cord lamina II region of adult mice. Mol Pain 2006;2:36.

Nakatsuka T, Gu JG. P2X purinoceptors and sensory transmission. Pflugers Arch 2006;452:598-607.
