

时间:2016-06-12 来源:机电学院 点击:8045



姓名: 陈瑶



学历: 研究生 学位:博士


毕业学校: 北京航空航天大学

学科专业: 材料加工工程







  • 20101-至今:www.优德88.cpm 机电工程学院,特聘教授,博士生导师

  • 20088-20108;日本 大阪大学 接合www.优德88.cpm 所,JSPS(日本学术振兴会)特别研究员

  • 20064-20087月:美国 佛罗里达国际大学 机械与材料工程系,博士后

  • 200411-20063月:中国科学院力学研究所,博士后

  • 19999-200410月:北京航空航天大学 材料科学与工程学院,工学博士



作为项目负责人,主持/完成装备预研国防基金国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.514711135127532650471088)、江苏省科技支撑(工业)项目(BE2013062)、江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK2010212)、日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助项目(P0878)及企业委托项目20余项;参与完成美国NASA资助项目、美国Office of Naval Research资助项目、美国NSF资助项目、中国科学院“知识创新工程”重大项目(KGXX-11)等项目。

研究成果ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesCarbonActa BiomaterialiaActa MaterialiaScripta MaterialiaApplied Physics Letters、金属学报等国内外学术刊物上发表论文100余篇(其中SCI收录90, Web of Science检索他引次数2000余次,h-index 27),出版英文章节著作一部,获授权发明专利11项。部分成果获2015年教育部自然科学奖一等奖(排名2)、全国优秀博士论文提名奖(2005)2012入选“2010-2011年度苏州市高等院校、科研院所紧缺高层次人才引进资助计划”;2010年入选江苏省第七批“六大人才高峰行动计划”。

目前为国家自然科学科学奖、国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金等项目评审专家,并为Acta BiomaterialiaCarbonApplied Physics LettersScientific Report20家学术刊物审稿人。


  1. Ying Song, Wiewei Liu, Yufeng Sun, Shaokang Guan,Yao Chen*. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of graphene oxide reinforced Ti6Al4V matrix composites fabricated using spark plasma sintering.Nanomaterials, 2021;11:1440.(SCI IF 4.324)

  2. Yao Chen*, Jia Ren, Yufeng Sun, Weiwei Liu, Dong Zhao, Xiaolong Lu, Shaokang Guan.Efficacy of graphene nanosheets on the plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite coating:improvedstrength,toughness and in-vitro bioperformance with osteoblast.Materials & Design,2021;203:109585. (SCI IF6.289)

  3. X.L. Lu, T. Dolmetsch, C. Zhang,Y. Chen, B. Bosel, A. Arvind.In-situ Synthesis of Boron Nitride Nanotube Reinforced Aluminum Oxide Composites by Molecular Mixing.Ceramics International. 2021;47(5):13970-13979.(SCI IF3.830)

  4. Yao Chen*, YingSong, Guangyu He, Yufeng Sun,Weiwei Liu, Shaokang Guan. BN nanosheet reinforcedNi3Alcompositewith improved tribological behavior underisooctane-lubricated sliding condition.Intermetallics,2020;126:106936.(SCI IF=3.398)

  5. Yao Chen*, Jia Ren, Weiwei Liu, Dong Zhao. Enhancedscratchperformanceof plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite composite coatings reinforced with BN nanoplatelets.Coatings, 2020;10:652.(SCI IF=2.436)

  6. Xiaolong Lu, Pranjal Nautiyal, Jenniffer Bustillos, Archana Loganathan, Cheng Zhang,Yao Chen, Benjamin Boesl, Arvind Agarwal.Hydroxylated boron nitride nanotube-reinforced polyvinyl alcohol nanocomposite films with simultaneous improvement of mechanical and thermal properties.Polymer Composites, 2020;41(12)5182-5194. (SCI IF=2.256)

  7. Y.F. Sun,Y. Chen, N. Tsuji, S.K. Guan. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of nanostructured Cu/Ni multilayer fabricated by accumulative roll bonding.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2020;819:152956.(SCI IF=4.650)

  8. JiaRen,Dong Zhao, Fei Qi, Weiwei Liu,Yao Chen*. Heat and hydrothermal treatments on the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2020;101:103418.(SCI IF=3.485)

  9. Xiaolong Lu,SadhanaBhusal,Guangyu He,DongZhao,ChengZhang, Arvind Agarwal,Yao Chen*.Efficacy of graphene nanoplateletson splat morphology and microstructure of plasma sprayed alumina coatings.Surface & CoatingsTechnology,2019;365:54-61. (SCI IF=3.784)

  10. YingSong, Guangyu He,Yongguang Wang,Yao Chen*.Tribological behavior of boron nitride nanoplatelet reinforced Ni3Al intermetallic matrix composite fabricated by selective laser melting.Materials & Design,2019;165:107579. (SCI IF6.289)

  11. Jiaying Zhu, Jia Ren,Yao Chen*.Splat-boundary reinforcement induced by graphene in plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite composite coating.Carbon Letters,2019;29:31-35.(SCI IF1.992)

  12. Z.W. Xing, W.W. Liu,Y. Chen, W.L. Li. Effect of plasticizer on the fabrication and properties of alumina ceramic by stereolithography-based additive manufacturing.Ceramics International,2018;44(16)19939-44.(SCI IF3.830)

  13. Y.G. Wang,Y. Chen, D. Zhao, X.L. Lu, W.W. Liu, F. Qi. Deformation mechanism of CrN/nitriding coated steel in wear and nano-scratch experiments under heavy loading conditions.Applied Surface Science, 2018;447:100-106.(SCI IF=6.182)

  14. Jiaying Zhu,Yao Chen*, Jia Ren, Dong Zhao, Weiwei Liu. Boron nitride nanoplatelets induced synergetic strengthening and toughening effects on splats and their boundaries of plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings.Ceramics International,2018;44:10604-10.(SCI IF3.830)

  15. Yao Chen*, Dong Zhao, Fei Qi, Weiwei Liu. Scratch behavior of boron nitride nanotube/boron nitride nanoplatelet hybrid reinforced ZrB2-SiC composites.Ceramics International, 2018;44:3277-3281.(SCI IF3.830)

  16. Jia Ren,Yao Chen*, Xiaogang Zhang. Graphene accelerates osteoblast attachment and biomineralization.Carbon Letters, 2017,22:42-7.(SCI IF1.992)

  17. Jianan Su,Yao Chen*, Qiqi Huang,Graphene nanosheet-induced toughening of yttria-stabilized zirconia.Applied Physics A, 2017,123(1):1-11.(SCI IF 1.857)

  18. Y.J. Zhai, X.B. Liu, S.J. Qiao, M.D. Wang, X.L. Lu, Y.G. Wang,Y. Chen, L.Y. Ying.Characteristics of laser clad α-Ti/TiC+(Ti,W)C1−x/Ti2SC+TiS composite coatings on TA2 titanium alloy.Optics & Laser Technology, 2017, 89:97-107. (SCI IF=3.233)

  19. Y. Song,Y. Chen*, W.W, Liu, W.L. Li, Y.G. Wang, X.B. Liu. Microscopic mechanical properties of titanium composites containing multi-layer graphene nanofillers.Materials & Design, 2016;109:256-263. (SCI IF6.289)

  20. X.L. Lu, X.B. Liu, B.C. Yu, G.Y. Fu, G.X. Zhu, Y.G. Wang,Y. Chen. Effects of annealing on laser clad Ti2SC/CrS self-lubricating anti-wear composite coatings on Ti6Al4V alloy: Microstructure and tribology.Tribology International, 2016;101:356-363.(SCI IF=4.271)

  21. X.L. Lu, X.B. Liu, P.C. Yu, Y.J. Zhai, S.J. Qiao, M.D. Wang,Y. Chen. Effects of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni60/h-BN self-lubricating anti-wear composite coatings on 304 stainless steel by laser cladding.Applied Surface Science,2015;355:350-358. (SCI IF=6.182)

  22. Q.Q. Huang, Y. Song, W.W. Liu,Y. Chen*, F. Qi, D. Zhao, Y.G. Wang. Spherical indentation with multiple partial unloading for assessing the mechanical properties of ZrB2–SiC composites.Ceramics International, 2015;41:12349-12354. (SCI IF=3.830)

  23. 刘卫卫,张律,岳春光,苏佳楠,白朴存,陈瑶*. (BNNT-BNNP)/(ZrB2-SiC)超高温陶瓷复合材料形变强化及机理.稀有金属材料与工程2014;43(12):3078-3081. (SCI IF=0.485)

  24. Y. Chen*, Weiwei Liu, Fei Qi.Developed Numerical Investigation into Residual Stress by Vickers Instrumented Indentation Technique.Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2015 , 719-720 :38-45.

  25. L. Zhang, X.G. Zhang,Y. Chen*, J.N. Su, W.W. Liu, T.H. Zhang, F. Qi, and Y.G. Wang. Interfacial stress transfer in a graphene nanosheet toughened hydroxyapatite composite.Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105(16),161908. (SCI IF=3.597)

  26. Z.F. Xiang, X.B. Liu, J. Ren, J. Luo, S.H. Shi,Y. Chen, G.L. Shi, S.H. Wu. Investigation of laser cladding high temperature anti-wear composite coatings on Ti6Al4V alloy with the addition of self-lubricant CaF2.Applied Surface Science, 2014;313:243-250. (SCI IF=6.182)

  27. Lv ZhangWeiwei Liu,Yao Chen*. Mechanical properties and toughening mechanisms of multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforced yttria-stabilized zirconia composites.Advanced Materials Research, 2014,1052:24-27.

  28. L. Zhang, W.W. Liu, C.G. Yue, T.H. Zhang, P. Li, Z.W. XingY. Chen*. A tough graphene nanosheet/hydroxyapatite composite with improved in vitro biocompatibility.Carbon, 2013;61:105-115. (SCI IF=8.821)该论文入选扩展ESI高被引用论文

  29. C.G. Yue, W.W. Liu, L. Zhang, T.H. Zhang,Y. Chen*. Fracture toughness and toughening mechanisms in (ZrB2-SiC) composite reinforced with boron nitride nanotubes and boron nitride nanoplatelets.Scripta Materialia. 2013;68(8), 579-582. (SCI IF=5.079)

  30. Y. Chen*, K. Balani, A. Agarwal. Do thermal residual stresses contribute to the improved fracture toughness of carbon nanotube/alumina nanocomposites?Scripta Materialia, 2012;66(6),347-350. (SCI IF=5.079)

  31. Y. Chen*, A. Kobayashi,Bimodal Microstructural Samarium Doped Ceria with and without Carbon Nanotubes Fabricated through Plasma Spray.Transactions of JWRI, 2010;39(1):57-60.

  32. Yao Chen*, Srinivasa R. Bakshi,Arvind Agarwal.Correlation between nanoindentation and nanoscratch properties of carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum composite coatings.Surface & Coating Technique, 2010;204(16-17):2709-2715. (SCI IF=3.784)

  33. Srinivasa R. Bakshi, Di, Wang, Timothy Price, Deen Zhang, Anup K. Keshri,Yao Chen, D. Graham McCartney, Phil Shipway, Arvind Agarwal. Microstructure and wear properties of aluminum/aluminum-silicon composite coatings prepared by cold spraying.Surface & Coating Technique, 2009;204(3):503-510. (SCI IF=3.784)

  34. V. Pasumarthi,Y. Chen, S.R. Bakshi and A. Agarwal. Reaction synthesis of Ti3SiC2phase in the plasma sprayed coating.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2009;484(1-2):113-117. (SCI IF=4.650)

  35. A. K. Keshri, S. R. Bakshi,Y. Chen, T. Laha, X. Li, C. Levy, A. Agarwal. Nanomechanical Behavior of Plasma Sprayed PZT Coating.Surface Engineering,2009;25(4): 270-275(6).(SCI IF=2.433)

  36. T. Laha,Y. Chen, A. Agarwal.Tensile Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Aluminum Nanocomposite Fabricated by Plasma Spray Forming.Composites Part A,2009;40(5):589-594.

  37. Y. Chen, S. Omar, A. K. Keshri, K. Balani, K. Babu, J. C. Nino, S.Seal, A. Agarwal.Ionic Conductivity of Plasma Sprayed Nanocrystalline YSZ Electrolyte.Scripta Materialia,2009;61(11):1023-1026.(SCI IF=5.079)

  38. Y. Chen, S. R. Bakshi and A. Agarwal, Inter-Splat Friction Force and Splat Sliding in Plasma Sprayed Aluminum Alloy Coating During Nanoindentation and Microindentation,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2009; 1(2): 235-238. (SCI IF=8.758)

  39. Y. Chen, K. Balani, Narendra B. Dahotre, A. Agarwal.Laser Remelting of Plasma- sprayed Alumina Matrix Composite Coatings Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes.Applied Physics A,2009; 94(4):861-870.(SCI IF=1.784)

  40. K. Balani, S. Harmikar, A. K. Keshri,Y. Chen, N. B. Dahotre, A. Agarwal. Multiscale wear of plasma sprayed carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum oxide nanocrystalline coating.Acta Materialia, 2008; 56(20) 5984-5994. (SCI IF=7.656)

  41. Y. Chen,T. Laha, K. Balani and A. Agarwal.Nanomechanical properties of hafnium nitride coating.Scripta Materialia,2008;58(12):1121-4.(SCI IF=5.079)

  42. Y. Chen, K. Balani, A. Agarwal. Analytical model on interfacial shear stress of carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum oxide composites.Applied Physics Letters, 2008; 92: 011916. (SCI IF=3.597)

  43. Y. Chen, K. Balani, A. Agarwal.Modified Eshelby Tensor Modeling for Elastic Property Prediction of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites.Applied Physics Letters, 2007; 91: 013903. (SCI IF=3.597)

  44. K. Balani,Y. Chen,S. P. Harimkar, N.B. Dahotre, A. Agarwal. Tribological Behavior of Plasma Sprayed HA Composite Coating Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes.Acta Biomaterialia, 2007; 3 (6): 944-51. (SCI IF=7.242)

  45. Y. Chen*, T.H. Zhang, C.H. Gan, G. Yu. Wear studies of hydroxyapatite composite coating reinforced by carbon nanotubes.Carbon, 2007; 45: 998-1004. (SCI IF=8.821)

  46. Y. Chen*, H.M. Wang. Growth morphologies and mechanisms of MC carbide under non-equilibrium solidification conditions.Journal of Materials Research, 2006;21:375-379. (SCI IF=2.502)

  47. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang. Microstructure and wear resistance of laser melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide dual-phase matrix in situ composites.Intermetallics, 2006;14(3):325-331. (SCI IF=3.398)

  48. Y. Chen*, Y.Q. Zhang, C.H. Gan, C.Y. Zheng, G. Yu. Carbon nanotube reinforced hydroxyapatite composite coatings produced through laser surface alloying.Carbon, 2006;44(1):37-45. (SCI IF=8.821)该论文入选Carbon杂志2006-2010年中国大陆50篇高被引用论文

  49. Y. Chen*, C.H. Gan, T.H. Zhang, G. Yu, P.C. Bai, A. Kaplon. Laser surface alloyed carbon-nanotube reinforced hydroxyapatite composite coatings.Applied Physics Letters, 2005; 86: Article No.251905. (SCI IF=3.597)

  50. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang. Laser melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide matrix in situ composites.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2005;391:49-54. (SCI IF=4.650)

  51. Y. Chen, C.H. Gan, L.X. Wang, G. Yu, A. Kaplon. Laser surface modified ductile iron by pulsed laser beam with two-dimensional array distribution.Applied Surface Science, 2005;245:316-321. (SCI IF=6.182)

  52. Y. Chen,H.M. Wang. Eutectic MC carbide growth morphologies of a laser clad TiC/FeAl composite coating.Materials Letters,2005;59(28):3699-3702. (SCI IF=3.204)

  53. Y. Chen,H.M. Wang. Rapidly solidified MC carbide morphologies of a pulsed laser surface alloyed with γ-TiAl intermetallics with carbon.Scripta Materialia,2004;50:507-510. (SCI IF=5.079)

  54. Y. Chen,H.M. Wang. High-temperature wear resistance of a laser clad TiC reinforced FeAl intermetallic matrix in situ composite coating.Surface & Coatings Technology,2004;179: 252-256. (SCI IF=3.784)

  55. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang. Microstructure and wear resistance of a laser clad TiC reinforced nickel aluminides matrix composite coating.Materials Science and Engineering A,2004;368:80-87. (SCI IF=4.6521)

  56. Y. Chen,H.M. Wang. Microstructure and wear resistance of laser clad TiC reinforced FeAl intermetallic matrix composite coating.Surface & Coatings Technology,2003; 168:30-36. (SCI IF=3. 784)

  57. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang. Microstructure and high-temperature wear resistance of a laser surface alloyed γ-TiAl with carbon.Applied Surface Science, 2003;220: 186-192. (SCI IF=6.182)

  58. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang. Growth morphology and mechanism of TiC carbide in the laser surface alloying coating on the substrate of TiAl intermetallics.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2003; 351: 304-308. (SCI IF=4.650)

  59. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang. Growth morphology and mechanism of primary TiC in laser clad TiC/FeAl composite coating.Materials Letters,2003:57: 1233-1238. (SCI IF=3.204)

  60. Y. Chen,H.M. Wang. Microstructure of laser clad TiC/NiAl-Ni3(Al,Ti,C) wear resistant intermetallic matrix composite coating.Materials Letters, 2003;57: 2029-2036. (SCI IF=3.204)






2007年获美国自然科学基金委员会“NSF Fellowship Award for Inspiring the Coalesence of Fundamental and Application Specific Functional Nanomaterial Development”




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