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圣路易斯华盛顿大学Phillip Gould教授作学术报告:Multihazard Analysis and Design for Conventional Structures

时间:2015-10-23 来源:机电学院 点击:1451

Multihazard Analysis and Design for Conventional Structures

Phillip L. Gould, PhD., P.E., S.E, F.SEI, Dist. M.ASCE

Washington University and St. Louis University, St. Louis MO USA 63117(pgoul@seas.wustl.edu)





The essential characteristics of earthquake, blast and tornado loadings, as they affect the capacity of conventional structures, are briefly described. For each loading case, the impact of a significant event on a substantial structure is used to illustrate selected aspects of the structural performance. The response to these events and their consequences are reviewed, similarities to and differences from the requirements on popular lateral load-resisting system requirements will be discussed, and multihazard commonality characteristics are suggested. Also the application of contemporary nonlinear analysis techniques is presented.


Phillip Gould, Ph.D., P.E.

Distinguished Adjunct Professor St.Louis University

Senior Professor Washington University

Phillip L. Gould joined Washington University in 1966 after completing his B.S. and M.S at the University of Illinois, enjoying a short but rewarding career as a structural engineer, and finishing doctoral studies at Northwestern University. He was the Harold D. Jolley Professor of Civil Engineering from 1981 until 2010, served as department chair for 20 years and is now a Senior Professor.

Research Areas

His research activities have centered on shell analysis with applications to finite element modeling, biomedical engineering, earthquake engineering, and the structural design of thin-shell structures. Dr. Gould is the author of numerous papers and several books, is the founding editor of the prestigious journal, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES and has served as a consultant to industry and to governmental organizations.

Awards and Honors

He received a U.S. Senior Scientist Award from the Alexander V. Humboldt Foundation in Germany for his research on thin-shell structures where he was engaged in the advancement of hyperbolic cooling tower technology. For his research and professional activities, he received an award for outstanding service from the national ASCE and he was also recognized by the St. Louis Section with their highest honor, the Professional Recognition Award for lifetime service and the rarely bestowed Otto Nuttli Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Award. Recently, he was elected a Distinguished Member of ASCE and presented the Alfred E. Alquist Special Recognition Award by the EERI.