蔡桓 副教授(特聘)

蔡桓,www.优德88.cpm 青年特聘教授、硕士研究生导师。2020年于丹麦哥本哈根大学获生物医学博士学位,2020年至2023在瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院血液和再生医学研究所从事博士后研究。欧洲自由基学会和英国基质生物学会会员,瑞典获Incyte北欧血液学研究基金(2021)和KI研究基金(2022)资助。202310月起任职www.优德88.cpm 转化医学研究院。






1.Cai, H.#, M. Kondo#, L. Sandhow, P. Xiao, A. S. Johansson, T. Sasaki, J. Zawacka-Pankau, K. Tryggvason, J. Ungerstedt, J. Walfridsson, M. Ekblom, and H. Qian*. "Critical Role of Lama4 for Hematopoiesis Regeneration and Acute Myeloid Leukemia Progression."Blood139, no. 20 (May 19 2022): 3040-57.封面文章

2.Dolinska, M.#,Cai, H.# A. Mansson#, J. Shen, P. Xiao, T. Bouderlique, X. Li, E. Leonard, M. Chang, Y. Gao, J. P. Medina, M. Kondo, L. Sandhow, A. S. Johansson, S. Deneberg, S. Soderlund, M. Jadersten, J. Ungerstedt, M. Tobiasson, A. Ostman, S. Mustjoki, L. Stenke, K. Le Blanc, E. Hellstrom-Lindberg, S. Lehmann, M. Ekblom, U. Olsson-Stromberg, M. Sigvardsson, and H. Qian*. "Characterization of the Bone Marrow Niche in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Identifies Cxcl14 as a New Therapeutic Option."Blood142, no. 1 (Jul 6 2023): 73-89.

3. Cai, H., C. Y. Chuang, S. Vanichkitrungruang, C. L. Hawkins, and M. J. Davies*. "Hypochlorous Acid-Modified Extracellular Matrix Contributes to the Behavioral Switching of Human Coronary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells."Free Radic Biol Med134 (Apr 2019): 516-26.

4.Sandhow, L.,Cai, H, E. Leonard, P. Xiao, L. Tomaipitinca, A. Mansson, M. Kondo, X. Sun, A. S. Johansson, K. Tryggvason, M. Kasper, M. Jaras, and H. Qian. "Skin Mesenchymal Niches Maintain and Protect Aml-Initiating Stem Cells."J Exp Med220, no. 10 (Oct 2 2023).

5. Cai, H.#, Y. Jiang#, S. Zhang, N. N. Cai, W. Q. Zhu, R. Yang, B. Tang, Z. Y. Li, and X. M. Zhang*. "Culture Bovine Prospermatogonia with 2i Medium."Andrologia53, no. 6 (Jul 2021): e14056.

6. Cai, H., B. Tang, J. Y. Wu, X. X. Zhao, Z. Z. Wang, X. L. An, L. X. Lai, Z. Y. Li, and X. M. Zhang*. "Enrichment and in Vitro Features of the Putative Gonocytes from Cryopreserved Testicular Tissue of Neonatal Bulls."Andrology4, no. 6 (Nov 2016): 1150-58.

7. Cai, H.#, J. Y. Wu#, X. L. An, X. X. Zhao, Z. Z. Wang, B. Tang, Z. P. Yue, Z. Y. Li, and X. M. Zhang*. "Enrichment and Culture of Spermatogonia from Cryopreserved Adult Bovine Testis Tissue."Anim Reprod Sci166 (Mar 2016): 109-15.

8.Nybo, T.,Cai, H. C. Y. Chuang, L. F. Gamon, A. Rogowska-Wrzesinska, and M. J. Davies*. "Chlorination and Oxidation of Human Plasma Fibronectin by Myeloperoxidase-Derived Oxidants, and Its Consequences for Smooth Muscle Cell Function."Redox Biol19 (Oct 2018): 388-400.

9.Shu, N., P. Hagglund,Cai, H., C. L. Hawkins, and M. J. Davies*. "Modification of Cys Residues in Human Thioredoxin-1 by P-Benzoquinone Causes Inhibition of Its Catalytic Activity and Activation of the Ask1/P38-Mapk Signalling Pathway."Redox Biol29 (Jan 2020): 101400.

10.Zhang, X. M., S. Anwar, Y. Kim, J. Brown, I. Comte,Cai, H., N. N. Cai, R. Wade-Martins, and F. G. Szele*. "The A30p Alpha-Synuclein Mutation Decreases Subventricular Zone Proliferation."Hum Mol Genet28, no. 14 (Jul 15 2019): 2283-94.