时玉舫 教授

时玉舫,教授,国家特聘专家,国家自然基金委杰出青年;国家973研究计划总体组成员;国家973重大研究计划生殖与发育专项召集人;国家973重大研究计划首席科学家;国家重点研发计划首席科学家;国际细胞治疗学会MSC分会专家组成员。1982年获山东农学院学士学位;1992年获加拿大阿尔伯塔大学免疫学博士学位;2012年晋升为新泽西医科大学终身正教授和特聘大学教授;2008年至2014年担任中科院健康www.优德88.cpm 所研究员,所长;20147月加盟www.优德88.cpm ,任转化医学研究院院长和特聘教授,同时任www.优德88.cpm 附属第一医院副院长。时玉舫长期从事免疫与干细胞研究,在探索免疫稳态维持和组织再生修复的细胞与分子机制等方面取得了一系列原创性、突破性和引领性成果,先后在在NatureScienceNature Review Drug DiscoveryImmunityNature ImmunologyNature MedicineCell Stem CellNature Reviews NephrologyScience AdvancesNature CommunicationsPNAS等国际知名学术期刊发表SCI收录的研究论文350余篇,所发表文章的他引50,000余次,h-index94,连续多年列为中国高被引用学者。目前担任Cell Death and Disease杂志主编(Editor-in-Chief);Oncogene副主编(Associate Editor);Cell Death and Differentiation编审(Receiving Editor);Stem Cell Research and Therapy副主编;Cell and Bioscience副主编;Advanced Science副主编(Executive Board)等。













1.SHI YF, Sahai BM and Green DR*. Cyclosporin A inhibits activation-induced cell death in T-cell hybridomas and thymocytes.NATURE. 1989; 339(6226): 625-626.

2.SHI YF, Glynn JM, Guilbert LJ, Cotter TG, Bissonnette RP and Green DR*. Role for c-myc in activation-induced apoptotic cell death in T cell hybridomas.SCIENCE. 1992; 257(5067): 212-214.

3.Yin D, Mufson RA, Wang R andSHI YF*. Fas-mediated cell death promoted by opioids.NATURE.1999; 397(6716): 218.

4.Devadas S, Das J, Liu C, Zhang L, Roberts AI, Pan Z, Moore PA, Das G,SHI YF*. Granzyme B is critical for T cell receptor-induced cell death of type 2 helper T cells.IMMUNITY. 2006; 25(2): 237-247.

5.Das J, Eynott P, Jupp R, Bothwell A, Van Kaer L,SHI YF* and Das G. Natural killer T cells and CD8+T cells are dispensable for T cell-dependent allergic airway inflammation.NATURE MEDICINE. 2006; 12(12): 1345-1347.

6.Yin D, Tuthill D, Mufson RA,SHI YF*. Chronic restraint stress promotes lymphocyte apoptosis by modulating CD95 expression.JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE.2000;191(8):1423-1428.

7.Xu G, Zhang L, Ren G, Yuan Z, Zhang Y, Zhao RC,SHI Y*. Immunosuppressive properties of cloned bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.CELL RESEARCH. 2007; 17(3): 240-248.

8.Ren G, Zhao X, Wang Y, Zhang X, Chen X, Xu C, Yuan Z, Roberts A, Zhang L, Zheng B, Wen T, Han Y, Rabson A, Tischfield J, Shao C,SHI YF*. CCR2-dependent recruitment of macrophages by tumor-educated mesenchymal stromal cells promotes tumor development and is mimicked by TNFα.CELL STEM CELL. 2012; 11(6): 812-824.

9.Wang Y, Chen X, Cao W,SHI Y*. Plasticity of mesenchymal stem cells in immunomodulation: pathological and therapeutic implications.NATURE IMMUNOLOGY. 2014; 15(11): 1009-1016.

10.Zheng C, Yang Q, Xua C, Shou P, Cao J, Jiang M, Chen Q, Cao G, Han Y, Li F, Cao W, Zhang L, Zhang L,SHI YF*, and Wang Y*. CD11b regulates obesity-induced insulin resistance via limiting alternative activation and proliferation of adipose tissue macrophages.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2015; 112(52): E7239-E7248.

11.SHI YF, Du L, Lin L, Wang Y*. Tumour-associated mesenchymal stem/stromal cells: emerging therapeutic targets.NATURE REVIEWS DRUG DISCOVERY. 2017; 16(1): 35-52.

12.Du L, Lin L, Li Q, Liu K, Huang Y, Wang X, Cao K, Chen X, Cao W, Li F, Shao C, Wang Y*,SHI YF*. IGF-2 preprograms maturing macrophages to acquire oxidative phosphorylation-dependent anti-inflammatory properties.CELL METABOLISM. 2019; 29(6): 1363-1375.

13.Liu K, Lin L, Li Q, Xue Y, Zheng F, Wang G, Zheng C, Du L, Hu M, Shao C, Kong X, Melino G,SHI YF*, Wang Y*. Scd1 controls de novo beige fat biogenesis through succinate-dependent regulation of mitochondrial complex II.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2020; 117(5): 2462-2472.

14.Wang X, Lin L, Lan B, Wang Y, Du L, Chen X, Li Q, Liu K, Hu M, Xue Y, Roberts AI, Shao C, Melino G,SHI Y*, Wang Y*. IGF2R-initiated proton rechanneling dictates an anti-inflammatory property in macrophages.SCIENCE ADVANCES. 2020; 6(48): eabb7389.

15.Gan Y, Zhang T, Chen X, Cao W, Lin L, Du L, Wang Y, Zhou F, He X, He Y, Gan J, Sheng H, Sorokin L,Shi Y*, Wang Y*. Steroids Enable Mesenchymal Stromal Cells to Promote CD8+ T Cell Proliferation Via VEGF-C.Adv Sci (Weinh).2021 Sep 28;15(9):14162-14173.

16.Zheng Z, Li YN, Jia S, Zhu M, Cao L, Tao M, Jiang J, Zhan S, Chen Y, Gao PJ, Hu W, Wang Y*, Shao C*,Shi Y*. Lung mesenchymal stromal cells influenced by Th2 cytokines mobilize neutrophils and facilitate metastasis by producing complement C3.Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):6202.

17.Han Y, Yang J, Fang J, Zhou Y, Candi E, Wang J, Hua D, Shao C*,Shi Y*. The secretion profile of mesenchymal stem cells and potential applications in treating human diseases.Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2022;7(1):92.

18.Wang Y, Fang J, Liu B, Shao C,Shi Y*. Reciprocal regulation of mesenchymal stem cells and immune responses.Cell Stem Cell. 2022;29(11):1515-1530.

19.Lin L, Hu M, Li Q, Du L, Lin L, Xue Y, Zheng F, Wang F, Liu K, Wang Y, Ye J, Jiang X, Wang X, Wang J, Zhai J, Liu B, Xie H, You Y, Wang J, Kong X, Feng D, Green DR,Shi Y*, Wang Y*. Oleic acid availability impacts thymocyte preprogramming and subsequent peripheral T(reg) cell differentiation.Nat Immunol.2024 Jan;25(1):54-65.

20.Wang Y, Xu M, Sun J, Li X, Shi H, Wang X, Liu B, Zhang T, Jiang X, Lin L, Li Q, Huang Y, Liang Y, Hu M, Zheng F, Zhang F, Sun J,Shi Y*, Wang Y*. Glycolytic neutrophils accrued in the spleen compromise anti-tumour T cell immunity in breast cancer.Nat Metab. 2023;5(8):1408-22.