
转化医学研究院是直属www.优德88.cpm 的独立科研机构,致力于搭建基础研究与临床研究和医药产业间的合作平台,以推动疾病治疗策略的优化与创新。研究院从免疫学、干细胞和肿瘤生物学等基础研究入手,充分利用www.优德88.cpm 及其附属医院研究专长和临床资源,并紧密结合苏州市乃至江苏省的发展优势,实现基础研究向临床诊治新策略和产品的转化。


研究院将通过不断引进国际一流人才,组建一个具有世界先进水平的创新性转化医学研究团队。现有教职员工12人(含博士后),其中欧洲科学院院士1人、“国家级人才计划”项目获得者1人、国家特聘专家1人、外国资深学者1人、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者1人、国家优秀青年科学基金获得者1人,江苏省杰出青年基金获得者2人,973首席科学家2人。研究院的特聘教授已作为首席科学家承担多项国家级科研项目,包括国家科技重大专项、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)等,截止目前研究院已承担各级各类项目47项,总经费约8257万元;其研究工作发表在Advanced ScienceCell Stem CellCell MetabolismNature ImmunologyNature communicationsNature Reviews Drug DiscoveryNature Reviews Nephrology等国际顶尖学术杂志上,并多次受邀在国际重大学术会议上作大会报告。此外,他们还担任Cell Death and Diseases主编、OncogeneCell Death and Differentiation审稿主编,同时出任多个杂志的副主编和编委


转化医学研究院将利用www.优德88.cpm 和苏州市的独特资源,发挥优势,集中攻关,逐步发展成为国际一流的生物医学研究机构,为国家转化医学研究事业的发展做出贡献,以实现造福国民健康的神圣使命。

The Institutes for Translational Medicine (ITM) is an independent research facility under the direct administration of Soochow University. Its mission is to accelerate the advancements in strategies for patient care and health enhancement through bridging university-wide foundation in basic research with clinicians, patients, and the pharmaceutical industry. By soliciting expertise in various research enterprises across all campuses of Soochow University and affiliated hospitals, the ITM strives for excellence in translating discoveries from basic research in immunology, stem cell and cancer biology into novel therapeutic strategies and new products. In addition, by developing close ties with various government agencies, organizations and enterprises, ITM is expected to contribute to social and economic advancement locally and nationally.

The ITM is devoted to basic and translational research focusing on autoimmune diseases, cancer, metabolic diseases and as well as other common debilitating diseases. Four research platforms will be established to help accomplish the mission of the ITM: stem cell and regenerative medicine, immunology and related therapeutics, novel diagnostic techniques, and targeted and personalized medicine.

The ITM will recruit the best international talents to build a world class research team. The current faculty members include member of Academia Europaea, Chief Scientist of the “973” Program, and National Distinguished Expert, NSFC- International Senior Scientist, NSFC-Excellent Young Scientist, among others. ITM has been awarded numerous national research grants, such as the National Key Basic Research Project of China (“973” Program), NSFC key projects and international cooperation projects. Up to now, ITM has undertaken 47 projects of various levels. In recent years, the faculty members have published in various top academic journals, such asAdvanced Science, Cell Stem Cell, Cell Metabolism, Nature Immunology,Nature CommunicationsandNature ReviewNephrology. They are frequently invited to give speeches at international meetings. They also provide journal editorial services as Editor-in-Chief, Receiving Editor, and Associate Editor forCell Death and Disease,Oncogene, andCell Death & Differentiation, as well as serving on the editorial boards of many other international journals.

ITM is a major member unit of the State Key Laboratory of Radiological Medicine and Radiation Protection. It also houses Suzhou Key Laboratory of Tissue Microenvironment. It was designated as Jiangsu International Joint Laboratory for Tissue Regeneration and Functional Remodeling in 2021, and awarded the Suzhou Foreign Academician Workstation in 2022.

With the unique resources of Soochow University and the social, cultural and economic environment of Suzhou, the Institute for Translational Medicine is well positioned to achieve its mission and to become an internationally known biomedical research institution.