Vaccine and biopharmaceutical Advances and scientific challenges

Publisher:滕昕辰Release time:2023-11-15Views:15

Topic: Vaccine and biopharmaceutical Advances and scientific challenges

Speaker: Professor Quanming Zou

Host: Professor Xuechu Zhen

Time: 15:30, October 27, 2023

Location: Conference Room 2108, Yunxuan Building

About the speaker

Prof. Quanming Zou is the director of the National Immunological Product Engineering Technology Research Center. He is a member of the Pharmaceutical Science Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, a member of the National Pharmacopoeia Committee, the vice-chairman of the Biochemistry and Biotechnology Drug Special Committee of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, and the chairman of the Bacterial Infection and Vaccine Research Special Committee of the Chinese Vaccine Industry Association. He has been engaged in the research of original biopharmaceuticals and vaccine development, and the pathogenic mechanism of super drug-resistant bacteria. He has published 147 SCI papers in high-profile journals like Lancet, Gastroenterology, Gut, and Nature Communications. He has been awarded the National Technology Invention Second Prize, the Outstanding Contribution Award of the National Science and Technology Plan Implementation, the First Prize for Technology Invention in Chongqing City, and the First Prize for Natural Science in Chongqing City.