Unravelling cell signaling and nuclear events using the 4C quantitative PTM proteomics and Biomolecular Modulomics

Publisher:滕昕辰Release time:2023-09-25Views:10

Topic:Unravelling cell signaling and nuclear events using the 4C quantitative PTM proteomics and Biomolecular Modulomics

Speaker: Professor Ning Li (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK, China)

Time: 9:00-10:00, Sep 29, 2023

Location: Conference Room 2108, Yunxuan Building


Terrestrial plants have evolved sophisticated sensing systems and flexible adaptive abilities to capture sunlight and to develop resistance to both biotic and abiotic stresses in order to survive in versatile environments. To unravel the cell signal transduction pathways mediating blue light, touch, rain, wind signaling in plants, we have developed the stable isotope labeling-based 4C quantitative PTM proteomics (phosphorpoteomics and biotinylproteomics) and applied them onto a model eukaryotic organism Arabidopsis plant and discovered BLEPH1, TREPH1 and WIRK1 signaling components that play a role either in mechano-response or/and tropic responses of Arabidopsis.

To address the nuclear events occurred in response to stress hormone signals, we also developed a 4C quantitative biomolecular modulomics (or called CHAMPION approach) tocapture both nuclear protein complexes and nuclear bodies, to construct the topological architecture of protein interaction modules and signals-triggered module variants in nucleome and to map the protein compositions of biomolecular condensates present in nucleus. This CHAMPION approach allows us for the first time to test the idea of modular cell biology concepts.

(Supporting grants: 31370315, 31570187, 31870231, 32070205 from the National Science Foundation of China and16102422, 16103621, 16101114, 16103817, 16103615,16100318, 16101819, 16101920 from the RGC of Hong Kong).


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