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吴德沛教授、郑慧教授课题组在European Journal of Immunology杂志发表封面研究论文

作者: 访问量:350 发布时间:2021-02-07

2021年1月,吴德沛教授、郑慧教授课题组在《European Journal of Immunology》杂志发表最新研究成果“BRCC36 functions noncatalytically topromote antiviral response by maintaining STAT1 protein stability”。该研究证明去泛素化酶BRCC3通过维持STAT1蛋白稳定性从而促进抗病毒免疫应答。


原文摘要:Viral infection is a seriousthreat to both normal population and clinical patients. STAT1 plays centralroles in host defense against viral infection. How STAT1 protein maintainsstable in different conditions remains largely unknown. Here, we identifiedBRCC36 as a potent regulator of STAT1 protein stability. Mechanistically,BRCC36 maintains STAT1 levels by utilizing USP13 to form a balanced complex forantagonizing Smurf1-mediated degradation. Importantly, cellular BRCC36deficiency results in rapid downregulation of STAT1 during viral infection,whereas a supplement of BRCC36 maintains STAT1 protein levels and hostantiviral immunity in vivo. Moreover, we revealed that BRCC36 expression wasdownregulated in allogeneic HSC transplantation (allo-HSCT) mice that showedincreased susceptibility to viral infection. Supplementing BRCC36 enhancedantiviral response of allo-HSCT mice by maintaining STAT1 stability. This studyuncovers a critical role of BRCC36 in STAT1 protein stability and could providepotential strategies for enhancing clinical antiviral therapy.


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