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吴德沛教授、刘海燕教授课题组在Frontiers in Immunology杂志发表研究论文

作者: 访问量:345 发布时间:2018-11-26

2018年11月,我所吴德沛教授、刘海燕教授研究团队在Frontiers in Immunology杂志以研究论文形式发表了关于急性移植物抗宿主病(aGVHD)的最新研究成果“IL-17C mitigates murine acutegraft-versus-host disease by promoting intestinal barrier functions and Tregdifferentiation”。该研究系国际上首次报道IL-17家族成员IL-17C在异基因造血干细胞移植后急性移植物抗宿主病中的作用。吴德沛教授和刘海燕教授为该文的通讯作者。



原文摘要: Acutegraft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) is one of the major complications and resultsin high mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(allo-HSCT). IL-17C is involved in many inflammatory immune disorders. However,the role of IL-17C in aGVHD remains unknown. Here we demonstrated that IL-17Cdeficiency in the graft significantly promoted alloreactive T cell responsesand induced aggravated aGVHD compared with wildtype donors in a fullyMHC-mismatched allo-HSCT model. In contrast, IL-17C overexpression amelioratedaGVHD. IL-17C deficiency increased intestinal epithelial permeability andelevated inflammatory cytokine production, leading to an enhanced aGVHDprogression. Tregs was reduced in recipients of IL-17C-/-graft,whilst restored after IL-17C overexpression. Decreased Treg differentiation wasabrogated after neutralizing IFN-γ, but not IL-6. Moreover, depletion of Tregsdiminished the protective effect of IL-17C. Of note, patients with low IL-17Cexpression displayed higher aGVHD incidence together with poor overallsurvival, thereby IL-17C could be an independent risk factor for aGVHDdevelopment. Our results are the first demonstrating the protective role ofIL-17C in aGVHD by promoting intestinal barrier functions and Tregdifferentiation in a MHC fully mismatched murine aGVHD model. IL-17C may serveas a novel biomarker and potential therapeutic target for aGVHD.


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