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www.优德88.cpm 造血干细胞移植研究所





1995-2000年 www.优德88.cpm 临床医学 学士

2003-2006年 www.优德88.cpm 内科学硕士

2010-2014年 www.优德88.cpm 内科学博士


2000-2007年 www.优德88.cpm 附属第一医院 血液科 住院医师、助教

2007-2012年 www.优德88.cpm 附属第一医院 血液科 主治医师、讲师

2012-2014年 美国密歇根大学附属肿瘤中心 访问学者

2012-2018年 www.优德88.cpm 附属第一医院 血液科 副主任师、讲师

2018-至今www.优德88.cpm 附属第一医院 血液科 主任医师、副教授






(1)Wang Y, Wu D, Sun A, et al.Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for patients with chronicmyeloid leukemia in second chronic phase attained by imatinib after onset ofblast crisis. Int J Hematol. 2008;87(2):167-71.

(2)Wang Y, Xue MX, Wu XH, et al.Successful treatment of relapsed Philadelphia chromosome-positive acutelymphoblastic leukemia with T315I mutation after haplo-identical hematopoieticstem cell transplantation with donor lymphocyte transfusion andinterferon-alpha-2b. Leuk Res. 2009;33(8):e111-3.

(3)Wang Y, Chen F, Han Y, et al.Partially matched related hematopoietic stem cell transplantation without exvivo T cell depletion compared with matched unrelated transplantation in adultpatients with hematologic malignancies. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant.2009;15(10):1258-64.

(4)Wang Y, Li W, Chen S, et al.Salvage chemotherapy with low-dose cytarabine and aclarubicin in combinationwith granulocyte colony-stimulating factor priming in patients with refractoryor relapsed acute myeloid leukemia with translocation (8;21). Leuk Res.2011;35(5):604-7.

(5)Wang Y, Chen F, Gu B, et al.Mesenchymal stromal cells as an adjuvant treatment for severe late-onsethemorrhagic cystitis after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.Acta Haematol. 2015;133(1):72-7.

(6)Sun Y#,WangY#, Toubai T, et al. BET bromodomain inhibition suppressesgraft-versus-host disease after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in mice.Blood. 2015;125(17):2724-8.

(7)Li H, Chen J, Shi B, Chen X, Wu D,Wang Y.Pretransplant serum FT3 levels in recipients predict earlynon-relapse mortality after myeloablative allogeneic haematopoietic celltransplantation from matched sibling donors. Hematology. 2018;23(1):38-43.

(8)Li WY#,WangY#,Chen SN, et al. Consolidation therapy with decitabine andintermediate-dose cytarabine followed by HLA-mismatched peripheral blood stemcells infusion for older patients with acute myeloid leukemia in firstremission. Leuk Lymphoma.2018;59(7):1652-8.

(9)Shi S, Han J, Yao Y, Xu Y, Wu D,Wang Y. Successful prevention of severe allergic transfusionreactions with omalizumab. Transfusion. 2020;60(7):1639-42.

(10)Meng T, Yao Y, Xu Y, XueS, Han Y, Tang X, Qiu H, Sun A, Wu D, Zhang Y,Wang Y. Salvage therapy with decitabine in combination with G-CSF,low-dose cytarabine and aclarubicin in patients with refractory or relapsedearly T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Hematol Oncol.2020;38(5):834-7.

(11)Meng T, Qi J, Zhu Y, XuY, Chen F, Xue S, Miao M, Chen S, Han Y, Tang X, Qiu H, Sun A, Wu D,Wang Y. Impact of disease status atallogeneic stem cell transplantation on adolescent and young adult patientswith early T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Hematol Oncol. 2021;39(3):358-3.

(12)Shen Y, Qi J, Chen J, XuY, Chen F, Ma X, Miao M, Xue S, Qiu H, Tang X, Han Y, Chen S, Sun A, Wu D,Wang Y.Allogeneic hematopoietic stemcell transplantation from nonsibling 10/10 HLA-matched related donors: asingle-center experience. Haematologica. 2021;106(11):3017-20.

(13)Wang Y, Shen Y, Qi J,Chen J, Xu Y, Chen F, Ma X, Miao M, Xue S, Qiu H, Tang X, Han Y, Chen S, Sun A,Zhang Y, Wu D,Wang Y. Prognostic impact of Auer rods for cytoreductivechemotherapy and myeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation in adultpatients with myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts-2. Ann Hematol.2022;101(7):1611-1615.


1. 2015年,王荧(10/10),造血干细胞移植治疗恶性血液肿瘤关键技术的优化和推广,中华医学会中华医学科技奖,二等奖

2. 2011年,王荧(4/10)异基因造血干细胞移植相关并发症的研究,教育部科学技术进步二等奖

3. 2010年,王荧(4/9)单倍型混合造血干细胞移植的研究及应用,苏州市科学技术进步奖二等奖


1. 2017-2020年,国家自然科学基金面上项目;

2. 2011-2013年,苏州市科技计划项目


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