

www.优德88.cpm 特聘教授

杨鑫,山东青岛人。2014年于西北农林科技大学获学士学位,2019年于北京大学获得遗传学博士学位,师从罗建沅教授,2019-2024年在美国纽约哥伦比亚大学进行博士后工作,合作导师是顾伟教授。20245月加入www.优德88.cpm 生物医学研究院(IBMS)任教授、课题组长。长期从事代谢调控细胞命运与疾病研究,主要聚焦1)脂质代谢调控细胞死亡机制研究;2)细胞响应代谢应激决定疾病发生发展研究;3)肿瘤遗传学与代谢重塑。近五年在Cell Metabolism20232024),Molecular Cell2019),Nature Communications20212024),Science Advances2021),Cancer Research2018),Oncogene20192022),EMBO Reports2020)等期刊发表多篇高质量文章。






1.Yang X#, Wang Z, Samovich SN, Kapralov AA, Amoscato AA, Tyurin VA, Dar HH, Li Z, Duan S, Kon N, Chen D, Tycko B, Zhang Z, Jiang X, Bayir H, Stockwell BR, Kagan VE, and Gu W*. PHLDA2-mediated phosphatidic acid peroxidation triggers a distinct ferroptotic response during tumor suppression.Cell Metabolism. 2024, 36(4), 762-777(IF=29).

2. Wang Z#,Yang X#, Chen D, Liu Y, Li Z, Duan S, Zhang Z, Jiang X, Stockwell BR, and Gu W*. GAS41 is an important target for activating ferroptosis by anchoring NRF2 on chromatin.Nature Communications.2024, 15(1):2531(IF=16.6).

3.Yang X#, Wang Z#, Zandkarimi F, Liu Y, Duan S, Li Z, Kon N, Zhang Z, Jiang X, Stockwell BR, and Gu W*. Regulation of VKORC1L1 is critical for p53-mediated tumor suppression through vitamin K metabolism.Cell Metabolism. 2023, 35(8):1474-1490.(IF=29).被选为Cell Metabolism杂志20238月刊封面文章。

4. Wang Z#,Yang X#, Liu C, Li X, Zhang B, Wang B, Zhang Y, Song C, Zhang T, Zhang Y, Zhang B, Liu M, Liu B, Ren M, Jiang H, Zou J, Liu X, Zhang H, Zhu W-G, Yin Y, Zhang Z, Gu W, and Luo J*. Acetylation of PHF5A modulates stress responses and colorectal carcinogenesis through alternative splicing mediated upregulation of KDM3A.Molecular Cell. 2019, 74(6), 1250-1263.(IF=16).

5.Yang X#, Wang X, Li Z, Duan S, Li H, Jin J, Zhang Z, and Gu W*. An unexpected role for Dicer as a reader of the unacetylated DNA binding domain of p53 in transcriptional regulation.Science advances. 2021, 7(44):eabi6684.(IF=13.6).

6.Yang X#, Wang Z, Li X, Liu B, Liu M, Liu L, Chen S, Ren M, Wang Y, Yu M, Wang B, Zou J, Zhu W-G, Yin Y, Gu W, and Luo J*. SHMT2 desuccinylation by SIRT5 drives cancer cell proliferation.Cancer Research. 2018, 78(2):372-386.(IF=11.2).

7.Yang X#, Duan S#, Li Z, Wang Z, Zhang Z, and Gu W*. Protocol of CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screens for identifying ferroptosis regulators.STAR Protocols. 2023, 4(4):102762.

8.Yang X#, Liu B, Zhu W-G, and Luo J*. SIRT5, functions in cellular metabolism with a multiple enzymatic activities.Science China Life Science. 2015,58(9):912-914.(IF=9.1).

